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  2. Ho letto che Dobrindt ha ordinato il ritiro di almeno 22000 Porsche Cayenne diesel perché illegali per la circolazione. Si stanno insultando pubblicamente tra Audi Porsche e vw, ormai finiscono sui giornali con dichiarazioni di fuoco.
    1 punto
  3. Eh...alla BMW piace vincere facile.......anche se per me, la M dei sogni è la piccola M2.
    1 punto
  4. Buongiorno a tutti, sono il felicissimo possessore di una Yaris ibrida comprata nuova nel novembre 2014, e visto che prima di comprarla, non sapendo cosa fosse una macchina ibrida, ho letto e mi sono documentato per circa sei mesi, ritengo giusto restituire il favore della mia esperienza per chi sta cercando adesso.Mi verrebbe da dire compratela e non pensateci, non perdete tempo inutilmente, tanto ne sarete contenti, ma riguardando un noto forum ho notato alcuni utilizzatori non del tutto soddisfatti dei consumi, quindi parliamo di questo.Appena ritirata dal concessionario ho fatto benzina e per i successivi due anni, 40.000 km ho annotato rigorosamente su di un taccuino tutti i litri di benzina versati nel serbatoio. Logicamente quelli dichiarati dalla pompa.La mia media totale è, nei due anni di 21-22 km/l (con un pieno di 31 litri faccio circa 650 km)L’ho usata in questo modo:- dal lunedì al venerdì casa lavoro, 20 km di superstrada a 80-100 km/h e altri 14 in città (Torino);- sabato e domenica uso famiglia, simile al lavoro; -autostrada poca, tre, quattro viaggetti da 200/300 km ogni anno;- un viaggio in ferie da 3.000 km.Quindi possiamo ipotizzare su 40.000 km, in due anni, una media di 35/36.000 km casa-lavoro-tempo libero e 4/5.000 km di autostrada.Casa lavoro 2 persone, per il resto 4 persone, bagagli nelle ferie.In autostrada la media è di 17 km/l viaggiando alla velocità di 120/130 km/h.Devo ammettere che con l’età il piede si è alleggerito molto, ho inoltre notato maggiori consumi in inverno con il riscaldamento acceso, forse perché il clima è alimentato dalle batterie, che in città fanno partire il benzina per ricaricarle. Nei primi mesi cercavo di capire come consumare meno usandola maggiormente in elettrico, addirittura ho viaggiata in modalità economy, ma non serve , ora la guido normalmente e continuo a fare oltre 650 km con 30 litri di benzina, secondo me, calcolati in maniera “svizzera” come ho fatto io, nelle stesse condizioni, non è battibile da nessun’altra macchina.Questo per quanto riguarda i consumi, ma secondo la mia esperienza questo non è tutto, perché l’esperienza della guida dell’ibrido è molto gratificante anche per la comodità, il confort, il silenzio. Guido ormai da trent'anni tutti i giorni, ma con questa Yaris non ho più lo stress del traffico. Trovo geniale che un motore di un veicolo fermo sia spento e che frenando recuperi l’energia che altrimenti andrebbe dispersa, è l’uovo di Colombo.Poi sono anche contento della qualità e affidabilità Toyota, ma questo è ancora un altro discorso.
    1 punto
  5. George Galliers - Evercore ISIGreat. And then the third question I had was just when we look at the improvement you're seeing at Maserati, as I think about the end of next year, I guess, Maserati and Alfa Romeo combined could look like a 250,000-unit per annum company, with around €12 billion of revenue, €1 billion of EBIT, a margin in excess of 8%. That sounds like a pretty healthy and respectable standalone OEM and one which could attract a good multiple, given the growth profile it will have seen. Are there any platform or powertrain constraints, which could make a separation of those two as a unit unviable? Sergio Marchionne - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NVI'm going to answer your question by answering the last portion of what you said, which is that there are no restrictions – there are no structural, industrial or engineering restrictions for the separation of Alfa and Maserati. That means nothing. Because it does – that's not an acknowledgement of the fact that either it can be done or would be done.There's a statement, which, I think, is still in the press release about the fact that we have – or in the analyst deck about the fact that we're holding an Investors Day in the first half of 2018. And I realize that there's been a relatively large amount of excitement out there caused by initiatives both on this autonomous driving front, on the electrification, on this whole notion of separation of businesses.And I think that given the fact that we're bringing to conclusion a five-year plan and so far, to the best of my knowledge, we're on track to achieve its objectives and all its elements, including net debt by the end of next year.We thought it was – that it was proper that we sort of update the market again on what we consider to be the next five years of FCA 2014 – sorry, 2018 to 2022. And we intend doing that within the first semester of 2018, notwithstanding the fact that I will not be here when that cycle continues.The reason why we're doing this is because although we are now – we started doing this at the end of 2016, we're doing it today, we're doing it next year, we're not committing capital that we will – that will not see any economic results until well after the completion of the 2018 plan. And I think it seems sort of improper that we keep on committing capital and reveal these numbers on a quarterly basis without giving an indication of what it is that we're working on.I'll give you a couple of broad sort of indications of where we are today in terms of the delineation of the post 2018 FCA. The first one and I've mentioned this in passing and other occasions about the fact that there's nothing that will prevent an OEM from engaging in the type of development