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La Volkswagen lancerà la ID.1, un'elettrica entry level da meno di 20 mila euro, entro il 2027. La data è stata indicata durante la presentazione dei risultati finanziari del "brand group core", il raggruppamento dei marchi generalisti del gruppo Volkswagen guidato da Thomas Schäfer. "Il nome provvisorio è ID.1 e il veicolo è previsto per il 2027", ha affermato il manager, sottolineando l'obiettivo del nuovo modello di offrire una "mobilità elettrica a prezzi accessibili a tutti i consumatori".


Schäfer ha chiarito l'intenzione di prendere una decisione definitiva sul lancio della novità a batteria già nelle prossime settimane anche perché la Volkswagen è "già nel bel mezzo del progetto e sa come dovrà essere l'auto". Mancano in sostanza alcuni dettagli come l'esatta località di assemblaggio e i programmi produttivi. Inoltre, non è esclusa la possibilità di avviare una partnership tecnica con un altro costruttore: "Stiamo lavorando a una soluzione e non escludiamo collaborazioni in questo settore"

Modificato da j


23 minuti fa, j scrive:



La Volkswagen lancerà la ID.1, un'elettrica entry level da meno di 20 mila euro, entro il 2027. La data è stata indicata durante la presentazione dei risultati finanziari del "brand group core", il raggruppamento dei marchi generalisti del gruppo Volkswagen guidato da Thomas Schäfer. "Il nome provvisorio è ID.1 e il veicolo è previsto per il 2027", ha affermato il manager, sottolineando l'obiettivo del nuovo modello di offrire una "mobilità elettrica a prezzi accessibili a tutti i consumatori".


Schäfer ha chiarito l'intenzione di prendere una decisione definitiva sul lancio della novità a batteria già nelle prossime settimane anche perché la Volkswagen è "già nel bel mezzo del progetto e sa come dovrà essere l'auto". Mancano in sostanza alcuni dettagli come l'esatta località di assemblaggio e i programmi produttivi. Inoltre, non è esclusa la possibilità di avviare una partnership tecnica con un altro costruttore: "Stiamo lavorando a una soluzione e non escludiamo collaborazioni in questo settore"


una piu cessa dell'altra vedo


poi sti annunci a lungo termine fanno un po ridere. "entro il 2027" lol


  • 1 mese fa...



  • New design, innovative technologies and fast development: Volkswagen sets out to delight customers in China
  • Sharpened brand experience: Volkswagen plans to tap into new customer groups in China with the ID.UX electric sub-brand
  • Broad product portfolio: over 30 new Volkswagen models across all powertrains and in all segments for Chinese customers by 2030
  • In China, for China: strong local tech development and partnerships for shorter development times

Volkswagen is systematically forging ahead with its “in China, for China” strategy. The goal is even closer alignment with the specific requirements of customers in the world’s largest auto market and to provide them with a convincing product offering in all relevant segments. The ID. CODE design show car that celebrates its world premiere this week at the Auto China 24 trade fair in Beijing (from April 25 to May 4, 2024) bears witness to this systematic orientation to the wishes of Chinese customers. The concept car’s aesthetics are completely new and give a preview of a large electric SUV. The ID. CODE is designed for Level 4 fully autonomous driving. The new progressive ID.UX sub-brand also plays a key role in terms of Volkswagen’s profile in the Chinese market. With all-electric, lifestyle-oriented models, this sub-brand is designed to appeal to younger customers in particular.


“The Volkswagen brand can already look back on 40 years of success in China, and we are continuing this success story into the new mobility era, thus confirming the trust of our Chinese customers,” Thomas Schäfer, CEO of the Volkswagen brand, said. The sharpened strategy in China has three pillars: a comprehensive product portfolio accelerating the electrification of the brand’s models, a brand and design language developed specifically for the Chinese market, and local technical development with strong partners in China to accelerate the pace of innovation. Thomas Schäfer: “The ID. CODE gives a first preview of the future of VW in China: with a new design, a new technology standard and a holistic brand experience – specifically oriented to the needs and wishes of our Chinese customers. We are ushering in a new era of mobility in China, together with our Chinese partners.”


