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13 ore fa, 4200blu scrive:

How Fiat aims to sell the 500e in the U.S.
Brand CEO Olivier Francois thinks he has a winning sales pitch for the electric minicar: "It's not a replacement for a sedan or SUV."

The rose-gold color "Inspired by beauty" edition of the Fiat 500e. The new model has more range, is larger and charges faster than the version sold in the U.S. from 2013-2019.

Fiat is trying again to sell a full-electric version of the 500 minicar in the U.S., and brand CEO Olivier Francois is optimistic it will surpass the first effort, which was based on a compliance-focused, limited-range version built in Mexico.

The original 500e was sold from 2013 to 2019 in California and Oregon, with an EPA range that started at 87 miles on a combined cycle from a 24-kilowatt-hour battery. The purchase price started at about $32,000, although low-cost leases were available. 

The new 500e is the European version that is built in Italy on a dedicated full-electric platform. Since its launch in 2020 Fiat has sold more than 185,000 of them, although sales have slowed recently in Europe as some EV incentives have been rolled back and the overall EV market slumps.

Francois says the new 500e has a good chance at broader acceptance in the U.S., even though buyers there favor much larger cars and pickups, whether electric- or ICE-powered. As a bonus for Stellantis, he said, U.S. sales could help boost production at the Mirafiori factory in Turin.

New model, new positioning

“The context is different,” Francois said in an interview last month with Automotive News Europe (to read the full interview, click here). “Back then we had a compliance obligation and we needed to push cars. Today, Stellantis is preparing for a big EV offensive in North America, so we need to open people’s minds to electric cars.” 

More than that, he said, “we need to open America’s driveways” to EVs.

The new 500e is much more “substantial” than the previous model, he said, describing it as an “urban Tesla.” At roughly the same starting price as the old model, it offers 241 km (150 miles) of range on a combined cycle, is slightly larger all around and recharges in a fraction of the time. (European models offer up to 322 km (200 miles) of range on the WLTP mixed cycle.)

To make the point, Francois said he invited U.S. journalists to drive the old model and new one – something “not very popular with the PR teams,” he said. That way, he said, “they could metabolize this incredible leap we made.” 

“The old one was not a bad car, but it was obviously electrified after the fact, so there is a world of difference,” he said.

The "inspired by music" black version of the Fiat 500e is one of three colors offered initially, along with rose gold and red.

'On-ramp to electrification'

Francois, who is also CEO of DS Automobiles and Stellantis’ group chief marketing officer, said Fiat is not asking U.S. buyers to give up their ICE pickups or SUVs to get a 500e. Rather, he says, it’s the perfect vehicle for commuting or urban use, as a second or third car in the driveway.

“My main pitch is that we're not trying to sell you this car as a replacement for a sedan or SUV,” he said.

The 500e is also being sold in just a few color/trim versions in the U.S., starting with the (Red) trim. A rose-gold model is called “inspired by beauty,” and a black one with premium stereo is “inspired by music.”

“It's not for everyone, everywhere, and more important it's not for everything,” Francois said. “I hope it will act as an on-ramp to electrification.”




500 ha floppato miseramente già una volta negli States, provarci di nuovo è tafazzismo

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23 minuti fa, machefredfa scrive:

500 ha floppato miseramente già una volta negli States, provarci di nuovo è tafazzismo

Veramente ha venduto benissimo, basta guardare i dati.

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

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2 minuti fa, stev66 scrive:

Veramente ha venduto benissimo, basta guardare i dati.

Ricordo molto bene l'andamento: era partita molto male, poi, quando si parlava ormai di flop, i numeri sono esplosi e la diffusione si è impennata, dopo di ché, esauritosi il trend filo ambientalista e di downsizing (che aveva penalizzato le classiche auto all'americana) è tornata a spegnersi; gli altri modelli lanciati da Fiat sono passati totalmente inosservati, e la stessa Hatch non è stata aggiornata più di tanto. E quindi è morta nel silenzio.


Diciamo che non credo che abbia lasciato uno strascico negativo lì, a differenza di L e X. Che poi sia sufficiente per una seconda vita di successo, lo vedremo.

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59 minuti fa, machefredfa scrive:



Perdona io di youtobe non mi fido sono andato a vedere i dati.

Ed i dati dicono 200.000 vendute dal 2011 al 2019.

Qualsiasi CEO fermerebbe per questo fallimento.

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

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56 minuti fa, stev66 scrive:

Perdona io di youtobe non mi fido sono andato a vedere i dati.

Ed i dati dicono 200.000 vendute dal 2011 al 2019.

Qualsiasi CEO fermerebbe per questo fallimento.

Le vendite erano andate bene all’inizio a causa di forti e costosissime campagne marketing, dopo tagliarono la spina e il modello crolló, se sia un flop o meno non lo sappiamo, di certo spesero un sacco di soldi in marketing 

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2 minuti fa, KimKardashian scrive:

Le vendite erano andate bene all’inizio a causa di forti e costosissime campagne marketing, dopo tagliarono la spina e il modello crolló, se sia un flop o meno non lo sappiamo, di certo spesero un sacco di soldi in marketing 


Tranne l'elettrica, la 500 in USA ha venduto e bene fin tanto che la benzina è stata costosa . Poi è andata giù, come avviene sempre con le piccole in USA.

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. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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3 minuti fa, KimKardashian scrive:

Le vendite erano andate bene all’inizio a causa di forti e costosissime campagne marketing, dopo tagliarono la spina e il modello crolló, se sia un flop o meno non lo sappiamo, di certo spesero un sacco di soldi in marketing 

Odiosi quegli spot intrisi di stereotipi sugli italo americani 

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2 ore fa, stev66 scrive:

Veramente ha venduto benissimo, basta guardare i dati.

Io me ne ricordo solo una in Shameless dove il protagonista si lamentava con la bionda proprietaria che era scomoda per trombarci... :8:

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