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Stai visualizzando i contenuti con il più alto punteggio, pubblicati in data 06/01/2023 e localizzati Tutte le aree/sezioni

  1. Quando ci si approccia al mondo delle auto ultraventennali bisogna prendere tutto quello che si sa delle auto e …. Metterlo in un cassetto. Tutti i discorsi sui vari marchi valgono fino a lì (con un lì estremamente prossimo) perché dopo 20 anni tutti i modelli possono soffrire di magagne. Plastiche che diventano appiccicose o si crepano, tetti che si scollano, perdite di fluidi, problemi di elettronica e ruggine (si, esiste ancora, specie sulle auto che hanno vissuto oltre Alpi). Quello che fa la differenza è il SINGOLO ESEMPLARE e la sua storia. È quello che fa tanta differenza sulle eventuali spese di manutenzione straordinaria a cui vai incontro. Modello e versione (non marca, modello e versione) possono giusto fare la differenza per i ricambi. Le versioni ad altissima tiratura hanno ancora della giacenza a magazzino (ma non perché più bravi, semplicemente perché circolando e di più serviva più stock). Anche se di solito le versioni che sono state di grande tiratura sono quelle meno appetibili per uno sfizio (perché non mi dite che se pensate a una serie 5 pensate ai 518i o 520i, le prendete come ripiego). Ultimo capitolo. L’uso. Si, si possono usare, non sono delle Balilla. Però è il come vanno, non il se vanno. Si pensa “faccio il tagliando e vanno”. Si, va il motore, va il cambio. Magari vanno dischi e pastiglie. È tutto il contorno a cui fare attenzione….supporti motore, silentblock, gli accessori elettrici etc. Che è tutto quello che rende la macchina godibile oltre che usabile (e che ne rende costoso il mantenimento in efficienza) Poi magari a uno non interessa e gira a mettere 1L di acqua ogni 2000km, ma non può essere portato di esempio di fattibilità
    8 punti
  2. Qualcuno mi spiega perché la classica griglia a croce che caratterizzava le Dodge e successivamente i RAM non viene più adottata da nessuno dei due marchi? L’unico elemento distintivo è stato eliminato 😅
    7 punti
  3. Il CS francese ricorda al resto del gruppo Stellantis come si disegnano le auto nel 2022.
    6 punti
  4. OH, non è mica una 156 o una Thesis...,😂😂😂
    5 punti
  5. Stanno cercando di trasformare l’industria automobilistica in una specie di Apple : prodotti quasi di lusso in un mercato stagnante se non già in calo in pezzi e con formule di abbonamento e infine con applicazioni e servizi captive per imprigionare il cliente e evitare che cambi gruppo a fine leasing. Da un punto di vista economico e finanziario sta in piedi. Ma chi si fa fregare siamo noi consumatori e sono operai, concessionari, e indotto sia industriale che di post vendita.
    4 punti
  6. 4 punti
  7. Peugeot chose the Consumer Electronics Show 2023 in Las Vegas to reveal its latest concept called Inception. However, the fact that this study was revealed in United States doesn’t signal the French marque’s US return, however it does show the way forward for its next-gen electric vehicles that will be sold around the world. All the vehicles that Peugeot will launch starting in the near future will draw inspiration from this very sharp looking concept that should herald the arrival of some bold looking EVs. It’s especially bold inside. The most dramatic part of the exterior has to be the rear end which comes to a very sharp edge that we’re sure will be seen again in the production cars inspired by this concept. They won’t be this extreme, but a stylized version of this will certainly be seen again. Two electric motors make this vehicle all-wheel drive and give it a combined output of 680 horsepower (500 kilowatts) enabling it to go from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in less than 3 seconds. It draws from a large 100 kWh battery pack that gives it a claimed range of 800 kilometers (497 miles) on one charge. This impressive range from a battery pack that while big isn’t massive by current standards comes courtesy of its efficiency. It’s apparently able to use just 12.5 kWh/100 km, equivalent to a very impressive 4.9 mi/kWh, not far off the highly aerodynamic Lightyear 0 solar EV, which can muster 10.5 kWh/100 km or 5.9 mi/kWh. The manufacturer doesn’t state the concept’s exact charging rate, but it does say the vehicle runs on 800 volts and is capable of replenishing 150 km (93 mi) in just five minutes; that’s 30 km (18.6 miles) in one minute. The architecture used to underpin everything is Stellantis’ STLA Large platform and the concept is around 5 meters (196 inches), as well as very low standing just 1.34 meters (52.7 inches) tall. Peugeot also promises that this concept delivers on the driver enjoyment front too. This in spite of the fact that it has steer-by-wire and a rectangular steering… device that the automaker calls Hypersquare. It’s basically a screen that you can steer the car with. You will also notice in the photo showing a model sitting in the driver’s seat that the driving position is really low and sporty. Recent production Peugeots have all had very futuristic and boldly designed interiors and the Inception concept suggests that the automaker has no intention of stopping. So while you shouldn’t expect the materials and surfaces you see inside the Inception to make it into a production car, some of the shapes and ideas certainly will, albeit in more watered down iterations that will be easy to mass-produce. (Insideev)
