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BMW Wants to Buy KTM, Move Production to India: Rumor

KTM has agreed to a court-supervised restructuring, and rumor has it BMW may be an interested buyer should the company's own plan to avoid bankruptcy disintegrate.


Austrian maker of motorcycles and other thrilling machines with wheels, KTM, is not in great shape at the moment. Its parent company, Pierer Mobility, which also owns Husqvarna’s motorcycle business, agreed to court-supervised restructuring to avoid bankruptcy just last week. Creditors are due to vote on the restructuring plan on Tuesday; if they don’t approve it, Pierer will find itself back at square one, where a familiar name may be waiting in the wings to scoop up the company and its brands.

Yes, Austrian outlet oe24 reports that name is BMW Motorrad, which evidently has the endorsement of Pierer’s insolvency administrator. BMW, for its part, dismissed the claim as “purely speculation” to RideApart earlier today. But the part of BMW’s supposed plan that’s garnered the most attention is the rumor that it would close KTM’s headquarters in Mattighofen, Upper Austria, and relocate R&D to Germany while sending all manufacturing to India. KTM already builds some models in India as well as China, but the vast majority of its products are made in Austria.




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