Broad product portfolio for Chinese customers by 2030 announced

The ID. family will grow to a total of 16 models by 2030. This includes five EVs from the new ID.UX sub-brand that will celebrate their market debut by 2027. Volkswagen is also introducing electric versions of its ICE models step-by-step and expanding its portfolio in China with new, highly-efficient plug-in hybrids with an electric range of over 100 kilometers. Twelve new ICE models and six hybrids will debut by 2030. In addition, Volkswagen is complementing the proven MQB and MEB vehicle architectures by adding local platforms in China – for example, through partnerships such as the cooperation with XPENG. Furthermore, Hefei-based Volkswagen China Technology Company (VCTC) is developing the Group’s first electric platform specifically for China. At least four additional models for the electric entry-level segment are to be built on the China Main Plattform (CMP) from 2026. Multiple platforms enable Volkswagen to offer its customers the right products in all relevant segments and to meet all needs.

ID.UX - Volkswagen sub-brand in China
First impression of an ID.UX model of the Volkswagen sub-brand for China.

New all-electric ID.UX sub-brand expands product range

Volkswagen is expanding its EV offering for new customer groups in China with ID.UX. ID.UX combines proven VW virtues with lifestyle-oriented design DNA. Brand-specific features include a progressive exterior design along with a driver-centric interior featuring an entirely new display and operating concept (HMI) for young customers. The first ID.UX model is the ID.UNYX, scheduled to make its market debut in 2024.


Intensified local development for greater innovativeness

Volkswagen is strengthening its ecosystem of production, development, procurement and battery production in China. By the end of the year, the number of employees at the R&D site in Anhui alone will have grown to 3,000 experts. The brand is also intensifying localization to achieve significantly shorter development cycles. Chinese partners such as XPENG, Horizon Robotics and Thundersoft are to be integrated into the development process at an early stage. In collaboration with XPENG, two new mid-class vehicles are planned from 2026. Employees at the CARIZON joint venture with Horizon Robotics and the CARThunder joint venture with Thundersoft are engaged in developing innovative systems for autonomous driving, infotainment and connectivity.



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From Europe, for Europe: Volkswagen Group launches project for all-electric entry-level mobility

  • Volkswagen Group brings electric cars for EUR 20,000
  •  World Premiere planned for 2027
  •  Oliver Blume, CEO Volkswagen Group: "Generations of people associate the strong brands of the Volkswagen Group with their first car – and with affordable mobility. As a group with strong brands, we continue to assume this social responsibility to this day. That's why I'm very pleased that we're launching a future-oriented project. It’s about entry-level electric mobility from Europe for Europe.”
  •  Thomas Schäfer, CEO of the Volkswagen brand and head of the Core brand group: “Our brand promise is: electromobility for all. In the Brand Group Core we deliver on this promise. Despite the attractive price, our electric cars will set standards in the entry-level segment in terms of technology, design, quality, and customer experience.” 

Wolfsburg. The Board of Management of the Volkswagen Group has decided to make all-electric entry-level mobility more widespread. The Brand Group Core will bring affordable electric vehicles from Europe, for Europe, into the market. The world premiere is scheduled for 2027. Volkswagen has been working for some time to offer compact, particularly inexpensive electric vehicles in the price range of around 20,000 euros. In this way, the Group's volume brands are fulfilling their promise to create mobility for all and continue to facilitate the entry into e-mobility. With its brand diversity, the Volkswagen Group also assumes a social responsibility for affordable, sustainable mobility.


Oliver Blume, CEO Volkswagen Group: "Generations of people associate the strong brands of the Volkswagen Group with their first car – and with affordable mobility. As a group with strong brands, we continue to assume this social responsibility to this day. That's why I'm very pleased that we're launching a future-oriented project. It’s about entry-level electric mobility from Europe for Europe. In doing so, we combine a clear commitment to Europe as an industrial location, a European industrial policy and ultimately act in the interests of European customers."