    3 punti
  8. Mmm e perché 166 non sarebbe una vera Alfa?
    3 punti
  9. Fermi tutti. Ti abbiamo trovato l’auto definitiva. Quello che risparmi te lo godi in benzina 😂
    3 punti
  10. All’estero (UK, DE, NL, F) i club Alfa e Lancia sono più attivi e più fanatici che in Italia. Tempo fa a Torino venne in pellegrinaggio un club UK di Beta Montecarlo. Via strada. Tutte tirate a lucido. Se non lo si vive da dentro attivamente questo mondo strano e poco decifrabile si va solo per luoghi comuni, errando.
    3 punti
  11. A proposito di mantenimento dei siti produttivi in Italia in vista dell’elettrificazione credo sia utile leggere questo articolo
    3 punti
  12. E comunque hai ragione a guardare il prezzo d'acquisto. Forse solo con un inbrido avresti un vantaggio significativo sul costo del combustibile, ma anche qui dopo un bel po' di km. IN questo senso io cercherei una Corolla usata fresca oppure una Jazz nuova, che come comfort e spazi interni è equivalente a Corolla (Jazz fa sanguinare gli occhi ma tanto la guidi da dentro, mica da fuori ).
    3 punti
  13. Penultimo acquisto... per natale mi sono regalato questo
    3 punti
  14. PRESS RELEASE Sono quasi commosso, un bel concept BMW dopo anni di delusioni totali. Tolte le varie esagerazioni per il CES, è piú o meno un riassunto di quello che vorrei da una berlina BMW per l'era elettrica.
    2 punti
  15. Contesto visceralmente. Era il 2000, mio padre cercava una degna sostituta della Thema. Scartammo quasi subito E Klasse e A6, dinamicamente non all'altezza, pur eccellenti negli interni, specie l'Audi. Rimasero in lizza 166 e 525i, che potemmo provare a lungo (ce le lasciarono entrambe qualche giorno in prova). Scegliemmo la 166. Tuttora in garage. Mai un rimpianto.
    2 punti
  16. Forse vi state confondendo con gli abbaglianti automatici (il sistema si limita a disattivare e riattivare gli abbaglianti quando si incrocia un veicolo). I fari Matrix possono regolare proprio il fascio di luce degli abbaglianti escludendo o abbassando una determinata zona del fascio di luce evitando di spararla contro macchina davanti o contro un segnale per esempio, mentre in tutto il resto del fascio la luce rimane “normale”.
    2 punti
  17. In esclusiva per Autopareri la versione definitiva.
    2 punti
  18. io sono di parte ☺️
    2 punti
  19. Il design non mi fa pensare troppo a RAM, un po' generico
    2 punti
  20. 2 punti
  21. Non sò perchè ma vedendola ho pensato ad una Lancia... opss cosa ho detto
    2 punti
  22. Questi commenti mi fanno sempre sorridere (scusa il mio pensiero non è diretto a te in prima persona ma al tipo di commento). Aldilà’ dei costi relativi nel fare un modello simile ed aldilà del valore intrinseco (ed estrinseco 🥶), secondo voi uno che può permettersi di comprare un’auto così e che presumibilmente ha una collezione, davvero si fa “spennare”?
