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Pedro riferisce che tutti e 4 i piloti KTM stanno portando commenti nella STESSA direzione: fare una moto più TRANQUILLA.

Lui dice che nel 24 la KTM aveva troppi scompensi: tanti pregi enormi, ma anche tanti limiti. 



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Pecco e Marc continuano a provare il motore ''25 poiché pur essendo fluido non li convince nella gestione del freni motore ( eccellenza dell 24).  Vedremo domani cosa decideranno



>Ultimately, Bagnaia is still undecided on which specification of engine to push forward with.

>“At the moment, 50-50,” he said. “Because the thing is the GP24 is a fantastic base, **and we’re all thinking that it still has some margin**.

>“The GP25 is already very good and very fast on the straights and in acceleration, because you can do the top speed only if the bike is exiting well from the corners, and this is the case because it’s very smooth, you can manage [the acceleration] a lot with the throttle.

>“**But, in braking, the GP24 was out of this world, because we were doing something incredible in braking, and this is something difficult to reach at the moment with the GP25, even if we close the gap.**”

>Bagnaia added that what he is losing in braking with the newer engine is more than what he is gaining in acceleration thanks to its smooth delivery.

>**“The gap here in acceleration is not the same as the gap you can have [in] braking and entry**,” he said.

>“**So, we have to balance it a bit, and in this moment what we are gaining in acceleration is a bit less compared to what we are losing in braking.”**

Marc also says

>We know that the GP24 package is competitive and we need to be super-sure, or we need to see a clear positive aspect in the GP25, because when you homologate the engine it will be for two years.

Ducati are uncertain about switching to the new engine, as it improves acceleration and top speed but compromises braking stability and corner entry.



Forse , per la prima volta nella storia Ducati , i piloti ed anche il Team sono realmente indecisi se passare alla NUOVA moto.


Michelin replica a Rivola con "Dati...non opinioni"  ( col classico comportamento stizzito dei transalpini)




"...Bagnaia e Marquez sono ancora in pista: il motore 2025 non ha dato i risultati sperati, forse stanno ancora facendo prove comparative. Che io sappia, entrambi hanno fatto l’attacco al tempo con il motore 24 (e la “vecchia” aerodinamica, come segnalato in precedenza)

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