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  • 2 settimane fa...

Utubbu mi propone questo primo contatto col vettura in questione che prontamente vi giro.
Purtroppo, non ci sono biondine varie a tastare sedili e plance, bensì un tizio dalla non precisata nazionalità. :si:

Comunque, 'sta maghena, non mi dispiace...



I'M IN LOVE!:pippa:

"La 6° marcia, K@zzo!"

9 minuti fa, Maxwell61 scrive:

Massimo 69 kWh su un'auto da 4,90 mt? CHe dovrebbe averne minimo 100? E dove va?

Di buono c'è che ha le LFP, ma il range sarà del tutto insufficiente.


La sorella cinese peró ha anche 80 kwh NMC penso arriverá anche sulla Mazda

  • 4 settimane fa...

Ecco la versione Europea che si chiama Mazda 6e






Mazda Introduce the All-NEW ‘Mazda6e’ Battery EV in Europe
-- Partner collaboration enables the brand to further strengthen its European product lineup--

Mazda Motor Europe, responsible for the European operations of Mazda Motor Corporation (Mazda), today announced the introduction of “Mazda6e,” the all-new Battery EV (BEV) in Europe. Premiered at the Brussels Motor Show 2025 in Belgium on January 10, the Mazda6e will go on sale summer of this year.


Mazda6e is the European version of the Mazda EZ-6, the midsize sedan BEV unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show in April 2024. The all-new BEV is designed to attain the driving performance and functionality to meet European customers’ needs.


The Mazda6e was developed through the collaboration between Mazda and Changan Automobile Co., Ltd, Mazda’s 20-year partner in China. The Mazda6e BEV boasts Mazda’s signature design, craftsmanship and driving performance, while coming with Changan Automobile’s electrification and smart-cabin technologies.


Based on the design theme, “Authentic Modern,” the Mazda6e’s simple and flowing coupe form expresses the automobile’s inherent charm coupled with a novelty unique to electric vehicles. The meticulously-tuned braking and handling performance, which respond linearly to driver input, produce Jinba Ittai—a sense of “car and driver as one.” The Mazda6e also features smart functions, including an intelligent drive system that provides support for the driver as well as accident mitigation technology and smart cabin with voice, touch, and gesture controls, all of which is aimed to raise the bar for safety and convenience.


Mazda will continue to pursue the ‘Joy of Driving' under our core Human Centric value, and aim to deliver the 'Joy of Living' by creating moving experiences in our customers' daily lives. 


■ Mazda6e Specifications

Dimension (Length x Width x Height) 4,921mm × 1,890mm × 1,491mm*
Wheelbase 2,895mm
Powertrain electric drive (BEV)
Battery capacity 80kWh/68.8kWh
Driving range 552km/479km
  • *The height including the roof antenna.


  • Grazie! 2


  • j ha modificato il titolo in Mazda 6e (EZ-6 PHEV & EV) 2024

Non è affatto brutta, e anche gli interni sembrano ben fatti, e presentati nel colore giusto.

Peccato per il tutto-schermo (ma a quel prezzo, per quasi 5 mt di macchina, si può soprassedere); peccato che sia prodotta in Cina; peccato che, per quanto poco ne capisco, non abbia il meglio del meglio a proposito di capacità e prestazioni (in ricarica) dei pacchi batteria disponibili, con addirittura quello con capacità maggiore azzoppato da prestazioni inferiori in ricarica.




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