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I have heard this rumor, it is very possible. [mention=632]ale75[/mention] had said it here, who's always reliable. And he had also said that there could also be a 4-door car in the same platform

interessante se adottano il telaio 12 cilindri

per versione 4 porte, non sarebbe male una nuova reinterpretazione FF / Gtc4
Inviato (modificato)

Quindi una possibile base per la futura QP se mai si sbloccasse la trattativa 

Modificato da Kay195
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3 ore fa, Kay195 scrive:

Quindi una possibile base per la futura QP se mai si sbloccasse la trattativa 

La trattativa penso alla fine si fara, Maserati sara nella stessa filosofia di porsche con macchine da 100-300k e Ferrari salira nel ultra lusso che sembra un piano che puoi funzionare. 

Maserati con telaio Ferrari non mi sembra una cattiva idea👍🏻

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Wonder if it being in the blanket covered stage implies a 2025 launch, or if they're still in early enough stages to push it to H1 of 2026

Inviato (modificato)
39 minutes ago, Sascha87 said:


At first, I just singled out the photo. But then I thought of doing something more, and I was a bit lucky. If you googIe "F169M linkedin" you'll find this Bosch employee who worked on a IPB1.1 project that concerns the Roma M and the SF90M (and the same person also worked on the Artura Spider). Google "Bosch IPB1.1" and you'll find that it is an integrated power brake specifically made for hybrid cars, which means that the Roma M will probably be a hybrid (V6?). Nothing new, we knew it from multiple sources, but anyway the more the sources, the better





Modificato da STEVEC
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14 ore fa, STEVEC scrive:

At first, I just singled out the photo. But then I thought of doing something more, and I was a bit lucky. If you googIe "F169M linkedin" you'll find this Bosch employee who worked on a IPB1.1 project that concerns the Roma M and the SF90M (and the same person also worked on the Artura Spider). Google "Bosch IPB1.1" and you'll find that it is an integrated power brake specifically made for hybrid cars, which means that the Roma M will probably be a hybrid (V6?). Nothing new, we knew it from multiple sources, but anyway the more the sources, the better




Non necessariamente, anche la Stelvio e Giulia hanno un sistema simile ( se non proprio lo stesso) e non sono ibride.

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  • 2 settimane fa...

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