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  1. In Germania la Y Rwd dopo la riduzione del prezzo meta Gennaio da 44890.- a 42990.- diventa ancora piu cara, nuovo prezzo 44990.- e finanziamento non piu con 0% ma con 2,99%. Le due Awd, LR e Performance hanno nuovo prezzo 52490.- e 58490.-. Vedremmo quando il drogato cambiera i prezzi di nuovo.
  2. Taycan turbo? Perche con Taycan 4S la batteria e piu piccola rispetto quella di Folgore.
  3. Ma la macchina e nuova, ecetto qualche manovre niente chilometraggio e un manovra di una bev non significa avviamento e freddo come ad una ice e per questo consumo alto a pochi metri.
  4. In un annuncio di "Maserati Gohm" / Lago di Costanza per una GT Folgore di pronto consegna il display a 2 gradi temperatura ambientale mostra con 40% stato di carico una autonomia di 117km .... 😳
  5. stesso per Cina........ According to news from CLS, there are no plans to introduce a facelifted version of the Tesla Model Y in the Chinese market for the current year. This statement aligns with earlier confirmations from Tesla’s North American operations, putting to rest speculation regarding potential updates to the popular electric SUV. The clarification came after Drive Tesla acquired an internal Tesla email emphasizing the absence of a facelifted Model Y for 2023. The email stated, “We must communicate transparently that there will not be a redesigned Model Y this year.” It further highlighted the present as “the best time to drive the world’s best-selling electric vehicle,” underscoring the advantages and incentives currently available for the electric SUV. By entering 2024, Tesla will have already adjusted prices in both the Chinese and American markets. On January 12, Tesla China’s official website reflected a price adjustment for the Model 3 and Model Y, specifically for the rear-wheel drive and long-range versions. The price reductions varied between 6,500 yuan (904 USD) and 15,500 yuan (2,155 USD), setting the starting price of the Model 3 at 245,900 yuan (34,186 USD) and the Model Y at 258,900 yuan (36,000 USD). (CNC)
  6. si....e anche 90.- meno che la 500 E-barth, hanno praticamente raggiunto il punto dove una bev non costa piu rispetto una ice
  7. Ubriachi o strafatti ?????????
  8. Tesla earns $9 billion from carmakers failing to sell enough EVs Automakers including VW and GM have needed help meeting emissions standards in recent years. Tesla continues to cash in on other carmakers needing help to meet emissions standards, keeping up a lucrative business the company thought would fade away. The Elon Musk-led manufacturer generated $1.79 billion in regulatory credit revenue last year, an annual filing showed last week. That brought the cumulative total Tesla has raked in since 2009 to almost $9 billion. Selling regulatory credits is a tidy business for Tesla. It earns them by making and selling electric vehicles, then sells the credits to manufacturers whose new-vehicle fleets exceed emissions limits set by various authorities, including in China, the European Union and state of California. Tesla bears little to no incremental cost earning the credits, so the sales are virtually pure profit. Three and a half years ago, Tesla’s chief financial officer said he expected the revenue to gradually dissipate. “We don’t manage the business with the assumption that regulatory credits will contribute in a significant way to the future,” then-CFO Zachary Kirkhorn said during a July 2020 earnings call. “It will continue for some period of time, but eventually this stream of regulatory credits will reduce.” Tesla made $1.58 billion selling regulatory credits that year. While the company generated about 7 percent less credit revenue in 2021, it’s brought in more than $1.7 billion each of the last two years. It’s no secret that auto executives rue that they have to kick money Tesla’s way for this purpose. “It really makes them mad that Tesla got so much of a boost out of being the only purely electric-car manufacturer out there,” Mary Nichols, the former chair of the California Air Resources Board, told Bloomberg News in 2017. “In effect, they helped to finance this upstart company which now has all the glamor.” While more EV makers have emerged since then, Tesla’s regulatory-credit business may still have room to run. Automakers including Volkswagen and General Motors have fallen short of their EV goals and delayed or canceled electric-vehicle manufacturing investments. VW and GM both have needed help meeting emissions standards in recent years, as has Honda and Jaguar Land Rover. Meanwhile, emissions rules aren’t getting any easier. Europe has set stricter car-emissions targets starting next year and from 2030 onward, while the UK adopted a zero-emission vehicle mandate beginning this year. (ANE)
  9. ...Abarth "Tributo Lotus John Players Special" 😂😂
  10. questi 160/170 Cv, partendo ad Arabba, insieme la batterilina tipica mhev al piu tardi sulla tornate 8, localita Gliera sono solo 136Cv perche la mini batteria e vuota e il motore elettrico dietro non fa piu niente.
  11. ....con 70/80 modelli tutti con lo stesso motore 1.2 3cil in due step di potenza.........
  12. Inglesi e tedeschi. Tutte le 500 >= 99kw
  13. ...boh...facile con questo neve polveroso e secco a scandinavia su strade innevate per decine di chilometri. Qui un esempio molti anni fa, quando in baviera qualche volte c'era ancora neve...dopo solo 2 o 3 chilometri su strada innevata...
  14. Quindi non fa senso guidare elettrica, perche una bev caricato con questo corrente e piu sporca che una diesel Eu6 final con consumo 5l/100km.
  15. Sta'mattina alle 9:00, sole qualche esempi: Germania (con 66% regenerativo) Polonia Turchia India ovest Malaysia Australia Northern Terretory
  16. Direi con la situazione di oggi per la produzione del corrente hai assolutamente ragione, non cambierebbe niente anche con 100% bev globale perche al momento siamo lontanissimo di una produzione elettrica 100% rinnovabile globale e anche solo in Europa. Ricaricare un auto bev con corrente che ha 350-400g/kWh di emissioni nei centraline non e meglio che guidare direttamente un ice Euro7.
