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La Volkswagen ID. GTI Concept è la migliore rappresentazione fisica di come il brand GTX sopravvivrà all'elettrificazione. Basandosi sulla piattaforma ID.2ALL presentata la scorsa primavera, i designer dell'azienda hanno portato il design in una nuova dimensione più aggressiva , distinguendosi anche per il colore della vernice della carrozzeria, un sorprendente argento che non è altro che lo stesso della prima generazione della Golf GTI, messa in vendita nel 1976 .

I suoi fari LED Matrix “IQ.LIGHT” più sottili e di forma ovale sono uniti tramite una barra luminosa, con la griglia a nido d'ape verniciata in nero lucido sul paraurti . Ulteriori luci di marcia diurna sono posizionate verticalmente alle estremità. I passaruota sono stati notevolmente allargati per ospitare grandi cerchi in lega da 20 pollici con pneumatici 245/35 Performance su tutte e quattro le ruote.


Lunghezza 4.104 mm
Larghezza 1840 mm
Altezza 1.499 mm
Passo 2.600 mm
volume del bagagliaio 490 - 1.330 litri


Naturalmente, un tale livello di sportività si ritrova anche negli interni. Gli interni della Volkswagen ID. GTI Concept è un inno alla prima GTI della storia del marchio , anche se con una dose extra di avanguardia. Ancora una volta, il cruscotto anticipa lo stile dei futuri elettrici dell'azienda, con uno schermo "Digital Cockpit" per il quadro strumenti da 10,9 pollici dietro un volante a tre razze con il tipico segno rosso "a ore 12." .

Nella consolle centrale, lo schermo touch del sistema multimediale è da 12,9 pollici ed entrambi sono personalizzabili. Le reminiscenze si notano anche nel nuovo selettore del profilo di guida installato nel tunnel della trasmissione con la caratteristica forma, e texture, di una pallina da golf . Volkswagen ha confermato che questo concept si basa sulla piattaforma " MEB Entry ", la variante a trazione anteriore dell'architettura delle auto elettriche del gruppo, la stessa che utilizzerà la nuova CUPRA Raval e che sappiamo utilizzerà un motore elettrico. con una potenza massima di 220 CV . Ciò che però interessa è il suo peso, 1.565 chilogrammi , offrendo anche un baricentro molto basso per il massimo del divertimento che non tarderà a diventare realtà.



Sporty, electric, emotive:
Volkswagen presents the ID. GTI Concept01 show car

  • Mobility for everyone: Volkswagen is showing its extensive current and future product range at the IAA Mobility
  • Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Volkswagen Passenger Cars: “Whether electric, combustion engine or hybrid vehicles, it will be possible to see the complete range of our new brand orientation.”
  • World premiere of the ID. GTI Concept: the emotive GTI label is being transported into the electric future
  • An accessible brand: in the Open Space on the Odeonsplatz, Volkswagen will engage in discussions with visitors


The Volkswagen brand is giving its electric offensive an additional boost: by 2027, Europe’s largest automotive manufacturer will launch eleven new all-electric models and thus offer the widest electric vehicle range of all manufacturers – from a compact car priced as less than 25,000 euros02 through to a family saloon03. In the future, there will also be sporty and emotive GTI versions of selected models from the all-electric ID. family. The ID. GTI Concept show car presented for the first time at the IAA Mobility in Munich provides a concrete insight into how Volkswagen will transport the iconic GTI label into the electric future. At the international motor show, the new orientation of the brand will be visible in all areas for the first time. Alongside electric vehicles such as the ID. GTI Concept, ID.4, ID.5 and new ID.703, Volkswagen will also continue to offer efficient combustion engine vehicles such as the new generations of the Passat04 and the Tiguan05 In the Open Space on the Odeonsplatz, Volkswagen will also show itself as an approachable brand that is looking to engage in discussions with visitors.


Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Volkswagen Passenger Cars, says: “We have realigned Volkswagen over the course of recent months. Our actions are always focused on the question of what customers expect from us. The complete range of our new orientation will be visible for the first time at the IAA Mobility. Volkswagen is delivering what customers want: whether electric, combustion engine or hybrid vehicles – all our new models impress with enjoyable efficiency, intuitive operation and high quality that is evident in all areas. In this way, we are meeting our promise of once more focusing completely on customer needs.”


