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Cadillac Confirms the 2026 VISTIQ

Cadillac continued to expand its electric vehicle portfolio today with confirmation of the VISTIQ. Slotted between LYRIQ and ESCALADE IQ, VISTIQ is a distinctive and innovative luxury three-row SUV, designed for the modern family.


This is the third electric vehicle Cadillac has confirmed this year and fifth to join its growing EV family. Earlier this year, Cadillac revealed the 2025 ESCALADE IQ, the brand’s first-ever all-electric full-size SUV that redefines the luxury SUV experience with its iconic design, high level of craftsmanship and the latest automotive technology.


Last month, Cadillac confirmed the 2025 OPTIQ, which will act as the entry point for the brand’s EV lineup in North America and will appeal to global luxury customers with its spirited driving dynamics. Additional OPTIQ details will be revealed next year.


“VISTIQ adds another compelling EV to the Cadillac lineup, reinforcing our commitment to an electric future,” said John Roth, vice president of Global Cadillac. “Our brand now has an EV entry in most luxury segments, offering customers a range of choices, and Cadillac EVs will cover most luxury SUV segments across critical global markets in the next two years."


Additional VISTIQ details, including available features and pricing, will be released next year.


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19 minuti fa, Beckervdo scrive:

Sarebbe la Escalade Ev? 


No, quello è stato già presentato, questa è più la XT6 EV



Line up UV EV di Cadillcac






Personalmente una meglio dell’altra 😍

Gilles dacci un’occhiata va’

1 ora fa, __P scrive:

Line up UV EV di Cadillcac


Personalmente una meglio dell’altra 😍

Gilles dacci un’occhiata va’

Concordo che al momento è una delle gamme EV più belle. In Stellantis US dovrebbero davvero prendere spunto e allontanarsi dal vecchiume che aleggia nell'aria.

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