    2 punti
  23. Ram 1500 Revolution Battery-electric Vehicle (BEV) Concept Unveiled at CES 2023 The Ram Revolution BEV Concept is a visionary road map showing how the industry’s leading truck brand will redefine the pickup segment once again Segment-redefining Ram 1500 Revolution Battery-electric Vehicle (BEV) Concept demonstrates Ram’s commitment to electric vehicle (EV) leadership Loaded with advanced technology, the concept reinvents the customer experience by integrating leading-edge technology, a fully connected customer experience and advanced mobility features Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept delivers seamless connectivity to transform the experience for driver and passengers Stunning, ultra-modern exterior design represents the future of Ram trucks All-new face of Ram includes animated and modernized “R-A-M” badging and animated full LED “tuning fork” headlight design Doors have been reimagined in a grand saloon-style opening that showcases a cavernous occupant space without a B-pillar New interior layout offers even more flexibility with room to configure workspace with a removeable center console with fold-flat surface Ram continues to build on its list of industry-shaping features with the 1500 BEV Concept, ushering in an industry-first feature: third-row jump seats Powered mid-gate features mounted jump seats with a removable lower section that allows for multiple flexible seating configurations and enables a pass-through (and into the frunk) that can fit objects up to 18-ft. long Built on new STLA Frame body-on-frame architecture designed specifically for full-size electric vehicles, the concept incorporates the battery pack efficiently with full underbody aero panels and active diffuser Powered by two electric drive modules (EDMs), the concept features all-wheel-drive capability Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept can add up to 100 miles of range in approximately 10 minutes with 800-volt DC fast charging at up to 350 kW Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features four-wheel steering with up to 15 degrees of articulation for greater vehicle maneuverability Ram will once again redefine the pickup truck segment with revolutionary Ram 1500 BEV production model in 2024, to be introduced in the coming months Ram 1500 BEV will be the leader in a combination of areas customers care about the most: range, towing, payload and charge time Entire Ram lineup will offer electrified solutions with disruptive, leading-edge advanced technology in the years to come Ram’s move toward electrification supports the Stellantis Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan to lead the way the world moves by delivering innovative, clean, safe and affordable mobility solutions January 5, 2023 , Auburn Hills, Mich. - The Ram Truck brand introduced a visionary road map today at CES 2023 with its Ram 1500 Revolution Battery-electric Vehicle (BEV) Concept, which provides a glimpse into the future and demonstrates how the industry’s leading truck brand will once again redefine the pickup truck segment. The leading-edge Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept showcases a truckload of innovative features that will be seen in future Ram trucks and in particular on Ram’s electrification journey. Ram will differentiate itself by offering a portfolio of fully electrified solutions to better meet customer needs, including a segment-redefining Ram 1500 BEV in 2024. The entire Ram lineup will offer electrified solutions with disruptive, leading-edge advanced technology in the years to come. The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept establishes how Ram will push past competitors’ future EV offerings. “The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept is our clearest signal yet that we’re on the precipice of something extraordinary at Ram and points directly to where we’re going on our electrified journey,” said Mike Koval Jr., Ram brand CEO – Stellantis. “At Ram, we’ve redefined what pickup trucks can be, and we will do so again by pushing past what competitors are offering by delivering the best electric pickups on the market.” The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept is part of Ram’s significant contribution to Stellantis’ Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan to lead the way the world moves by delivering innovative, clean, safe and affordable mobility solutions. “The Ram Revolution represents several important things to the Ram brand,” Koval added. “Of course, it’s our new Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept that serves as a roadmap to our electrified future. Yet Ram Revolution is also our philosophy as we redefine the pickup segment, with a steady drumbeat of announcements and initiatives as we embark on our electrified journey.” Ram is committed to innovation and powertrain leadership with a lineup that consists of anything and everything truck buyers want and need, meeting real-world demands. Today, Ram offers the most fuel-efficient 4x4s and the quickest, fastest and most powerful pickup truck straight from the factory. Ram will once again redefine the pickup truck segment with its revolutionary Ram 1500 BEV production model in 2024. It will be the leader in a combination of areas customers care about the most: range, towing, payload and charge time. More news on the production version will be available in the coming months. Pioneering design establishes the vision for Ram’s electrified future The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept provides a stunning vision of the ultimate pickup truck as part of the future of Ram trucks. Ram’s exterior design team set out to revolutionize the pickup truck segment by creating an ultra-modern concept that exudes heroic strength, maintains its purpose and is environmentally responsible. The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features an exterior design that is strikingly “brutiful” – brutal