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156 GTA Autodelta (uk)


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l'Autodelta UK ha presentato anke la versione modificata della 156, dopo la 147, credo ke le caratteristike siano le stesse, unica cosa ke è la versione my 2003 e nella carrozzeria rikiamo molto l'Autodelta nostrana (quella originale....)

visto ke penso ke quella nn l'avremo mai, accontentiamoci di questa...



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Mamma mia, i passaruota dietro sembrano presi da un kit Lester della Uno turbo!tristissimi

hanno un loro xke, sono la copia di quelli messi sul prototipo Autodelta del motor show 2002, a loro volta ripresi dalla 156 etcc.....

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These exclusive pictures reveal for the first time Autodelta's fearsome 3.7-litre Alfa Romeo 156GTA just days ahead of its official release.

It follows hard on the heels of the firm's 328bhp, 3.7-litre Alfa 147GTA, which caused such a stir when it was unveiled at last December's MPH03 Motor Show in Earls Court, London.

The 147GTA immediately staked its claim to being the "World's Fastest Hatchback" and prompted the maverick motoring TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson, never one to mince his words, to comment that "mad amounts of power and astounding grip make this the hottest hatch ever."

Now, just nine month later, comes the next in the blood line, the 156GTA 3.7, which, if the preview photos are anything to go by, is going to be awesome!

London-based design and tuning house, Autodelta, was founded in 1987 by talented young engineer Jano Djelalian, and has in the intervening time built itself a global reputation for pushing Alfa Romeo's to the edge. They have, apparently, been working flat out all year on this new project, which, as Jano told Italiaspeed some months ago, is a car they wanted to get "absolutely right."

While Autodelta are remaining tight-lipped about what's under the skin, although we know that it will be powered by the 147GTA's 328bhp 3.7-litre V6 engine, the stylish new exterior, designed by their in-house design arm, Creativestudio, sheds some light on this exciting project.

At the front a huge air intake, which greedily gobbles air into the powerful engine, visually dominates, while Creativestudio have cleverly worked in the facelifted 156's Giugiaro-styled new headlights and grille, a feature not as yet available on Alfa's own 3.2-litre 156GTA.

Flared out wheel arches, revised front and rear spoilers with quad tailpipes, and beautiful 18-inch multispoke wheels, all of which help to make a purposeful statement without upsetting the delicate Giugiaro lines of the 156.

Brand new lightweight front wings blend in to form a perfect ‘wasp-waist’, enhancing the car’s powerful stance. The rear wheel arches have been offset by razor-sharp extensions, which chase upwards to meet the rear optical units. Revised side skirts connect the muscular wheel arches, and include cooling vents for the uprated braking system.

Once again it seems Autodelta are going to rewrite the rule book with another powerful, aggressive car that is going to have a huge impact

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I passaruota non piacciono neppure a me.

Ma comunque mi devono spiegare come diamine fanno a portarlo a 3700 e la casa dire che non realizzerà manco il 3500.

O all'Autodelta danno motori che poi bruciano e quindi vendono delle "sole", oppure qualcosa mi dice che la storia di non poter arrivare a 3500 "in sicurezza" è una panzana.


'80 Alfasud 1.2 5m 4p --- '09 147 JTDm Moving

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I passaruota non piacciono neppure a me.

Ma comunque mi devono spiegare come diamine fanno a portarlo a 3700 e la casa dire che non realizzerà manco il 3500.

O all'Autodelta danno motori che poi bruciano e quindi vendono delle "sole", oppure qualcosa mi dice che la storia di non poter arrivare a 3500 "in sicurezza" è una panzana.

Propendo per la prima ipotesi.....non è che mi fidi molto dei preparatori in linea generale (i pochi che ho conosciuto erano dei "venditori di fumo").....credo che in Alfa alla durata del propulsore ci abbiano sempre tenuto molto (come in ogni casa seria, peraltro)

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