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  1. D'accordo, con VW sembra molto strano, perche con Audi, Seat e Skodo sono al salone, con marca VW no, per me non fa grosso senso in vista dei costi. Ma in genere avete ragione, la trend va via delle presentazione dei nuovi modelli ad un salone, verso presentazioni individuali per non dividere l'attenzione con altri produttori.
  2. Niente da presentare - con macchine vecchie non fa senso andare ad un salone, non interessa nessuno la.
  3. In vista globale non si puo dire in genere..solo qualche modelli
  4. As G20 is only a further derivative from CLAR, no big surprise: a front axle similar the axle of 5 series.
  5. ...sicuro??
  6. sure..bit in view of the new government in Italy perhape more actual than ever, I don't think that a M5S/Lega cabinet will acccept reducing the headcount in itaian plants in favour of foreign plants without making problems.
  7. sure..bit in view of the new government in Italy perhape more actual than ever, I don't think that a M5S/Lega cabinet will acccept reducing the headcount in itaian plants in favour of foreign plants without making problems.
  9. sicuramente stesso motore/cambio come RS3, ma RS3 nuova, e a questo punto purtroppo ci sono voci in Germania, che forse il propulsore della nuova RS3 non e piu il bello 5 cilindri di oggi ?
  10. si, ma costruire e vendere macchine con successo e molto piu duro e un po diverso come giocare carte o negozazioni di borsa, ma forse questo e il punto che il Maglionato fino ad oggi non ha capito.
  11. certo, ma anche per un portafoglio pieno si deve lavorare, non cade per caso dall cielo.
  12. I think you are very right with this theory because this guys are only interested in short time speculation and quick wins for their own wallet but not in a healthy and prosperous long term future of a company.
  13. Thats not the point, the point is the pure quality of plans made by FCA, they are not be worth the paper on which they are written. This was so in 2010, it was so in 2014 and it will be again so in 2018. They draw something on a piece of paper, present it with full-bodies words and realize nearly nothing - it's simply ridicolous this matter of leading an enterprise - a bit like Elon Musk - promise all and deliver nothing.
  14. Perche il piano 2018 sarebbe meglio e piu realistico come quello di 2010 ? ?
  15. ? EU Q1/18 berlina - 22%, SW - 35%, Hatch - 43% Italia Q1/18 berlina - 23%, SW - 39%, Hatch - 38%
  16. At today’s Annual General Meeting, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Harald Krüger, unveiled an initial design concept for the BMW iNEXT. The pure-electric BMW iNEXT will be built at Plant Dingolfing from 2021. The company’s new technology flagship incorporates all major strategic areas of innovation in a road-ready vehicle. Munich. At today’s Annual General Meeting, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Harald Krüger, unveiled an initial design concept for the BMW iNEXT. The pure-electric BMW iNEXT will be built at Plant Dingolfing from 2021. The company’s new technology flagship incorporates all major strategic areas of innovation in a road-ready vehicle. Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, said: “The iNEXT project is our building kit for the future. It will benefit the entire company and all our brands. For the first time, we are combining all key technologies for future mobility in one vehicle. The iNEXT is fully electric, fully connected and also offers highly automated driving. Today, we gave our shareholders a very first glimpse of the design of the BMW iNEXT. Later this year, we will be presenting the BMW iNEXT as a Vision Vehicle.”
  17. Configuratore Autodelpopolo in Germania - c'e scritto che il contingente Polo TGI (stesso per Golf TGI) per 2018 e esaurito. La nuova versione con altra versione dei emissioni e disponibili probalile in Q4. Cosi tutta una questione della classe emissioni, la vecchia (esaurita) e Euro6b, la nuova molto probabile Euro6d temp (o 6c).
  18. Quando una volta le batterie sono in fuoco, poi succede tutto il resto veloce. Qui un caso simile filmato delle vigile di fuoco a Landeck/Tirolo
  19. d'accordissimo vedendo le cifre di Q1/18 globale di Volvo
  20. Una Tesla dopo un incidente autostradale (cotro railguard) qualche giorni fa vicino Lago Maggiore
  21. S60 sara prodotto solo a south carolina per tutto il mondo.
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