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  1. si - ma in caso della nuova Passat, sara prodotta a Bratislava insieme con la Superb, cosi non piu un utilizzo delle linee tedesche.
  2. ...e fino a qualche anni fa era quasi in una protezione della specie, perche era sempre una macchina aziendale e nei policies delle molte aziende i Suv erano divieto. Adesso con flotte con permesso Suv e obbligo per Bev la sua fine sara vicino.
  3. I privati che comprano una Passat, almeno in Germania, sono 7,5% delle cliete Passat totale, molto probabile in altri mercati EU e simile. E in Germania per la nuova Passat diventera piu dura, perche dopo SAP i giorni scorsi anche la Telekom ha deciso, che dal 2023 per la sua flotta si compra solo modelli bev. Secondo me altri flotte succedono, cosi per la Passat manca un potenziale enorme.
  4. 111kWh la batterie, non male..
  5. Gia configurabile…
  6. Non lasciano morre, ma la gamma dei modelli non sara molto ampia.
  7. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    ....mah...Photoshop...i colori disponibile sono questi
  8. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    ..vecchia ricetta classica delle guidatori BMW 😊, quasi heritage 😂
  9. piu a questa...
  10. Stellantis opens India software hub to support digital strategy The facility will be the main development center for the STLA SmartCockpit technology platform that will focus on digitally integrating vehicles and drivers. Stellantis has opened a software hub in Bengaluru, India, its second innovation center in the country, focusing on cockpit and driver assistance technologies. The facility will be the main development center for one of the three technology platforms Stellantis will start deploying in 2024, the STLA SmartCockpit, focusing on digitally integrating vehicles and drivers, the automaker said in a statement. It will house laboratories including a next-generation acoustic one, developing specific audio signatures as well as premium audio experiences for Stellantis vehicle owners. Among its tasks, the hub, which will eventually employ around 500 people, will also help develop artificial intelligence (AI) and driver assistance (ADAS) technologies for autonomous driving, Stellantis said. Bengaluru in the 1990s rapidly grew as India's answer to Silicon Valley, attracting millions of workers and the regional headquarters of some of the world's biggest IT companies. It now hosts more than 3,500 IT companies and some 79 "tech parks." Stellantis is present in the Indian market with its Jeep and Citroen brands. Software is increasingly crucial in modern vehicles and a growing source of revenue, with carmakers expanding research investments and hiring more executives with specific experience to offer clients more features driven by connectivity, data and e-commerce. Stellantis aims to generate 20 billion euros ($19.4 billion) in additional annual revenues by 2030 from its software-driven strategy. (ANE)
  11. No, della mini non dovete aspettare troppo per il futuro.
  12. ...con quella nuova prognosi della IMF per la congiuntutra non sono cosi sicuro in questo punto...
  13. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    ...per il futuro si concentra alle vere esigenze della piacere di guida sportiva..... Munich/Zurich. Today, AirConsole and the BMW Group announced a partnership which will bring casual gaming into new BMW vehicles, starting next year. AirConsole is a gaming platform which perfectly fits with the BMW Curved Display and offers a large and diverse catalogue of games. The games are run directly inside the vehicle entertainment system. The AirConsole technology enables games to be instantly delivered over-the-air and to control them using smartphones. “With AirConsole we will leverage innovative technologies combined with a broad variety of fun and multiplayer games. This will make every waiting situation inside the vehicle, such as charging, an enjoyable moment,” said Stephan Durach – Senior Vice President BMW Group Connected Company Development. Anthony Cliquot, CEO of N-Dream, the company behind the AirConsole brand: “We are extremely proud to spearhead gaming inside vehicles with BMW and are excited to create new games for in-car entertainment. Our ingenious architecture coupled with the ease of access of our platform will change the way people get entertained in their vehicles.” Smartphone + Screen = Console. Setting up the gaming experience with AirConsole is seamless. Players only need a smartphone, which serves as the game controller, and the BMW Curved Display. The connection between the smartphone and the vehicle is established, for example, by scanning a QR code in the vehicle. The players can then instantly enjoy entertaining gameplay. The BMW Group chose AirConsole as a partner via the BMW Startup Garage program.
  14. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    almeno in tedesco... vecchia nuova
  15. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    Si ma anche Hyundai ha lo stesso problema, una macchina come la i30N convertito in un mondo elettrico non fa piu senso (almeno non in un mondo elettrico su base batterie) ...
  16. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    ...un principio che non ha piu senso in un'era della mobilita elettrica e sempre piu verso guida autonoma con un traffico sempre piu regolato e ristretto. e cosi..😥
  17. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    ..forse e meglio di leggere i dati ufficiali della OEM che fidarsi qualche giornalisti...i giornali di ogni tipo sono pieni di errori.
