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Polestar 4's lack of rear window helps safety, EV maker says
The premium midsize SUV is expected to be Polestar's No. 2-seller globally in 2025, with a volume of 79,000.

SHANGHAI -- Polestar's latest model, the Polestar 4, will have no rear window and no rearview mirror. Instead, the driver will rely on a high-definition screen that shows a real-time feed from a roof-mounted, rear-facing camera.

Polestar says the digital feed, which can be deactivated to allow drivers to see rear occupants, will improve safety, especially at night.

"This is an amazing functional improvement to have the back window removed," Polestar CEO Thomas Ingenlath said. "At night you don't just see two tiny dots in the rearview mirror, you see so much more. And you can also look to see your kids back there with the press of a button."

The design element was first shown in the 2020 Polestar Precept concept car.

Because there is no back window, the Polestar 4's panoramic roof extends past the heads of the rear occupants, who are able to recline their seats. The standard full-length glass roof is available with optional electrochromic functionality, allowing for the glass to be made opaque or transparent, depending on the mood

The Polestar 4, which the automaker calls a reinterpretation of the coupe-styled SUV, will be the electric car maker's fastest model when it reaches the European and U.S. markets early next year.

By 2025, the sleek premium midsize SUV is expected to be the brand's No. 2-seller after the Polestar 2.

The automaker revealed the Polestar 4 on Tuesday at the auto show here. China will be the SUV's launch market, with production scheduled to start in Hangzhou Bay at a factory owned by Geely. Polestar's cars are built in Geely and Volvo factories. The two companies co-founded Polestar in 2017 and are strategic partners in the Nasdaq-listed company.

The Polestar 4 will be underpinned by the version of the Sustainable Experience Architecture (SEA) for larger cars. Volvo helped parent Zhejiang Geely Holding to develop SEA, which is will also be used by Smart, Lynk & CO, Zeekr and Baidu.

The Polestar 4's aerodynamics are enhanced by its the low nose, retractable door handles, and air flow optimization around the rear light bar.

In Europe, the Polestar 4 will join a segment led by the Tesla Model Y. Last year the Audi E-tron, Q4 E-tron and BMW iX3 were also among the segment's top 10-sellers, according to figures from market researcher Dataforce.

Fast mover

The Polestar 4's top-of-the-line variant is the long-range, dual electric motor version with a 102-kilowatt-hour battery. Its offer 400 kilowatts (536 hp) of power and 686 newton meters (506 pounds-feet) of torque, giving it 0 to 100 kph (62 mph) time of 3.8 seconds and a top speed of 200 kph (124 mph), the automaker said, adding that the WLTP range is estimated to be 564 km (350 miles).

A disconnect clutch allows the dual motor variant to disengage the front electric motor when not needed, helping to maximize range and efficiency.

The base version of the Polestar 4, which only has one electric motor, at the rear, will offer 200 kilowatts (268 hp) of power and 343 newton meters (253 pounds-feet) of torque, giving it 0 to 100 kph  time of 7.4 seconds and a top speed of 180 kph (112 mph). The automaker said the estimated WLTP range is 600 km (372 miles).

Unlike its sibling models, the Polestar 4 has a 15.4-inch landscape/horizontal infotainment screen in the center of the dashboard.

"The Polestar 4 will take an important role in the portfolio allowing us to reach a wider group of people," Ingenlath said while showing the car to a small group of journalists last month at the automaker's design center near Gothenburg, Sweden.

That is because its starting price in Europe will be 60,000 euros, putting it below the larger Polestar 3 SUV that starts at 88,600 euros in Germany. In the U.S., the Polestar 4 will start at $60,000 while the Polestar 3 starts at $85,300, including shipping.

"The Polestar 4 will be a big part of our 2024 story," Ingenlath said.

The automaker expects to sell 43,000 Polestar 4s next year, according to materials it put together before its stock listing. That number is forecast to rise to 79,000 in 2025, at which point the Polestar 4 will rank at the brand's No. 2-seller behind Polestar 2 premium midsize fastback. The company expects global Polestar 2 sales to reach 104,000 by mid-decade.

