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Al Salone di Ginevra debutta in anteprima mondiale la berlina L6 della IM Motors, marchio del Gruppo SAIC.






There will also be a first opportunity to discover the premium and technologically cutting-edge SUVs and saloons, LS6 and L6. The L6 saloon is set to make its global debut at the Geneva Show.


IM stands for Intelligent Mobility and it is the new intelligent BEV brand from MG’s parent company and will explore new technologies to deliver an exciting driving experience.


Due to be available in Europe in 2025, IM models will be defined by a clear commitment to the use of advanced technology in driving assistance and controls, intelligent and connected services for customers as well as leading-edge EV powertrains.


The all-electric L6 combines breathtaking performance, accelerating to 0-100 km/h in under 3 seconds, whilst also delivering an exceptional range over 600 kilometres and 800 kilometres in two different specifications. *


*Projected range of IM L6 saloon is based on WLTP around 800 km+ (Solid State Battery) and 600km+ (Lithium-ion Battery).



Le dimensioni in lunghezza, larghezza e altezza sono rispettivamente di 4931/1960/1474 mm e il passo è di 2950 mm. 


IM Motors è stata fondata nel 2020 come joint venture tra SAIC Motor, Alibaba Group e Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, e arriverà sul mercato Europeo nel 2025

Modificato da j


46 minuti fa, j scrive:

Al Salone di Ginevra debutta in anteprima mondiale la berlina L6 della IM Motors, marchio del Gruppo SAIC.




Le dimensioni in lunghezza, larghezza e altezza sono rispettivamente di 4931/1960/1474 mm e il passo è di 2950 mm. 


IM Motors è stata fondata nel 2020 come joint venture tra SAIC Motor, Alibaba Group e Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, e arriverà sul mercato Europeo nel 2025



È fatta! Mi apro la partita iva, disegno un bel marchio e la porto in Italia come MM... Melone Motors 😎😂😂


Battutacce a parte, design ispirato da più parti ma decisamente gradevole nell'insieme. Gli 800km che si intravedono sarebbero mica male...

  • Ahah! 5
  • 1 mese fa...

Prima auto di serie con batteria a stato solido, autonomia CLTC piu di 1000km.

Potrebbe commercializzata in Europa come MG.




IM Motors claim that the L6, due to launch in May, will come with the industry’s first mass-produced ultra-fast charging solid state battery. More details will be announced at the IM L6 Technology Conference on April 8 but we already know that the new battery will be 130 kWh.

The cathode (positive electrode) is coated with ultra-high nickel material with the anode (negative) being a new generation of high-specific energy composite silicon carbon material. Where solid-state batteries differ significantly from existing technology is with the electrolyte being solid, in the case of the one used by the IM L6 a patented self-developed nano-scale electrolyte. This has “high ionic conductivity, high-temperature resistance” which presumably means the fire risk will be less. Furthermore, the electrolyte uses dry solid layer integrated molding with the resultant battery having reduced internal resistance meaning ultra-fast charging is possible. These technologies solve the problem of high expansion of silicon-based materials ensuring stability, and allowing better charging/discharging performance ultimately ensuring better safety. SAIC claim the car has quasi 900V ultra-fast charging.



By having a solid electrolyte it is not possible for it to leak which improves safety and also makes the battery less prone to combustion or explosion. IM also has five-fold safety protection technology to shield batteries with heat insulation and fire retardant materials.

IM announced at the Geneva Motor Show that the L6 equipped with the solid state battery would have a CLTC range of 1000 km (CLTC) or under WLTP, 800 km. However, MIIT listings which are the precursor for a car going on sale do not feature a solid state battery. Instead the car comes with a choice 90 or 100 kWh ternary lithium (NCM) battery packs from CATL. The smaller pack gives the rear wheel drive version a 720 km CLTC range and the all-wheel drive 700 km whereas the 100 kWh battery gives 770 km and 750 km respectively.




SAIC aim to take the IM brand international this year and sales should begin in Europe next year. Currently it is not clear whether IM models will be rebranded in Europe as MG cars or whether they will still be called IM.

IM Motors was founded in 2020 as a joint venture between SAIC Motor, Alibaba Group, and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech. The first model was the L7 sedan which went on sale in 2022 and has since been followed by the LS7 and LS6 SUVs.



  • j ha modificato il titolo in IM Motors L6 2025
  • 1 mese fa...

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