  18. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    ....solo 5 colori disponibile...hanno ingaggiato il Tavares come consulente per risparmiare costi...😂😝
  19. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    La differenza non sono 130kg ma solo 90kg e poi alla fine sono le solite differenze come altro motore (B58D / S58T), altri freni, altri cerchi, rinforzamento della carrozzeria li e la...ecc. Sono 5kg qui e 3 la che in addizione fanno la differenza come sempre.
  20. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    Hai ragione, per una sportiva e pesante, ma cosa avete aspettato? Sotto la pelle e la stessa macchina come una M4, cosi da dove potrebbe saltare fuori un peso piu piccolo? Impossibile per un modello in gerarchia piu sotto con prezzo piu basso (72.800.-). Se una dovrebbe essere meno pesante, pooi la M4 perche e il modello piu costoso e cosi con piu possibilita di usare elementi leggeri. M2 e solo il povero fratello dell' M4.
  21. Tough Euro 7 pollution rules planned for adoption this month The new rules, repeatedly delayed, will govern emissions of harmful pollutants such as fine particulates, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. BRUSSELS — After repeated delays, the European Commission is expected to adopt the Euro 7 tailpipe pollution regulations this month. The regulations will further limit emissions of harmful pollutants such as fine particulates, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide from gasoline and diesel cars and trucks, and would replace the existing Euro 6 regulations, in place since 2014. Euro 7 is likely to be the defining pollution parameters for the final generation of combustion engines in Europe, with the EU planning to allow only zero-emissions vehicles to be sold after 2035. The most recent postponement of adoption was from Oct. 12 to Oct. 26 "or sooner," the Commission said Tuesday. It had been planned for July 20, which itself was pushed back from April 5 — and from the fourth quarter of 2021 before that. After the European Commission adopts the rules, a "co-decision" process will decide the final form and implementation process. They are likely to come into force no earlier than 2025 — and potentially even a year or two later, sources said at a meeting in Brussels last month of the Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst. Complex rule-making process European Commission officials have acknowledged the continued delays in adopting Euro 7. They are due to a number of factors, they say: The complexity in creating rules for passenger cars, motorcycles and commercial trucks at the same time; the need to acknowledge all stakeholders’ priorities; and even the Fit for 55 rules requiring zero-emissions by 2035, which were not anticipated when the Euro 7 process started. For some automakers, these delays raise the question as to why the regulations are even needed, given that they will be expensive and time-consuming to engineer, test and implement. At the same time because European brands are rushing to electrify their lineups well ahead of the 2035 deadline. “We are not overly convinced of the benefits of Euro 7,” said Paul Greening, Emissions and Fuels director at the automakers’ group ACEA, at the Brussels event. Both CO2 targets and Euro 7 are drivers for zero emissions, he said. In a likely scenario, Euro 7 rules would apply to a single generation of models starting about 2026, but by 2035 only a tiny percentage of new cars would still be launched with gasoline or diesel powertrains. With many automakers already announcing plans to launch only zero emission vehicles by 2030, a large investment in Euro 7 “does not make sense,” Greening in response to a question at the Brussels event. “The reality of investing in Euro 7 for a short return, and in a very difficult business market at the moment, with many pressures on the industry, is becoming more complex," he said, Panagiota Dilara, the team leader for vehicle emissions at the EC, said that Euro 7 is about much more than just passenger-car emissions. It includes commercial trucks — which are unlikely to be all-electric by 2035 — as well as non-fuel emissions from vehicles such as brake dust and tire particles, she said. Health impact A larger point, advocates say, is that the benefits of reducing tailpipe pollutants will extend far into the future, with many internal combustion cars and trucks sold even in the mid-2030s likely to still be on the road in the 2040s. If they are significantly cleaner than vehicles that meet the current Euro 6 standards, that could mean thousands of lives saved. The European Environmental Agency says that more than 300,000 deaths in the EU in 2019 were attributable to air pollution. That point was made by Francois Wakenhut, the head of unit for Clean Air and Urban Policy at the EC. "We need to improve the overall performance of all sectors that bear responsibility for emissions levels, and certainly the road transport sector does bear part of that,” he said. “No more than its share, but that share needs to be addressed." (ANE)
  22. ..come anche le future Alfa se mi ricordo bene...
  23. quella non mi sembra esattamente una C...🤔
  24. Il concetto X2 attuale non ha funzionato molto bene ne in Cina ne nei Stati...allora....
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