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Le auto del WTCC esposte al Louvre

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The first official event attended by the new FIA World Touring Car Championship’s cars took place yesterday in Paris.

On the occasion of the celebrations for the Centenary of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, four FIA WTCC cars were exhibited in the Cour Napoléon, at the Louvre Museum. The Alfa Romeo 156, BMW 320i, SEAT Toledo Cupra and the brand new Chevrolet Nubira were in the foreground, on both sides of the carpet the 800 guests went along on their way to the crystal pyramid and the entrance to the Hall Napolèon, where they attended a gala dinner and the celebration.

The four FIA WTCC cars have been placed alongside Michael Schumacher’s F1 Ferrari, the 2003 WRC winner Citroën Xsara, and a number of cars that represented the history of the first one hundred years of the FIA’s activity (1904-2004).

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