"With the Polestar 4 and Polestar 3 we will cover the premium SUV Segment in a full-fledged way, meaning in a price range of 60,000 to 150,000 euros," Ingenlath said.

Adjustable ambient lighting

Polestar design boss Maximilian Missoni said multiple steps were taken to make sure the rear of the car doesn't feel like a cave.

That includes adjustable ambient lighting that is inspired by the solar system, allowing the driver to customize the interior environment.

For instance, picking the plant Mars results in a red-color ambient lighting while orange lighting results when the sun is the chosen color. Along with the color comes a breakdown on the plant or the sun, providing a range of fun facts.

"This is more of Polestar-style approach to lighting, which is what we were aiming for," Missoni said,

The new SUV is also the first Polestar with a 15.4-inch landscape/horizontal infotainment screen in the center of the dashboard rather than a portrait/vertical screen.

The new configuration makes it possible to resize the screen so that it is 100 percent, 50-50, or 30-70. This way it can be shared with a passenger. For example, if the driver only needs a small portion of the screen to see direction from the navigation system that means the passenger can use up to 70 percent of the screen to find a particular artist or song using Spotify.

The SUV has Android Automotive OS with Google built-in, including Google Assistant, Google Maps and Google Play. It also uses the Snapdragon Cockpit Platform from Qualcomm.

3D knitting

The interior and its materials have been designed around the theme of so-called "soft tech," drawing inspiration from the fashion and sportswear industries. Polestar said the aim was to use 3D knitting of a textile made from 100 percent recycled polyester. The material is much like a mesh on a high-end sneaker. It is durable but it is a surface that can have light come through it.

The material was created by Polestar designers together with the Swedish School of Textiles (Borås Textilhögskolan) before being further developed with suppliers.

Fast charging

Up to 200 kW DC and 22 kW AC charging is included for all versions of the Polestar 4. Using AC charging it takes five and half hours to bring the battery from 0 to 100 percent. With DC charging going from 5 to 80 percent takes 32 minutes.

Safety is part of Polestar's DNA thanks to its strong connection to Volvo Cars and these safety genes are built into Polestar 4, which features leading safety technology inside and out – tested to the same exacting standards as all other Polestar cars. Up to nine airbags are included. New partnerships bring intelligent safety technology to the fore, including the SuperVision Advanced Driver Assistance System from Mobileye.

Like Tesla's models, the Polestar 4 has no lidar, which adds cost. Instead the SUV's advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) uses 12 cameras, one radar and 12 ultrasonic sensors, which are standard. This includes a driver monitoring camera, which only relays data and does not record video, to monitor the driver's eyes and head movements to help avoid incidents related to fatigue or incapacitation.

Together with hands-on detection in the steering wheel, the driver monitoring system helps to keep the driver actively engaged in driving, as required.

A 10.2-inch driver display is mounted ahead of the steering column and includes speed, battery and range information. To reduce distraction, a head-up display with 14.7-inch projection area in front of the driver relays key vehicle, telephone and navigation information to the windshield, with the aim of further improving driver attentiveness.





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Molto molto bella, interni minimal, forse troppo, ma meglio di altre pacchianate proposte dalla concorrenza.

L'eliminazione del lunotto mi convince poco, per quanto possano provare a spiegarla continuo ad avere delle perplessità.


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E' cara pure in Cina, e soprattutto rispetto a Model Y, troppo:


The car is available in six versions, including


three single-motor versions prices of RMB 349,800, 387,800 and 417,800

three dual-motor versions prices of RMB 453,800, 483,800 and 533,800 

This price range is significantly higher than that of the Model Y, 

three versions at RMB 261,900, 311,900, and 361,900.

Modificato da Maxwell61
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Polestar espande la sua produzione in Corea del Sud: Polestar 4 sarà prodotta a Busan nel 2025.

GOTHENBURG, SVEZIA - 9 novembre 2023. Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) conferma il prossimo passo nella diversificazione della sua presenza produttiva. La produzione di Polestar 4 a Hangzhou Bay, in Cina, verrà integrata con la produzione a Busan, in Corea del Sud, prevista per la seconda metà del 2025.