yet beautiful. An animated and modernized “R-A-M” badge adorns the all-new face of Ram, which features a fully animated LED “tuning fork” design. The doors have been reimagined in a grand saloon-style opening that showcases a cavernous occupant space without a B-pillar. Bright LED lights have been cleverly integrated into the front bumper flares and advancements in lighting are highlighted by fully animated LED taillamps and badging. Building on Ram’s reputation as North America’s off-road and performance truck leader, the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features an integrated fascia design with a skid plate and new pivoting tow hooks that can sit flush. Innovative features are thoughtfully integrated throughout and include a new powered frunk with one-touch open-and-close functionality that adds capability and storage. Other powered features, including a powered charge-port door situated on the driver’s side front quarter panel, a powered tailgate, flush-mounted door handles, powered side steps and a powered rear step with active diffuser, round out the extensive list of powered features. The concept features revolutionary side-view mirrors that are smaller, more lightweight and use 3D printed materials for optimal aerodynamics and reduced drag. The side-view mirrors use a digital camera to capture the truck’s surroundings, allowing for a smaller physical size. The charge port illuminates and blinks while charging. An audible sound will signal it’s plugged in and charging has begun. The charge port features Level 1 and Level 2 AC charging on the top half and DC fast charging on the bottom half of the charger. Recognizable Ram design cues with added capability include a power multifunction tailgate and a larger RamBox. The acute hourglass body design and fender wells clear 35-inch tires with a new unique design. The 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features self-leveling capability and rides on 24-inch wheels with center caps that light up and stay in place. These new proportions are achieved courtesy of the innovative STLA Frame EV platform on which the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept is built. New intelligent safety systems and smaller, more powerful electric motors afforded the design team the ability to shift the cabin forward and increase cabin length. The 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features a cabin that is four inches longer than today’s production truck for increased room and comfort while the bed length remains the same. New interior boasts sustainable materials with never-before-seen levels of flexibility, comfort and innovation Known as a “one space environment,” the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept uses one continuous space front to back that enables several different interior configurations. The “one space environment” theme is bolstered by a new interior layout that offers even more flexibility with room to configure a workspace or for your next adventure. A significantly more spacious interior and greater cabin length are the result of a new architecture while the battery’s size allows for more cargo volume. Ram Track, Ram’s rail attachment/floor track system, provides cabin flexibility for the seats and console, as well as usable tie-downs or other storage potential. Ram Track is also incorporated in the frunk, as well as the bed, allowing for true flexibility from front to back. Nearly 50 years ago, the club cab was introduced with second-row seating. Half a century later, Ram continues to build on these industry-shaping features with the 1500 BEV Concept ushering in a new feature: third-row jump seats. The powered mid-gate features mounted jump seats with a removable lower section for placement in the bed or outside the vehicle. The mid-gate with powered glass enables a pass-through (and into the frunk) that can fit objects up to 18-ft. long with the tailgate closed. Seating and console flexibility was a focus with the center console’s ability to be removed for even more space. If desired, the center console armrest individually converts to a workstation surface. Combined with mid-gate and jump-seat options, the 1500 Revolution BEV Concept offers multiple flexible seating configurations. Lightweight seats feature integrated seatbelts, grab handles and speakers with the ability to fold flat along with extended recline, work, conference modes and deploying the jump seats. Vastly more interior volume benefits second-row and third-row jump seat passengers who enjoy limo-like space. The “tuning fork” design is present inside the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept, stretching the length of the dashboard and continuing a theme line to the mid-gate. A full touchscreen display comprised of two screens offers up to 28 inches of screen space as the centerpiece of an interior loaded with advanced technology. The lower display has three different positions depending on the task at hand – minimal view, extended view and full screen view – and can be removed and used in different areas of the truck. The upper screen can also slide on the Ram rail attachment system. The rearview mirror combines leading-edge technology to improve safety and convenience. Significantly smaller than traditional truck mirrors without compromising effectiveness, the rearview mirror is packed with a range of sophisticated technologies, including a smart backup camera with 360-degree views, speakers, and receivers compatible with voice assistants, such as Alexa and Siri. When in reverse, the camera stitches together images from various other cameras around the truck, providing the driver with a 360-degree view on the interior digital screens. This allows the driver to see their surroundings with greater clarity, helping to avoid accidents and improve safety, especially when backing up to a trailer. The mirror also includes a supplementary backup flood lamp that provides additional