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Honda Unveils “烨(yè)” Next-generation EV Series for China

– World premiere of all-new 烨 (yè) P7, 烨 (yè) S7 and the烨 (yè) GT CONCEPT –

BEIJING, China, April 16, 2024 -- Honda today unveiled the烨 (yè) Series (“Ye Series”), an all-new EV series Honda will introduce to the Chinese market, including the world premiere of the first set of the Ye Series models, namely 烨 (yè) P7 (“Ye P7”) and 烨 (yè) S7 (“Ye S7”), as well as the concept model for the second set of series models, the烨 (yè) GT CONCEPT (“Ye GT CONCEPT”).


Honda is planning to launch a total of six the Ye Series models in China by 2027.


The three models unveiled today are scheduled to be exhibited at the 18th Beijing International Automotive Exhibition (Auto China 2024) to be held later this month in Beijing, China.


Honda is currently offering the e:N Series EV models in China, where electrification of automobile products is in progress, and the all-new Ye Series models will be a new addition to the lineup. The new series was named with the Chinese letter “烨” which means “shine brilliantly,” representing Honda’s desire to enable everyone who drives Ye Series models to unleash their innermost passions through the joy of driving, and let their individuality shine brilliantly.


To represent Honda’s determination to continuously pursue new challenges and advancements and to accelerate its transformation in China where the EV shift is proceeding rapidly, the all-new Ye Series models will wear the new “H mark” designed exclusively for Honda’s next-generation EV models.


As next-generation EVs, the Ye Series models are being developed in pursuit of more value for customers. In addition to human-centric packaging based on the M/M concept*1, which is the foundation of Honda car design, the Ye Series models feature driving performance that further refines the “joy of driving” by applying a newly developed dedicated EV platform developed in China and integrating it with electrification technologies Honda has amassed over many years. As for application of intelligence technologies, including offering of an AI-powered assistant, the Ye Series models are being developed with the aim to create a “space” where all occupants can enjoy comfortable mobility. 


*1 The M/M (Man Maximum, Machine Minimum) concept is the foundation of Honda car design, which calls for maximizing the space available for people and minimizing the space required for mechanical components to increase the efficiency of the space inside the vehicle. 

About the Ye P7 and the Ye S7

The all-new Ye P7 and the Ye S7, the first set of Ye Series models, were developed based on the newly developed dedicated EV platform and will be available in two variations – a one-motor rear-wheel drive model and a two-motor four-wheel drive model.


Both variations are designed in pursuit of the “joy of driving.”


More specifically, the rear-wheel drive variation was designed to offer sporty and crisp handling, and the four-wheel drive variation was designed to offer both high power and highly responsive handling to realize driving at the will of the driver. 


Inside the vehicle, a spacious cabin enables both front and rear seat occupants to enjoy a comfortable ride, while also enjoying driving experience with a sense of intelligence, which can be achieved by changing emission patterns of LED lights on the instrument panel and door panels that change in conjunction with the AI-powered assistance and other functions.


The vehicle designs reflect the respective style and image each model strives to create: the Ye P7 expresses a seamless, sophisticated and smart sense of the future and the Ye S7 expresses a more emotional sense of the future that stimulates people who see the vehicle.


The all-new Ye P7 and Ye S7 models are scheduled to go on sale at the end of 2024.


Modificato da j
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  • superkappa125 ha modificato il titolo in [CHN] Honda Ye S7 2024

Anche qua ho eliminato "Concept" dal titolo, visto che lei e la P7 vanno in vendita a fine anno.


Mi pare di capire che cambiano solo frontale e posteriore tra questa e la P7? Secondo me la sorella è meglio identificabile come Honda, questa potrebbe essere una qualsiasi crossover cinese.

  • Grazie! 1

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