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Renault 4 E-Tech Electric 2025 (Preview)

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  • Renault unveils details of Renault 4 E-Tech electric’s exterior, in the buildup to its reveal during the Paris Motor Show, this 14 October.
  • The lit grille and retractable fabric roof are two of the new hallmarks encapsulating this car’s character, modernity and originality.
  • Renault 4 E-Tech electric is compact (4.14 metres long), as eminently practical as its namesake, and spacious and versatile enough to fit everyone’s needs.
  • With R4 R Pass, available in 7 countries, customers can be among the first to order Renault 4 E-Tech electric and sit behind its wheel in 2025.
  • Hard-wired for versatility The 1961 Renault 4 revolutionised the automotive market and went on to achieve emblematic status. It was Renault’s first family car with a front-mounted engine, and had no transmission tunnel so its floor was flat. It became the par-excellence roomy and resourceful car for driving around cities and the countrywide, on weekdays and weekends, to work and on holidays. It was a car for its time and place, and fit right into a society in flux. And it was an overnight hit: it became a people’s-choice car in more than 100 countries and Renault went on to produce over 8 million Renault 4 cars.
  • Renault 4 E-Tech electric is as versatile as its predecessor. And, like it, right for its day: it is all-electric, instantly endearing and up to the minute. It is 4.14 metres long and the perfect B-segment stablemate for the 3.92-metre-long Renault 5. It uses the same AmpR Small platform, the underpinning engineered for best-in-class indoor space and uncompromising agility and comfort. Renault 4 E-Tech electric will be made in Maubeuge, France, and reach dealerships in 2025.

  • The first official images

    Renault has revealed a few snapshots of its exterior design, capturing its charisma and expert blend of class and convenience, ahead of the official unveiling this 14 October during the Paris Motor Show.

  • The R4 R Pass to skip the queue 

    Renault 4 E-Tech electric customers will be able to opt into the same ordering and delivery fast track as Renault 5 E-Tech electric buyers. R4 R Pass holders can order their Renault 4 E-Tech electric in Renault network dealerships 15 days before the general public. Buyers who order during this exclusive window will enjoy priority production and delivery.

    R4 R Pass will be available for €150 on starting on 1 October 2024 in France, Germany, Itay, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

    R4 R Pass holders will enjoy a variety of other advantages including miniatures sent straight to their home and invitations to members-only events. R4 R Pass and the wt4 app (which has changed its name for the occasion) will also entitle holders to a selection of exclusive updates on Renault 4 E-Tech electric before their official release.

via Renault


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...ritengo che il ricorso continuo alla riproposizione di modelli heritage pantografati dal passato sia un'amissione della mancanza di idee. Nel recente passato chi ha addottato questa strategia non mi pare sia stato tanto fortunato, quasi ci fosse una maledizione (500-Stellantis, Maggiolino-VW...)!  

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  • Beckervdo ha messo in primo piano/indicizzato questa Discussione

Ma la Renault 4 storica, alla sua epoca come era classificata: utilitaria, MPV, station wagon, ...?


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31 minuti fa, MotorPassion scrive:

Ma la Renault 4 storica, alla sua epoca come era classificata: utilitaria, MPV, station wagon, ...?

Familiare, Utile per Consegna del Pane, Rally, Dakar, ecc. :-D 


(scherzi a parte, ricordo di aver visto una pubblicità su una rivista d'epoca, in cui era scritto che l'assetto poteva essere modificato per affrontare le dune - se la memoria non mi inganna)

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18 minutes ago, savio.79 said:

Familiare, Utile per Consegna del Pane, Rally, Dakar, ecc. :-D 


(scherzi a parte, ricordo di aver visto una pubblicità su una rivista d'epoca, in cui era scritto che l'assetto poteva essere modificato per affrontare le dune - se la memoria non mi inganna)


assetto? quale assetto? :-D


51 minutes ago, MotorPassion said:

Ma la Renault 4 storica, alla sua epoca come era classificata: utilitaria, MPV, station wagon, ...?


All'epoca le categorie erano poche e semplici e in questo senso la R4 era anomala: per finiture e qualità di guida era quasi al livello di una segmento A, per spazio interno e versatilità quasi una C, per comfort una buona segmento B.

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Da queste prime immagini sembrerebbe avere una caratteristica della progenitrice che oggi è molto rara, la soglia di carico molto bassa, a tutto vantaggio della praticità.






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