  17. ..lo spirito del tempo non trova piu trendy un scarico (=emissioni/puzza/rumore) a vista, non piace ai apassionati, ma quelli sono un minoranzasempre piu piccola...
  18. Jaguar Land Rover slows EV rollout as electric car demand cools ‘Surprising’ demand for plug-in hybrids prompts a shift in focus. Jaguar Land Rover is slowing its battery-electric car rollout as it adjusts for a cooling EV market and focuses on plug-in hybrid vehicles. The automaker is extending development times for its BEVs and is "working hard" to make more plug-in hybrids available in response to increased customer acceptance of PHEV technology, CEO Adrian Mardell said. JLR said in 2021 that it would launch six full-electric Land Rover models by 2026 but has now lowered the number to four. The company also plans to launch two all-electric Jaguars by that date. "We are a little bit slower than we said three years ago,” Mardell said on a Feb. 2 earnings call. “We are taking our time to make sure that we put the best vehicles we have ever developed into the marketplace." JLR has opened the waiting list for the Range Rover Electric SUV, which will become Land Rover’s first full-electric model when it launches later this year. An electric Range Rover Sport will follow, the company said in its 2023 annual report. Both EVs will us the same MLA large SUV platform as the combustion engine versions. The next two all-electric Land Rovers will be smaller models built on the JLR’s upcoming EMA electric platform that will replace the current combustion engine platform used by the Range Rover Evoque compact and Discovery Sport. JLR has yet to disclose which models those will be, but candidates include electric replacements for the Range Rover Evoque and Range Rover Velar. A full-electric version of the Defender could come after those vehicles. JLR said in October it plans to build a Defender EV at its factory in Slovakia. It did not give a specific timeline, saying only it would be before 2030. Jaguar relaunch The automaker will relaunch the Jaguar brand in 2025 with new four-door GT battery-electric model costing more than 100,000 pounds ($126,000) and built on a separate Jaguar Electrified Architecture (JEA). A second, all-electric Jaguar is planned. A Jaguar E-Pace plug-in hybrid. The brand also sells an F-Pace plug-in. Mardell indicated that the more mainstream EMA cars will come 12 months after the two electric Range Rovers, with the Jaguar models following after that. Mardell said JLR would be prepared to delay the launch of the Range Rover Electric to ensure the EV was perfect. "If that takes a few more months to get to that point, then the team will be allowed it," he said. JLR said 16,000 people had joined the waiting list for Range Rover Electric. The company has not disclosed prices, although JLR Chief Financial Officer Richard Molyneux said on the earnings call that the EV's price would be high enough to keep the company’s much improved profit margins. Automakers have seen demand for EVs cooling, especially at the higher end of the market, which has had a knock-on effect on development. “What you have seen from other OEMs is that the race to BEV is starting to stutter a little,” Mardell said. Plug-in demand 'surprise' JLR has navigated the collapse in demand for diesel vehicles with a shift to plug-in hybrids, which it now offers across its Land Rover lineup, as well as on the Jaguar F-Pace and E-Pace SUVs. Last year across Europe, JLR increased plug-in hybrid sales more than any other automaker. The company's sales of plug-in hybrids rose 68 percent to 45,224 in 2023, figures from market analyst Dataforce show. "PHEV acceptance has been quite a surprise," Mardell said. "We are working hard in the interim time to make more PHEVs available to the marketplace.” JLR's plug-in hybrid sales had been constrained in recent months by supply-chain issues. JLR has said previously that 60 percent of all sales will be BEVs by 2030, rising to 100 percent by 2036. Other automakers are seeing initial strong demand for BEVs weaken globally as they try to convert a wider audience away from combustion engines. "We learned that as you scale EVs from 5,000 to 7,000 units a month and you move into the early majority customer, they are not willing to pay a significant premium for EVs,” Ford CEO Jim Farley said on the automaker’s earnings call on Tuesday. Ford said it too would focus more on hybrids. "Hybrids will play an increasingly important role in our industry's transition and will be here for the long run,” he said, adding that margins on hybrids were closer to those for combustion engine vehicles and "much higher” than EV margins. The Ford Kuga was Europe’s best-selling plug-in hybrid in 2023 with 53,659 sold, beating the Volvo XC60. Plug-in hybrids remain a key technology with automakers including Ford, Volvo, JLR, Volkswagen Group, BMW and Hyundai-Kia to reduce their average CO2 due to their very low recorded emissions. Environmental groups however have complained that real-world emissions for plug-in hybrids are far higher than those achieved in laboratories. Plug-in hybrid sales captured 7.7 percent of the European market last year, according to data from ACEA. Toyota last year was the second-best-selling brand in Europe after the Volkswagen brand, boosted by its long-established commitment to hybrid technology. About 70 percent of the 830,000 cars it sold in Europe in 2023 were full hybrids, plug-in hybrids and full-electric vehicles. (ANE)
  19. / si sente per una "Edizione finale" ? Ci sono voci che ci sara una serie speciale per l'addio della 595/695 ice.
  20. Ghibli, 4P e GT hanno fatto insieme meno di 3500 globale durante 2023. Con 220 giorni lavorativi sono 16 unite al giorno .... forse non sufficiente completamente per un sito come Mirafiori.
  21. Non bisogno dettagli, basta la capacita della batteria e l'esperienza con altre bev, a guida veloce un consumo di 30kWh si raggiunge facilmente, anche piu - il resto e aritmetrica. Unica soluzione batteria piu grande.
  22. Quindi - guidato come si guida una Abarth --> autonomia di 160-170km....mah
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