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Xpeng G6 2024

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XPeng G6 electric fastback SUV unveiled in China with 487 hp




Previously, the XPeng G6 was known by its code name, F30. It will soon become the fifth EV in the brand’s model line. As for the dimensions of the G6, they are 4753/1920/1650 mm with a wheelbase of 2890 mm. For an example, it is 97 mm shorter, 45 mm narrower and 64 mm lower than the current generation of the Nio EC6. The G6’s curb weight differs from 1995 kg to 2100 kg, depending on the powertrain. It also has 235/60 R18, or 255/45 R20 wheels. As for the departure angles, they are 16 and 20 degrees, respectively.

The XPeng G6 will be available with rear-wheel drive or four-wheel drive. Its base version goes standard with a single electric motor for 218 kW (296 hp). As for the four-wheel-drive version, it is called ‘Performance’ and is equipped with two electric motors with a combined power of 358 kW (487 hp). Regardless of the powertrain, the G6’s top speed reaches 202 km/h. Worth mentioning that all the electric motors are manufactured by Wuhan XPeng Intelligent Manufacturing.



Speaking about the batteries, their capacity is yet to be revealed. But we do know that they are ternary (NMC) or LFP made by CALB Group. The XPeng G9 uses the batteries from the same supplier. Their capacity is 78.2-98 kWh.

The XPeng G6 is ready for the mass production if China. It seems that it will hit the market soon this year. 





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Xpeng G6 mid-size electric SUV arrived at Shanghai Auto Show for its public debut. It is built on Xpeng’s second-generation platform, SEPA 2.0, and supports 800V fast charging. G6 is the first EV sitting on SEPA 2.0.

The electric coupe SUV will come with a single-motor RWD and dual-motor 4WD version. The single motor will have 218 kW and 440 Nm, and the dual engine will add 140 kW to that, having a combined power of 358 kW (460 HP) with a peak torque of 660 Nm.

In terms of dimensions, its length, width, and height are 4753/1920/1650mm, respectively, and the wheelbase is 2890mm. The top trim level will feature lidar, and all cars will have an optional XNGP self-driving system,

The battery supplier is CALB (CATL’s Chinese competitor), and the entry-level version is supposed to get an LFP battery. In contrast, the top trim level version will have a ternary NMC battery.

The battery capacity wasn’t officially announced, but from the leaks, we understand that the entry-level model will have LFP 66 kWh pack good for a 590 CLTC range, and higher trims will have NMC 87.5 kWh pack good for a 780 km CLTC range with signal motor and 700 km range with the dual motor.

Xpeng claims it can get 300 km with a 10-minute charge thanks to its 800V high voltage SiC platform and 3C battery technology.

“The G6 uses advanced technology that integrates the battery into the car body for improved driving control, safety, and noise reduction. This technology also enhances the car’s body rigidity to meet high safety standards in China, North America, and Europe. Additionally, the G6’s chassis has been optimized by a German team for better performance,” says Xpeng in a press release sent after the official presentation.


Al momento previsto solo per il mercato cinese.



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  • j ha modificato il titolo in [CHN] Xpeng G6 Coupe 2023

Una Tesla che ha copulato con una Porsche, ma nel complesso non male :lol:

Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street

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On 20/4/2023 at 09:43, madmaf scrive:

Una Tesla che ha copulato con una Porsche, ma nel complesso non male :lol:


Aggiungi anche Mustang Mach-E per la soluzione del tetto.

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