visibility when reversing the truck, which is especially useful in low light conditions. In addition to the backup camera, the rearview mirror also communicates with biometric cameras that observe the truck's environment as it approaches objects and as it’s being approached. Digital side-view mirrors and augmented reality (AR) head-up display (HUD) highlight the onboard advanced technology. A flat-top and bottom collapsible steering wheel offers enhanced hand grips with capacitive controls, digital screens and a lit “RAM” badge. Tactile swiping technology enables occupants to configure the sun visors or the entire electro-chromatic roof with the ability to adjust the opaqueness. The full glass roof with electro-chromatic panels and integrated roof rails features ambient lightning that’s operated through the overhead console. Sustainability was a key focus during development of the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept with unique and resourceful materials seen throughout the interior as a result. Examples include Greyslate Nanostone veneer that is resilient and lightweight and Apple leather, a bi-product from the apple industry that is naturally animal and cruelty free. The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept also features a uniquely textured floor that is composed of recycled rubber and cork particles that enhance durability and functionality. Ram’s design team wanted to showcase ideas that deliver every passenger an individualized and personalized experience that seamlessly connects them with their digital lives, as well as the other passengers. Artificial intelligence and the autonomy to enable users to work and play from anywhere were also focal points. Redefining pickup truck ownership again with leading-edge technology, connectivity and convenience The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept provides a glimpse into leading-edge technology, a fully connected customer experience, and advanced mobility features that deliver confidence for hardworking people every day, no matter their line of work. The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept delivers seamless connectivity to transform the experience for the driver and passengers. The concept creates a connected hub that brings a consumer’s digital lifestyle into the vehicle, using advanced technology to create a customized space for each occupant. Some unique technology features on the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept include: Vehicle Personal Assistant – Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered virtual assistant that enhances in-vehicle and exterior interaction with users. A 3D Ram avatar acts as the vehicle's face, responding to various voice commands from users. Additionally, voice control enables the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept to follow commands from the owner while they’re outside the vehicle, such as close the windows, play music, take a picture, and “follow me” with Shadow Mode Shadow Mode – Allows the vehicle to automatically follow driver walking ahead of the vehicle. This voice-activated feature can be useful in situations where the driver needs to move a short distance and doesn't want to get back in the truck, such as when picking up tools or equipment from a job site. The truck will follow the driver at a safe distance, using sensors and camera technology to navigate around obstacles. This innovation increases efficiency, making the job easier and more convenient My Day - Intelligent trip planning based on users’ schedules and preferences to provide suggestions at right time and right location Cabin Mode - Cabin Modes are “one button” settings that adjust multiple aspects of the cabin experience at once, based on the use case. They include options such as Productivity Mode, Social Mode, Party Mode, Relax Mode and user-created modes. Adjustments include interior lighting, seat position and orientation, window and skylight opacity, vehicle suspension, sound zones and display content Advanced Augmented Reality (AR) Heads-up Display (HUD) – This feature combines AR HUD and advanced camera and sensor technology to provide enhanced driving assistance. See-through vision uses camera and sensor technology to create an experience that allows the driver to see objects outside of their normal view on the AR HUD. The AR HUD can also display information Intelligent storage app – Mobile application that helps users measure objects to determine if they can be transported with their vehicle. To obtain an object’s dimensions, users can scan the product’s barcode or use a built-in AR camera measuring tool. The mobile app will show users how the object can best be positioned in their vehicle, and internal and external cabin projectors assist by displaying guides on the target storage location Adjustable and removable lower display – Used as a tablet, passenger display, truck bed workstation, vehicle control or video game controller, the two 14.2-inch displays can be combined to provide a larger viewing area Smart Home Control - User can control their smart home from the infotainment screen, adjusting devices such as lights, cameras, thermostats and sound systems Advanced camera and sensor system - Multiple cameras and sensors works together to enhance the driving experience and provide additional functions, such as 3D capture, biometric identity recognition, and 360 photo and video capture Exterior projector – Multiple built-in projectors provide an efficient way to visually communicate information to the user. The projectors also double as a mobile movie theater, allowing the owner to have movie night anytime, anywhere Autonomous capabilities – In Level 3+ autonomous mode, the vehicle retracts the steering wheel to provide additional space for the driver. Interior lights, the AR HUD, smarts seats and the steering wheel work together to provide next-level situational awareness to the driver Battery-electric power unlocks new