work that Tesla has done so far. We have been – as you well know, we have been reluctant to embrace that avenue until we saw a clear – a path forward. I think we're now in a position to acknowledge at least one of our brands and in particular Maserati will, when it completes the development of its next two models effectively switch all of its portfolio to electrification.And as these products come up for renewal post 2019, it will start launching vehicles, which are all electric and which will embody, I think, what we consider to be state-of-the-art technology. It's an integral part of the development of the Group and I think it's an integral part of a broader strategy on electrification, which will see more than half of its fleet – by the time we hit the conclusion of the plan in 2022, it will see more than half of its fleet incorporated in electrification.Some of that money has been spent already, some of it will be spent within 2017 and 2018 and some of it will be spent as we launch products in the 2019 to 2022 timeframe. I think it is important that we reserve judgment on what you suggested as being a possible avenue. Until we hear that story in the first half of next year, the only thing I can tell you for sure is that when we look at the portfolio of activities that FCA carries out, there are things, which are associated with automotive but are fundamentally non-OEM activities.And when we have looked at the development of the sector over the last two or three years, we have come to the conclusion that the differences in valuation between what we currently achieve as an OEM and some of the activities they carryout including Marelli, no longer justify aggregation. And I think that when we speak to you next year in the first half after having discussed this with the board at some length, it is my view that we will show you a much clearer portfolio of OEM activities by the end of 2018, and I think that forms an integral part of the plan going out to 2022.But other than that, I will not speak about anything else and I will – really will not discuss anything else in terms of disaggregation of activities within the Group. There are some things, which have been inside the Group for a number of years, and which we have worked on now in terms of profitability over the last two or three in a very intensive way, and which in all likelihood required us to see the light of day on their own merits and away from something which appears to be not as loved by the markets as traditional OEMs. So we need to reserve all this until the first half of 2018.
    1 punto
  6. Stephen M. Reitman - Société Générale SA (UK)Hi. Thank you very much. Good morning, good afternoon. Looking at Alfa Romeo and Maserati, first of all, could you give some idea about the production cadence you're seeing at Alfa Romeo, roughly what the volumes were like in the first half or the second quarter? And also where we are in terms of Levante? I think you mentioned that you're launching it in all markets. Where are we now in terms of utilization and capacity? Thank you. Richard Keith Palmer - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NVIn terms of Alfa Romeo, we shipped just over 12,000 units in the first quarter worldwide and 22,000 in the second. And obviously we're still in the process of launching Stelvio, so a large part of those units were Giulia (01:16:54) production. Sergio Marchionne - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NVGiulia Richard Keith Palmer - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NVGiulia. Sergio Marchionne - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NVI'll give you my read of those numbers. I think Stelvio has just started launching. We started showing it to the markets here in the U.S. We're beginning to get some units on the ground now. Reception is quite good, as well as one could expect, they're probably in line with the reception that Giulia received when it was launched. It is because of the fact that the ambitions and the commitments that were made to the architectures were totally different than they were from Maserati. We're not seeing the same type of economic benefit from the launch of these two vehicles than we did from the launch of the Quattroporte and the Ghibli.These are much larger investments that were much wider in scope in terms of technology, the engines that were launched and associated with these products. So I think it's going to take the remainder of the product line-up fill out, which will take until 2019 or 2020 initially to try and get the full benefit of Alfa onto the table. It will include one EUV, one larger EUV on top of the Stelvio, which ultimately will share something with the U (01:18:13) families of that size. So there's more work to be done. But the reaction has been superb and the brand is performing incredibly well across the markets. I mean the recognition and familiarity is quite high. Stephen M. Reitman - Société Générale SA (UK)So I understand there was a figure mentioned around the first quarter of about 170,000 units of Alfa Romeo targeted for this year with a run rate of close to 200,000 units by the end of the year, which brings close to profitability or brings to breakeven. Are we on track on that? Sergio Marchionne - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NVYes. For the whole Alfa range, right? That includes MiTo, Giulietta, Giulia and the Stelvio and a few 4Cs, which you will on the rounding. Stephen M. Reitman - Société Générale SA (UK)So the 12,000 and the 22000 units in Q1 and Q2 relate to the Stelvio and the Giulia? Sergio Marchionne - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NVYes.
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