Thomas Schäfer, CEO of the Volkswagen brand and head of the Brand Group Core: “The future is electric. In order for electromobility to become widespread, attractive vehicles are needed, especially in the entry-level segment. Our brand promise is: electromobility for all. This promise is now being fulfilled in the Brand Group Core. Despite the attractive price, our vehicles will set standards in the entry-level segment in terms of technology, design, quality, and customer experience. This task has become more demanding due to rising energy, material, and raw material costs. One thing is clear: electromobility from Europe for Europe can only succeed with political support and competitive framework conditions.”

Volkswagen for this project is going to rely on a high degree of localization in Europe, which in turn benefits Europe as an industrial location. Another advantage: long transport routes of components are reduced and consequently CO2 pollution is avoided.

The project that has now been decided is another milestone on the way to making electromobility widespread in Europe. Intensive work is already underway on the “Electric Urban Car Family”, with which the Brand Group Core will present electric cars for under 25,000 euros as early as the end of 2025. Two new compact cars, one from VW and one from CUPRA, as well as two small SUVs, one each from Škoda and one from VW, are planned here. All four vehicles will be built in Spain. With the project on all-electric entry-level mobility for 20,000 euros, the Volkswagen Group is now taking the next, consistent step.


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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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La piccola elettrica low cost arriverà nel 2027. Il progetto, inizialmente in collaborazione con Renault, proseguirà in maniera indipendente dopo l'abbandono della casa francese.

Non è ancora chiaro se la vettura utilizzerà una versione modificata della piattaforma MEB esistente o un telaio dedicato.



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  • 1 mese fa...
Inviato (modificato)

Gruppo Volkswagen
Ancora problemi informatici: rinviate alcune novità di prodotto

Il gruppo Volkswagen sta riscontrando nuove difficoltà nello sviluppo dei software per i suoi prossimi modelli a batteria. Secondo indiscrezioni lanciate da alcune testate tedesche, tra cui Handelsblatt e Manager Magazin, il costruttore di Wolsfburg sarebbe stato costretto a rinviare il lancio di alcune novità di prodotto, come l'erede della ID.4 (destinata a debuttare sul mercato non prima del 2029), la Suv elettrica T-Sport (che probabilmente arriverà nelle concessionarie solo nel 2031) e, forse, la nuova generazione della Golf (per ora confermata nel 2028, anche se non manca l'ipotesi che slitti alla fine sempre del 2028).

Modificato da Beckervdo
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  • 4 mesi fa...
Inviato (modificato)

A quando pare i concept ID.2all e ID.GTI hanno prefigurato il nuovo linguaggio stilistico VW, più nostalgico (e aggiungo io meno scialbo), che vedrà appunto ristilizzati i suoi modelli BEV, probabilmente si tratta di ID.3/4/5, poi ID.7 mentre il Buzz ne sarà esente.


In questo senso al Salone di Monaco '25 verrà presentata anche una versione di ID.2 ma SUV, modello che entrerà in produzione nel 2026 insieme alla hatchback da cui deriva e quest'ultima avrà anche una versione sportiva (come anticipato da ID.GTI).


Verrano inoltre aggiornate le batterie rendendole meno costose per allungare la vita della piattaforma MEB in attesa della nuova SSP

Modificato da Kay195
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  • 3 mesi fa...

Volkswagen-Faw: Rilancio in Cina con nuovi modelli

La joint venture presenterà sei auto 100% elettriche, due ibride plug-in, due range extender e una con motore a benzina, esclusive per il mercato Cinese.


Nel 2026 arriverà la prima Jetta completamente elettrica. Il brand Jetta, utilizzato solo in Cina, è stato lanciato nel 2019 e fino a questo momento ha prodotto versioni rimarchiate di modelli Volkswagen e Seat, assemblate nello stabilimento di Chengdu.


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