levels of capability and performance The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features all-wheel-drive capability and is powered by two electric drive module (EDMs), which are positioned toward the front and rear of the vehicle, maximizing interior space and enabling the cavernous frunk. Designed to accommodate larger capacity EDMs, the Ram 1500 BEV Concept offers the potential for future high-performance applications. The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept can add up to 100 miles of range in approximately 10 minutes with 800-volt DC fast charging at up to 350 kW. As part of the Ram brand’s focus on providing consumers a growing and vast array of leading-edge advanced technology, Ram is showcasing a new inductive robot charger - or Ram Charger – at CES 2023, that will make home charging as easy as possible. It detects the vehicle's presence and its charging needs, and automatically moves into position and aligns itself under the vehicle. Smart-charge capability will allow charging during off-peak time, providing more convenience and peace-of-mind for our customers. The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features four-wheel steering with up to 15 degrees of articulation and is designed to offer greater vehicle maneuverability while parking at low speed, on tight off-road trails, and increases the vehicle’s steering response at high speeds. Based on the company’s STLA Frame platform, the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features a body-on-frame design that incorporates the battery pack efficiently. Adjustable air suspension enables three different modes: ingress/egress, aero, off-road. Ram Truck Brand In 2009, the Ram Truck brand launched as a stand-alone division, focused on meeting the demands of truck buyers and delivering benchmark-quality vehicles. With a full lineup of trucks, the Ram 1500, 2500/3500 Heavy Duty, 3500/4500/5500 Chassis Cab and ProMaster, the Ram brand builds trucks that get the hard work done and families where they need to go. Ram continues to outperform the competition and sets the benchmarks for: 1,075 lb.-ft. of torque with Cummins Turbo Diesel Towing capacity of 37,090 lbs. with Ram 3500 Segment first 1,000 lb.-ft of torque with Cummins Turbo Diesel Payload of 7,680 lbs. with Ram 3500 Most luxurious: Ram Limited with real wood, real leather and 12-inch Uconnect touchscreen Best ride and handling with exclusive link coil rear and auto-level air suspensions Most interior space with Ram Mega Cab The most cargo space available in any traditional full size cargo van Most capable full-size off-road pickup – Ram Power Wagon Ram 1500 TRX is the quickest, fastest and most powerful mass-produced pickup truck in the world Most awarded light-duty truck in America Highest owner loyalty of any half-ton pickup The latest J.D. Power APEAL study, which rates the emotional bond between customers and their vehicles, named the 2022 Ram 1500 as the best vehicle in the large light-duty pickup category. This marks the third straight year Ram 1500 has received top honors. The Ram 1500 lineup includes the Know & Go mobile app featuring an immersive experience for customers who want to learn more about their vehicles. --- Non mi linciate se già c'è un thread, la ricerca mi da zero. Tra 30 min presentazione del primo pick up EV di RAM. So far we know about the electric 1500 that it will ride on Stellantis’ STLA Frame, it will have a dual-motor setup with close to 900 horsepower according to rumors. Two battery packs will reportedly be offered: 159 kWh and 200 kWh, with the latter providing enough juice for a range of up to 500 miles (805 kilometers).
    1 punto
  24. Motorsports mourning the death of Ken Block, pioneering star of action sports and rally Ken Block made his fame as an action sports star and viral video sensation, but the reaction to his shocking death Monday showed how wide his impact was across motorsports. Hoonigan Industries confirmed in an Instagram post and on its website that Block, 55, was killed in a snowmobile accident: “He was a visionary, a pioneer and an icon. And most importantly, a father and husband.” According to reports from local and national media outlets, Block died in a remote part of Wasatch County, Utah. Wasatch County Sheriff’s Office officials told reporters that Block, a resident of Park City, Utah, was pronounced dead at the scene after a snowmobile ridden by Block turned over and landed on top of him. Hoonigan Industries is an automotive apparel and lifestyle brand co-founded by Block as “an entire subculture fueled on the shared passion of going fast and breaking things” — an apt description for what made him such an appealing and popular touchstone in the racing world, which was heavily influenced by his cultural sway. ... RIP
    1 punto
  25. Da una parte concordo sul fatto che i governi e l’Europa finanzino la transizione ecologica, perché oltre ad un ritorno ambientale e sanitario ci sarà un ritorno economico, dall’altra sappiamo bene che gli incentivi dati ai clienti finiscono nelle tasche delle case automobilistiche che tengono artificialmente alti i listini. È vero che le case automobilistiche hanno investito e investono in ricerca, ma l’auto elettrica non è certo una novità, chi veramente investe sono i produttori di batterie, anche Stellantis, per sviluppare nuovi tipi di batterie e aprire nuovi impianti di produzione. Faccio fatica a credere che una Corsa elettrica costi veramente 13 K in più della equivalente a benzina con cambio automatico, quando 50 kW di batterie costano al massimo 7,5 K. Tavares mi vuol far veramente credere che un semplice motore elettrico da 100 kW ed il relativo inverter e caricatore costano 6,5 K in più di un motore termico con cambio automatico? Se fossi un politico chiederei a tutti i produttori di motori elettrici e di batterie di darmi i veri costi dei componenti forniti a Stellantis e ad altri costruttori e poi risponderei a Tavares per le rime.
