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Ecco il SUV Seal U direttamente in EU-Spec






























BYD SEAL U: Practical Pure-Electric Family SUV Debuts at IAA Mobility 2023

  • European premiere for the versatile, richly equipped, spacious and comfortable BYD SEAL U D-Segment SUV
  • Equipped with the ultra-safe BYD Blade Battery (71.8 or 87.0 kWh)
  • Practical and efficient, the BYD SEAL U offers a reassuring WLTP range up to 500 km


BYD (Build Your Dreams), the world’s leading manufacturer of new energy vehicles (NEVs), presents a new D-Segment SUV at the IAA Mobility 2023 in Munich. BYD SEAL U (U meaning Utility) combines stylish aesthetics and high-tech intelligent experiences with high levels of safety, comfort and practicality.


As a member of the BYD Ocean Series, the BYD SEAL U is designed with attention to detail at every touchpoint. The X-shaped front end and balanced proportions give the vehicle a strong sense of style and reliable presence. The modern interior design combining practicality with elegance features soft-touch surfaces and premium upholstery. The ‘Ocean heart’ centre console, elegant high-tech cockpit, with a 15.6” rotatable full LCD touchscreen for connected experiences, complemented by luxurious diamond quilted seating offering exceptional finesse and comfort, are among the many eye-catching features of the BYD SEAL U.

In addition to a feeling of aesthetic appeal, the BYD SEAL U focuses on practicality, such as spacious storage compartments with high utilization rate and the possibility of wirelessly charging two mobile phones simultaneously. The full-electric BYD SEAL U is trimmed more for comfort and utility with generous cargo capacity, offering a refined ride for the whole family.

Comfort, practicality, and wellbeing are key features of the BYD SEAL U. BYD positions the SEAL U as a richly equipped spacious family car with a strong and sturdy appearance. The generous exterior dimensions (measuring 4,785 mm in length, 1,890 mm in width – 2,085 mm with mirrors unfolded – 1,668 mm in height and a wheelbase of 2,765 mm) are optimised for space and comfort. The seats can be split 60:40 allowing the 552-litre boot to be increased to 1,440 litres when both seats are folded flat underlining the SEAL U’s practicality.

The BYD SEAL U also benefits from the ground-breaking Blade Battery which is revolutionising safety, durability and performance in the NEV industry, and can withstand the harsh punishment of the Nail Penetration Test. With the BYD Blade Battery (71.8 or 87.0 kWh) and maximum 160kW strong Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, the BYD SEAL U offers a reassuring WLTP combined range up to 500km, powering the smooth urban driving experience.

More details of BYD SEAL U will be revealed closer to the market launch in 2024.


Modificato da j
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Boh, abbastanza sgraziata e goffa, fa comunque parte delle BYD di precedente generazione (è il restyling Song Pro mi sembra) a cui hanno aggiornato il powertrain, non come Seal e Song L nate e pensate globali. 
Non ho capito perchè le cinesi hanno queste ruotine che “entrano” nella carrozzeria…

  • Mi Piace 1
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Al posteriore è una "NO LOGO" sparisce la scritta "Build Your Dreams" (in effetti un po' pacchiana anche se è effettivamente il significato di BYD).



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