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  • Osv ha modificato il titolo in Chevrolet Corvette C8 Zora 2026 (Spy)
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Questa è la ZR-1 con l'E-Axle all'anteriore.

Da precedenti plan era prevista che questa sfondasse i 1000 CV, anziché la ZR-1. Vediamo che saranno capaci di fare, ma sembra esser l'arma definitiva.





We expect the Zora to feature the Corvette E-Ray's hybrid system, which sits on the front axle and powers the front wheels. The e-motor produces 160 horsepower, with juice sourced from a 1.1-kWh battery pack. Unlike the E-Ray, which uses the Stingray's 495-hp 6.2-liter V-8, the Zora is expected to adopt the ZR1's wild flat-plane-crank twin-turbocharged 5.5-liter V-8 that spits out 1064 horses. If the math is as simple as adding the two together, we can expect 1224 horsepower. Whatever the final power figure is, the Zora is sure to be more powerful than the ZR1, and the AWD system could help the Corvette encroach on the 2.0-second zero-to-60-mph mark.

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