The Volkswagen brand is giving its electric offensive an additional boost: by 2027, Europe’s largest automotive manufacturer will launch eleven new all-electric models and thus offer the widest electric vehicle range of all manufacturers – from a compact car priced as less than 25,000 euros02 through to a family saloon03. In the future, there will also be sporty and emotive GTI versions of selected models from the all-electric ID. family. The ID. GTI Concept show car presented for the first time at the IAA Mobility in Munich provides a concrete insight into how Volkswagen will transport the iconic GTI label into the electric future. At the international motor show, the new orientation of the brand will be visible in all areas for the first time. Alongside electric vehicles such as the ID. GTI Concept, ID.4, ID.5 and new ID.703, Volkswagen will also continue to offer efficient combustion engine vehicles such as the new generations of the Passat04 and the Tiguan05 In the Open Space on the Odeonsplatz, Volkswagen will also show itself as an approachable brand that is looking to engage in discussions with visitors.


Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Volkswagen Passenger Cars, says: “We have realigned Volkswagen over the course of recent months. Our actions are always focused on the question of what customers expect from us. The complete range of our new orientation will be visible for the first time at the IAA Mobility. Volkswagen is delivering what customers want: whether electric, combustion engine or hybrid vehicles – all our new models impress with enjoyable efficiency, intuitive operation and high quality that is evident in all areas. In this way, we are meeting our promise of once more focusing completely on customer needs.”



Even faster pace in electric mobility. Volkswagen will launch eleven new electric models by 2027. Presales of the ID.703, the first all-electric Volkswagen saloon with a spacious interior and ranges up to 700 kilometres06, started just a few days ago. With the ID. GTI Concept show car at the IAA Mobility, Volkswagen is demonstrating for the first time how the GTI label will be transported into the age of electric mobility. The production version of the vehicle based on the modular electric drive (MEB) platform is scheduled to hit the roads in 2027. “The perfect combination of driving pleasure and everyday usability – that is what the three letters GTI have meant for decades,” says Schäfer. With the ID. GTI Concept, we are taking the GTI DNA into the electric age. It remains sporty, iconic, technologically progressive and accessible, but now with a new interpretation for tomorrow’s world: electric, fully connected and extremely emotive. Here, driving pleasure and sustainability are a perfect match. This means GTI has a future – for our brand and for the fans. A Volkswagen sports car for the electric age that is suitable for everyday driving: 100 per cent electric – 100 per cent emotion.”


Focus on core models. By 2033 at the latest, Volkswagen will produce only electric vehicles in Europe. Until then, efficient combustion engine vehicles will continue to play an important part in the product range. In future, Volkswagen will concentrate above all on its successful core models such as the Golf, T-Roc, Passat and Tiguan. At the IAA Mobility, visitors can take a closer look at the new generations of the Passat and the Tiguan. There will also be plug-in hybrid versions of these two models based on the successful modular transverse matrix (MQB) platform. These will offer an electric range of around 100 km07 and allow DC fast charging with a charging capacity of up to 50 kW. “With the new Tiguan and the new Passat, we are bringing the MQB to our customers in the best possible way. We are making the final generation of our combustion engine models better than ever before,” says Schäfer.



Revamped brand DNA and extended product features. Over the course of recent weeks and months, the company has driven forward the implementation of its ACCELERATE strategy. With realigned model planning and a clear customer focus, Volkswagen wants to become a love brand. This includes offering affordable mobility products for everyone. In 2026, the ID. 2all08 – an electric car for less than 25,000 euros – will extend the brand portfolio in the entry-level segment. 

The design language is also new at Volkswagen and is based on the pillars of stability, likeability and excitement. In the vehicle interior, it focuses on a high-quality appearance and an intuitive user experience typical for the brand. In the area of software and infotainment, Volkswagen is introducing enhanced features in all models, including the intelligent IDA voice assistant, larger displays and features-on-demand services for functions such as navigation.


An accessible brand. With the Open Space at the Odeonsplatz in the centre of Munich, Volkswagen is creating a place for interesting encounters and dialogue. Up to and including Sunday, 10 September, visitors can enjoy a varied programme including living room concerts by Ian Hooper and Loraine. There will also be panel discussions under the motto #OneFuture dealing mainly with social topics. On Tuesday, Imelda Labbé, Member of the Board of Management for Sales, Marketing and After Sales, will welcome multiple Paralympics gold medallist Verena Bentele to discuss diversity and inclusion with her and other guests. Inclusion plays an important part in all Volkswagen’s activities at the IAA. Both the exhibition stand and the Open Space are accessible for wheelchair users. A sign language interpreter will be present at all events in the Open Space, and special stand tours will also be offered for blind persons. “The Open Space is an example of how we put diversity and inclusion into practice at Volkswagen. As our name already says, we are a brand for all people. It must therefore be our aim to eliminate as many barriers as possible so that we can engage in discussions with as many people as possible. Only in this way can we find out what our customers want from us in areas such as vehicle design and operation,” says Labbé.



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