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  1. Ma i problemi veri delle bev - autonomia ridotta, tempi di ricarica lunga rispetto un rifornimento con diesel/benzine, la rete di ricarica scarsa, la mancanza della possibilita di ricaricare a casa per tutti che non hanno casa propria con garage/wallbox propria - sono salvati con un prezzo basso per una bev? NON ci credo. Gia oggi, il prezzo di listino di una bev del segmento D non e un problema, conta solo la rata leasing. Come azienda/partita iva al momento potresti fare il leasing di una iX3 a 399.-€ al mese senza anticipo per 36mesi, almeno qui in Germania, e tuttavia sono solo pochi che vogliono una bev cosi.
  2. Fiat CEO: 500e EV an ‘urban Tesla' Olivier Francois, who heads Fiat and oversees Stellantis marketing, says the new 500e can open people's minds about the potential for EVs in dense cities. Fiat is Stellantis' largest brand, with more than 1.3 million global sales and dominant positions in countries that include Brazil and Turkey, as well as its home market, Italy. But in Europe and North America, Fiat has been starved of product and investment. A new-model offensive has started in Europe with the Fiat 600 as well as the 500e electric minicar, which just began reaching U.S. dealerships. CEO Olivier Francois introduced four additional models coming to Europe in a humorous video released to coincide with the start of the Geneva auto show — although Fiat did not attend the show. The guerrilla marketing move netted millions of views on YouTube, all with virtual concept cars. In an interview with Automotive News Europe, Francois, who also is CMO of Fiat parent Stellantis, discussed the automaker's plans for Fiat and its digital marketing efforts. Here are edited excerpts. Q: What is different for Fiat under Stellantis? A: The beauty of FCA was the complementarity. The beauty of Stellantis are the synergies. The complementarity back then was because you had Chrysler's bigger cars in North America and Fiat Group's smaller cars in Europe. Now I can play with people who are like me. Before, the older kids like Ram, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, even Alfa Romeo and Maserati, shared the playground with me, even if they weren't like Fiat. Today I'm sharing with Stellantis' European brands that are subject to European standards, European tastes, European ways. Also, more important, they have models in the B- and C-segment, which are my turf. We have the best of both worlds because we finally have the synergies I have been dreaming of for so long, and at the same time we have more complementarities than ever. What does Fiat bring to Stellantis? Three things. One is a unique approach to mainstream brands. Fiat brings joy, simplicity, dolce vita, Italian design. We have a very particular recipe that is of great value, especially when we are starting to see a lot of Chinese brands coming to Europe. Second, we have a dominant share in a few large markets like Brazil and Turkey, not to mention Italy. And third, we have A-segment cars (minicars), which is one of the reasons we confirmed we would continue to develop the Panda classic model with the Pandina. Together with the 500, this is a segment that none of the other brands occupy with two complementary models. LAPRESSE “We live in a digital age, so every participation in an auto show should be compared to the cost of a digital campaign,” says Fiat CEO Olivier Francois, with the Fiat Topolino, left, and 600e. You are starting sales of the Fiat 500e in North America. How can the new model do better than the previous 500 EV, not just for emissions compliance but also in terms of market share? The context is different. Back then we had a kind of compliance obligation and we needed to push cars. Today, Stellantis is preparing for a big EV offensive in North America, so we need to open people's minds to electric cars, and more than that, we need to open the American driveways to electric. I'm thrilled with the new 500e. It's much more substantial [than the old one], so initially I did something not very popular with the PR teams, but I asked journalists to drive the old one and the new; sit in it, touch it, feel it so they could