    1 punto
  26. bello con il full luminor... io sto aspettando che mi arrivi questo: penso di tenere il cinturino in pelle in inverno, e poi montare un tropic in estate ☏ iPad ☏
    1 punto
  27. Paradossalmente auto particolari come Thesis e C6 hanno più fascino ora che da nuove e rarità come le benzina 6 cilindri ad oggi valgono* di più delle equivalenti Audi/BMW/MB. 607 ed in parte 166 (v6 "grosse" escluse) essendo meno particolari sono viste più come grosse utilitarie che ammiraglie.
    1 punto
  28. comunque quando ho postato più sopra Blade Runner 2049 mica scherzavo, eh! Mi ricorda un sacco la macchina volante del protagonista, anche l'interno! Ed era una Peugeot!
    1 punto
  29. Non lo vedo così rivoluzionario da doverlo stravolgere in fase di produzione credo che certe soluzioni siano state inserite come risposta al truck tesla
    1 punto
  30. Non entusiasma piu' di tanto. Dentro e' pura show car con soluzioni come i sedili e volante senza senso. Si nota la mancanza di uno studio convincente.
    1 punto
  31. Avrei voluto fare lo spiritoso, e per par condicio avrei voluto scrivere che "sembra una BMW" come avevo scritto ieri sulla concept BMW, che vagamente mi ricorda una Peugeot. Ma non posso, perché questa.... sembra proprio una Peugeot! Complimenti ai designer di Peugeot, che devono davvero divertirsi a creare sempre tante concept car. Bella!
    1 punto
  32. La polizia ci starà lavorando
    1 punto
  33. Dopo la Lucidair adesso scopro la Brilliance. Però mi vengono in mente solo imprese di pulizie piuttosto che di automobili…
    1 punto
  34. Parziale OT per una roba che non ho mai capito: Fiorano è rimasto proprietà della famiglia Ferrari e non dell'azienda? In giro su internet si legge sempre "circuito di proprietà della Ferrari". Non che cambi qualcosa, è una mia curiosità 😅
    1 punto
  35. Speriamo qualcosa di molto diverso
    1 punto
  36. Sony e Honda? L'avrei chiamata Concerto e discorso chiuso!
    1 punto
  37. il proprietario della macchina al momento in ferrari ha una quota di partecipazione, ma non ha particolari ruoli operativi, tantomeno in produzione, ma, guardacaso, è anche unico proprietario di un certo circuito che dista la bellezza di 100 metri scarsi dal ristorante in oggetto. Detto questo, un signore che ha un patrimonio di qualche miliardo di euro potrà mangiare dove cazzo vuole ?
    1 punto
  38. Si, ma la ID7 va paragonata alla più tozza ET5, non la 7. E hai dimenticato la più bella cinese concorrente 💕la HOZON NETA S
    1 punto
  39. secondo me se si vuole una macchina di tutti i giorni a questo budget è meglio prendere una panda fresca e bona. Tutte le persone che conosco che hanno provato a prendere un macchinone più anziano, perché costa come una panda,si sono pentiti amaramente. Queste due auto specialmente hanno senso solo come amatore da we.
