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Next Gen EREV

A zero-compromise mix of exclusivity, high-performance, and efficiency packaged in a 2-door coupe form. Featuring Karma's powerful, next-generation Extended Range Electric Vehicle (EREV) powertrain.

With the freedom of choice, drivers experience the grace of an electric vehicle with the freedom to go farther. EREV Technology adapts to your world - a driving experience that doesn't ask you to compromise




Est 0-60 mph

< 3.5 sec

Est Top Speed

165 mph



Immersive + Alive

Amaris features exterior details that are uniquely Karma. From its low-slung hood to its uncluttered lines, the Amaris is truly an exercise in discrete and timeless design.


Comet Line

Karma's unique Comet Line feature spans the entire width of the vehicle, emphasizing the new wider rear fenders.


Target Lighting

Karma's signature Target Lighting creates a unique and eye-catching road presence.



22” Constellation wheels, crafted in forged aluminum, fully-establish the purposeful, fluid stance of the Amaris.




In effetti lo dicono con malcelata spocchia: 

Amaris features exterior details that are uniquely Karma. From its low-slung hood to its uncluttered lines, the Amaris is truly an exercise in discrete and timeless design.

In pratica vogliono risparmiare sui restyling 😂



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