metabolize this incredible leap we made. The new one is an urban Tesla. The old one was not a bad car, but it was obviously electrified after the fact, so there is a world of difference. The new one was designed to conquer Europe and is delivering big volumes and market share there, while the old one was really designed for compliance in California. How will you persuade U.S. buyers to revisit the 500 EV? First, there is a lot more substance to the car, and substance is everything in America, but there are other selling points. One is emotion. The 500e is an Italian design, and it's made in Italy, which makes it even better with the old one made in Mexico. The price also seems to be well accepted for a car with this level of emotion, design and substance. For Europeans, $30-34,000 sounds like a lot, but apparently not for wealthier multicar East and West Coast Americans. But the most important point — and this is my main pitch — is that we're not trying to sell you this car as a replacement for a sedan or SUV. But if you want to go electric today, it often means trading in [an internal combustion engine] SUV or sedan, which is a little bit of a stretch, and that's why [new EV] buyers are on the fence. Instead, I'm asking them to take the 500e as a second or third car. It's not for everyone, everywhere, and more importantly, it's not for everything. It's ideal for driving in the city and commuting, and you can do that for a week before you need to charge. This will open the American driveways to electric, and I hope it will act as an on-ramp to electrification. There will be another brand in the Stellantis universe: China's Leapmotor. How will you position it in Europe and potentially in North America? It's early, but as chief marketing officer, I can't wait to learn more and contribute to the creation of the brand. For now, we have a lot to learn from them, and we have a lot to offer them. But it's a little early to say how we're going to position Leapmotor in Europe and the U.S. How are you adapting Stellantis' marketing and communications to online sales? The digital sales experience is now an expectation, and we need to cope with it. My thinking about online business for everything, but especially for cars, is that there are three challenges. One is price; it's easier to click on an object priced at 19 or 29 or 99 euros than 100,000, but this is changing. Even so, online sales are probably better suited for a Fiat Topolino [electric quadricycle] than a DS 9 [sedan], to take two examples. The second thing is choice. What kills online business is too much choice, too many small crisis situations. Even choosing the color can be an issue — you need to open another page, you need to Google things, or I need to add a link, then maybe activate an online sales representative — so the less choice is better. The third thing is emotions, which will get people to click on a product. That's a good thing for Fiat, which is very much based on emotion. Simple, emotional, not too expensive: This is a good cocktail for some of our brands. We haven't seen Stellantis brands at a lot of auto shows recently. Can we expect to see them again? It's on a case-by-case basis. You want to spend money for an auto show if you have something to say, something to show, and if you're relevant in a given country. We live in a digital age, so every participation in an auto show should be compared to the cost of a digital campaign. Clearly the auto show is more challenged than in the past when it was the only way to communicate, but today there are many other ways to do so. You're speaking to a guy who didn't go to Geneva but launched a video during the show that got 13 million views, not paid, which is probably much more than Geneva would have drawn in terms of traffic, and I didn't even have to create physical concept cars to do that. (Automotive News)
  3. Secondo me la posizione della targa e l'ultissimo problema.
  4. Al momento la richiesta in Cina e abbastanza sopra la capacita produttiva, quindi non c'e un volume per esportazione, ma d'altra parte il target di Xiaomi e di diventare uno dei top 5 OEM globali e questa target sicuramente non sara raggiungibile senza esportazione.