    1 punto
  40. ..almeno per Europa (2022 senza dicembre) direi che le aspettative sicuramente erano molto piu alte in VW, ma un fallimento totale e qualcosa diverso...VW nel segmento bev europeo e leader di mercato
    1 punto
  41. In VW devono assumere Ralph Gilles, almeno stilisticamente li porta sulla retró via
    1 punto
  42. a me sta moda di presentare le auto con camuffo wrappato mi fa venire in mente i porno giapponesi : nascondono pixellandoli le cose che si vergognano di mostrare ma intanto si capisce benissimo cosa c'è sotto 😁
    1 punto
  43. Per il 2023 ho ceduto alle pressioni sociali e ho scaricato Instagram. Col senno di poi, temo sia stato un errore, influenzerà molto la mia produttività
    1 punto
  44. Scusa ma stai dicendo cose inesatte anzi direi boiate :lo Smart non è obbligatorio al 80, bensì è il massimo che puoi fare da contratto ( ti assicuro che se si potesse molti lo farebbero al 100 ma poi diventerebbe lavoro da remoto e ci sarebbero altre regole e implicazioni anche di costo per l'azienda). C'è gente che fa 80, gente che fa 50 ,gente che fa 20 ecc. Incentivi all uscita sono un accordo sindacale fatto da stellantis di cui Maserati fa parte. Ormai Maserati è completamente inserita in stellantis infatti, come in ogni multinazionale,alcune funzioni sono trasversali ovviamente, la particolarità di Maserati però è che non ha piattaforme condivise dentro stellantis.quanto al focus di tavares su costi e redditività spero non lo scopriamo oggi vero?🤓 Quanto al personale non mi risultano licenziamenti in massa, semmai una gran mobilità, ovvero molta gente che va via perché è richiesta anche fuori, ma ciò avviene anche per fiat (i contratti fiat e Maserati sono gli stessi). sicuramente avere su LinkedIn scritto Maserati invece di fiat fa si di essere un po' più appetibili. Gli uffici ovviamente sono stati ottimizzati visto che non c'è mai tutto il personale, metà sono stati chiusi e la scrivania si prenota,ma penso si faccia in moltissime lunedì e il venerdì c'è meno gente e fa un po' più freddo perché si ottimizza il riscaldamento nelle giornate che c'è più gente. Non so se rimpianga la gestione precedente visto che Maserati in 4 anni lancerà una ventina di versioni di vetture. Fai un check coi tuoi contatti e poi dimmi se sono stato impreciso.
    1 punto
  45. Vista finalmente dal vivo. Almeno personalmente, il frontale, la parte più criticata, mi e' sembrato invece riuscito e, al netto dei fari non particolari, molto Maserati grazie alla griglia. Il resto del corpo vettura invece mi e' sembrato un po' banale, a tratti tozzo (difficile evitare questa cosa su di un SUV). Se da una parte una certa classicità e' segno distintivo Maserati, dall' altra secondo me un design un po' piu' futuristico e snello (alla Velar) avrebbe giovato. Guardando il design e le dimensioni si capisce che cercano un pubblico ben preciso, alla ricerca del SUV esclusivo indipendentemente dal segmento di mercato, con uno stile classico e non gridato e con una abitabilità probabilmente superiore alla media del segmento... ...con in aggiunta un prezzo anche' esso superiore alla media del segmento. Dovessi essere sul mercato per un' auto del genere, stenterei a prendere la 4 cilindri rispetto alla concorrenza. La versione Trofeo invece trovo che abbia piu' senso.
    1 punto
  46. Ecco i dati di tutte compreso 190 PHEV e 2.0 T4 272cv
    1 punto
  47. In realtà la commissione ambiente UE ha stabilito che nel 2025 le case dovranno ridurre le emissioni medie del 20%, nel 2030 del 55% e nel 2035 del 100%. Se il motore termico ed i vari tipi di carburante lo avessero permesso non avrebbero investito sulle EV, ma su altri tipi di tecnologia, tipo catalizzatori e filtri ancora più evoluti. In realtà l'elettrico è da una parte un'opportunità e dall'altra una scelta obbligata, perché la tecnologia ICE ha raggiunto la sua maturità, difficile spremerla ulteriormente, mentre la tecnologia EV ha superato la fase pioneristica ed è entrata nella fase di espansione. Nell'evoluzione di ogni tecnologia c'è un andamento che è rappresentato da una curva ad S, quando una tecnologia è matura e non si può più spremere si sostituisce con una nuova tecnologia.
    1 punto
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