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The 25 years old CEO of the Fioravanti should learn how to drive. Probably he should take some driving courses and then participate in a few local championships, and probably try to race for 20-30 years and only then he can be allowed to participate in the conversation with creators of 8C. Who is he who suggests the shortcomings of the 8C? In my eyes he is a moron who doesn't know how to drive. Probably De Adamich can help him? 

Sorry but why we are listening a man who once finished 20th in one single race.



Moreover, his company (with less than 9 employees and founded in 2019) does not have any connections to the famous car designer. The so called CEO just uses a name of the famous Pininfarina designer to attract attention

Modificato da max_pershin

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super


And by the way, this is their production facility in Torino. Without doors, windows and with rusted balcony guard rail,7.5636909,3a,45.4y,8.89h,94.16t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sG3S22c7VL4RRXTdVpkaeJA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D


This is the link to their LinkedIn page with 3 employees, one of them is a student and another is looking for job. The COO of the company previously had a job as a construction specialist in Locarno Film Festival

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super

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