È stato raggiunto un accordo tra Polestar, Geely Holding e Renault Korea Motors (RKM), che porterà nello stabilimento RKM di Busan la produzione in appalto di veicoli Polestar 4 per i mercati nordamericano e sudcoreano.


Situato con accesso diretto ai porti di esportazione, lo stabilimento di Busan vanta 23 anni di esperienza nella produzione di veicoli e circa 2.000 dipendenti. Lo stabilimento di Busan mira a ridurre le proprie emissioni di CO2 del 50% entro il 2030 e a diventare carbon neutral entro il 2040, attraverso una combinazione di miglioramenti dell'efficienza energetica e l'adozione di fonti di energia rinnovabili.


L'approccio asset-light di Polestar allo sviluppo e alla produzione le consente di beneficiare della competenza, della flessibilità e della scalabilità dei suoi partner e dei suoi principali azionisti, senza dover investire in strutture proprie.


Thomas Ingenlath, CEO di Polestar, afferma: "Siamo molto felici di compiere il prossimo passo nella diversificazione della nostra impronta produttiva insieme a Geely Holding e Renault Korea Motors, un'azienda che condivide la nostra attenzione sulla qualità e la sostenibilità. Con l'avvio della produzione di Polestar 3 a Chengdu, in Cina, all'inizio del 2024 e in South Carolina, negli Stati Uniti, nell'estate del 2024, avremo presto attività produttive in cinque stabilimenti, in tre Paesi, a sostegno delle nostre ambizioni di crescita globale."


Stéphane Deblaise, CEO di Renault Korea Motors, afferma: "Polestar 4 sarà il primo veicolo completamente elettrico prodotto nello stabilimento di Busan, simbolo del rinnovamento di Renault Korea Motors e della nostra ambiziosa visione del futuro. Siamo molto orgogliosi di questa nuova partnership e siamo grati al marchio Polestar per la sua fiducia".


"Dal punto di vista più ampio, vediamo ulteriori opportunità per Renault Korea Motors nel prossimo futuro, grazie ai nostri forti azionisti, Renault Group e Geely Group."


Polestar 4 è stata presentata per la prima volta al Salone dell'Auto di Shanghai nell'aprile 2023. Il SUV coupé è il secondo SUV della gamma Polestar e, oltre a incorporare spunti di design visti per la prima volta sulle concept car di Polestar, è anche l'auto di produzione Polestar più veloce finora. Polestar 4 si posiziona tra Polestar 2 e Polestar 3 in termini di dimensioni e prezzo.



Polestar 4 integrerà Luminar LiDAR con Mobileye Chauffeur

GOTHENBURG, SVEZIA - 9 novembre 2023. Polestar sta collaborando con Luminar, una rinomata azienda nel campo delle tecnologie automobilistiche, e Mobileye, un leader globale nelle soluzioni di guida autonoma, per migliorare la sicurezza e le future capacità di guida autonoma di Polestar 4 con l'integrazione della tecnologia LiDAR di prossima generazione di Luminar con la piattaforma Chauffeur di Mobileye.


Annunciata ad agosto, Polestar 4 sarà la prima auto di serie ad essere dotata di Mobileye Chauffeur, ora con Luminar LiDAR, che si basa sulla piattaforma SuperVision, basata su telecamere full-surround, disponibile su Polestar 4 fin dal lancio. Insieme, le tre aziende mirano a offrire una guida autonoma "eyes-off" e "point-to-point" in autostrada, nonché una guida automatizzata "eyes-on" in altri ambienti.


Con Mobileye Chauffeur, Polestar 4 sarà dotata di tre processori Mobileye EyeQ6, di un LiDAR frontale di Luminar e di un radar di imaging frontale di Mobileye per fornire un ulteriore livello di rilevamento e di intelligenza artificiale necessario per consentire una guida eyes-off, hands-off.


LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) utilizzala tecnologia laser per creare una mappa 3D altamente dettagliata dell'ambiente circostante. Il LiDAR di Luminar è stato progettato in modo esclusivo a livello di chip e con una lunghezza d'onda superiore, consentendo il massimo livello di prestazioni e di sicurezza per le auto di serie. Abbinato alla piattaforma Chauffeur di Mobileye, il risultato sarà un sistema automatizzato completo, più sicuro e performante.


Basandosi sul rapporto esistente tra Luminar e Mobileye, l'integrazione di Luminar LiDAR in Polestar 4 amplia anche la partnership tra Luminar e Polestar, annunciata nel gennaio 2023.


Thomas Ingenlath, CEO di Polestar, afferma: "Polestar 4 è dotata dell'avanzatissimo ADAS Mobileye SuperVision fin dall'inizio, e non vediamo l'ora di ampliarlo con Mobileye Chauffeur in futuro. La possibilità di aggiungere il LiDAR di Luminar, leader del settore, allo sviluppo della piattaforma aumenta il forte legame tra le nostre aziende e porta ancora più tecnologia di livello mondiale a Polestar 4."


Il Prof. Amnon Shashua, CEO di Mobileye, afferma: " Combinare la nostra base SuperVision con un secondo sistema di percezione ridondante indipendente - composto da LiDAR di Luminar, radar e radar di imaging - consente una vera ridondanza e un livello di precisione che costituisce la base per una guida completamente autonoma."


Austin Russell, fondatore e CEO di Luminar, dichiara: "Dopo aver collaborato con Mobileye per una soluzione dal 2019, i frutti del nostro lavoro stanno per essere realizzati per la prima volta, passando dalla fase di ricerca e sviluppo a un veicolo di produzione con Polestar. Insieme, non vediamo l'ora di fissare il nuovo standard nel settore per ciò che può rappresentare un futuro sicuro e autonomo."


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Polestar 4 to start mass production next week



Polestar announced that its electric coupe SUV Polestar 4 will go into mass production next week in Geely’s plant in Hangzhou Bay, China. It will start deliveries in China in December. Polestar applied for a domestic sales license for the 4 in September.

For the rest of the world, Polestar 4 will launch in early 2024, and deliveries will start in the summer of 2024. Polestar is an EV brand under Geely-owned Volvo.

China-made 4 will be mainly sold domestically and in Europe, while the US market will be served by Korea-made vehicles, avoiding 25% tariffs on Chinese vehicle imports. Polestar announced it would produce Polestar 4 in Busan, South Korea, during the Polestar Brand Day on November 9.

Polestar will have five factories in three countries (the US, China, and South Korea). Despite the Geely-owned Polestar likes to call itself a Swedish-China automaker, no announcement on the European factory was made. There are rumors about building a factory in 2027, but even that is not certain.

Polestar 4 is built on a 4845/2008/1544 mm chassis on a 2999 mm wheelbase. Its curb weight is 2,170 kg, and the maximum speed is limited to 200 km/h, at least in China.

It is a good-looking sports EV with lots of futuristic elements – one you will remember for sure – it doesn’t have a rear glass. It wears 22″ forged wheels equipped with 4*piston Brembo calipers, matched with Pirelli P ZERO tires in size 265/40 R22.

Polestar 4 price is 349,800 – 533,800 yuan (48,000 – 73,200 USD), with six trims. Let’s look at the three most interesting:

Single motor, Standard Range

200 kW motor, 343 Nm peak torque

7.1 seconds 0-100 km/h acceleration

668 km CLTC range, 86 kWh battery

349,800 yuan (48,000 USD)


Single motor, Long Range Plus

200 kW motor, 343 Nm peak torque

7.1 seconds 0-100 km/h acceleration

755 km CLTC range, 100 kWh battery

387,800 yuan (53,200 USD)


Dual motor, Long Range Plus

dual motors 400 kW, 686 Nm peak torque

3.8 seconds 0-100 km/h acceleration

682 km CLTC range, 100 kWh battery

453,800 yuan (62,300 USD)


Polestar is also paying attention to ADAS and autonomous driving. Polestar 4 will also be the first production car to feature Mobileye Chauffeur ADAS integrating Luminar lidar for autonomous highway driving, according to Polesatr CEO Amnon Shashua.




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