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  • Mitsubishi Motors will introduce two new compact SUVs in 2025.
  • The first, targeting young families will  be called “Grandis”, reflecting the spacious and interior.
  • Developed for Europe, the New Grandis will feature both mild hybrid (MHEV) and full hybrid (HEV) powertrains, advanced ADAS technology and cutting-edge Connectivity with Google built in.
  • The New Grandis will be revealed in July and will go on sale in the late Autumn.
  • A second, 100% electric (BEV) SUV will follow later in the year.

Amstelveen, 18th February, 2025 – Mitsubishi Motors Europe announced today that the first of two new C SUVs to be launched in 2025 will be called “Grandis”.  To compete in Europe’s largest (C-SUV) segment, the Grandis is aimed at active young families who need space and versatility in an efficient, compact SUV packed with advanced technology and Google built-in.


Echoing Mitsubishi Motors’ MPV from the early 2000’s, the name Grandis – derived from the Latin word meaning “large” and “impressive” – was selected to reflect the large interior space and powerful, confident design with a fresh iteration of Mitsubishi Motors’ signature “Dynamic Shield” front face, and “Hexaguard Horizon” rear design identity.

As well as the roomy and versatile interior space, the new Grandis features a full suite of ADAS technologies and connectivity with Google built-in, delivering a safety and convenience for the whole family be it for daily commutes and weekend adventures.

Developed for Europe, the new Grandis will be available with mild hybrid (MHEV) and full hybrid (HEV) powertrains, offering both performance and efficiency.


The new Grandis will be revealed in July and go on sale in the late Autumn of 2025.

A second, 100% electric (BEV) SUV will follow later in 2025.


Both models will be manufactured in Europe by Groupe Renault.





Se Mitsubishi deve affidarsi a Renault per la produzione di SUV qualcosa dev'essere andato storto. Ciliegina sulla torta il nome riciclato da un'auto che non c'entra nulla

  • Mi Piace 3
  • Beckervdo ha messo in primo piano/indicizzato questa Discussione
  On 18/02/2025 at 13:39, Beckervdo scrive:

Avevano Space Runner, Space Wagon da utilizzare, perché GRANDIS!


Perché, a differenza di Colt, avranno avuto almeno il buon senso di non infangare nomi di successo per un rebrand della Symbioz. 😂


Del nome a sto punto importa poco, visto cosa si chiama Espace al momento o cosa si chiamerà Multipla a breve... la curiosità rimane per il prezzo della versione "liscia".

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