  5. How Fiat aims to sell the 500e in the U.S. Brand CEO Olivier Francois thinks he has a winning sales pitch for the electric minicar: "It's not a replacement for a sedan or SUV." The rose-gold color "Inspired by beauty" edition of the Fiat 500e. The new model has more range, is larger and charges faster than the version sold in the U.S. from 2013-2019. Fiat is trying again to sell a full-electric version of the 500 minicar in the U.S., and brand CEO Olivier Francois is optimistic it will surpass the first effort, which was based on a compliance-focused, limited-range version built in Mexico. The original 500e was sold from 2013 to 2019 in California and Oregon, with an EPA range that started at 87 miles on a combined cycle from a 24-kilowatt-hour battery. The purchase price started at about $32,000, although low-cost leases were available. The new 500e is the European version that is built in Italy on a dedicated full-electric platform. Since its launch in 2020 Fiat has sold more than 185,000 of them, although sales have slowed recently in Europe as some EV incentives have been rolled back and the overall EV market slumps. Francois says the new 500e has a good chance at broader acceptance in the U.S., even though buyers there favor much larger cars and pickups, whether electric- or ICE-powered. As a bonus for Stellantis, he said, U.S. sales could help boost production at the Mirafiori factory in Turin. New model, new positioning “The context is different,” Francois said in an interview last month with Automotive News Europe (to read the full interview, click here). “Back then we had a compliance obligation and we needed to push cars. Today, Stellantis is preparing for a big EV offensive in North America, so we need to open people’s minds to electric cars.” More than that, he said, “we need to open America’s driveways” to EVs. The new 500e is much more “substantial” than the previous model, he said, describing it as an “urban Tesla.” At roughly the same starting price as the old model, it offers 241 km (150 miles) of range on a combined cycle, is slightly larger all around and recharges in a fraction of the time. (European models offer up to 322 km (200 miles) of range on the WLTP mixed cycle.) To make the point, Francois said he invited U.S. journalists to drive the old model and new one – something “not very popular with the PR teams,” he said. That way, he said, “they could metabolize this incredible leap we made.” “The old one was not a bad car, but it was obviously electrified after the fact, so there is a world of difference,” he said. FIAT The "inspired by music" black version of the Fiat 500e is one of three colors offered initially, along with rose gold and red. 'On-ramp to electrification' Francois, who is also CEO of DS Automobiles and Stellantis’ group chief marketing officer, said Fiat is not asking U.S. buyers to give up their ICE pickups or SUVs to get a 500e. Rather, he says, it’s the perfect vehicle for commuting or urban use, as a second or third car in the driveway. “My main pitch is that we're not trying to sell you this car as a replacement for a sedan or SUV,” he said. The 500e is also being sold in just a few color/trim versions in the U.S., starting with the (Red) trim. A rose-gold model is called “inspired by beauty,” and a black one with premium stereo is “inspired by music.” “It's not for everyone, everywhere, and more important it's not for everything,” Francois said. “I hope it will act as an on-ramp to electrification.” (ANE)
  6. a 4000rpm non c'e una addizione della poenza elettrica di un motorino mhev con batteria a capacita di un MTB 😝😎
  7. Non so le date del marketing, ma il SOP e tra ca. 6 settimane.
  8. almeno sul dritto, questa che la maggior parte dei clienti interessa. E oggi anche le cosiddette supercar non sono piu lo strumento giusto per avere piacere della guida su strade piccoli e curvosi come sulle Alpi, Sud di Francia, Pirenei ecc, perche secondo me ancora piu controproducente rispetto il peso sono le dimensioni, troppo troppo larga e troppa elettronica che ti comanda.
  9. Al massimo 4 stagioni, poi il materiale e troppo dura per funzionare bene su neve e ghiaccio.
  10. Questa non e il sono tantissimi giovane nel mercato globale che hanno questi soldi.......... ..e in caso G82 CS si deve trovare solo 1635.... 😜
  11. Ford si ha deciso contro il termico, questo e il punto. ma neanche Formentor mi sembra una D.
  12. ....Lo si sente dire così spesso, non capisco perche non fanno, e solo software, costerebbe pocchissimo ma invece fanno layout con colori MickyMouse..
  13. mah…tra pochi anni tutte le unita sono Peugeot con sempre lo stesso motore ridicolo e con 17 badge del brand diverse.
  14. Secondo me la questione non sia tanto se 40000 unita sono un successo o meno, il problema principale è che non c'è bisogno di una fabbrica separata per 40000 unità. Con la capacita che hanno avuto una volta del passato Cassino o Mirafiori basterebbe una fabbrica sola a 100% di caricamento in Italia per tutte le Fiat/Alfa/Jeep prodotte al momento in Italia.
  15. I problemi sono le esperienze male che hanno fatte parecchie clienti con la 500e e con il servizio non esistente di Fiat in caso di garanzia/cortesia.
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