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  1. potrebbe essere +/-, dipende dalla richiesta del mercato
  2. questa last call dura lungo... 😝
  3. Foto scatto venerdi scorso al inizio del caos di neve qui a Baviera sud ..... 😂😂 come gia scritto, secondo me va in una direzione con elementi molto classici.............
  4. Problema della Tonale secondo me e la dipendenza dal mercato italiano. Se prende Europa - Seg-C -Suv - Premium/near Premium senza Germania, poi Tonale non e posizionato tanto male rispetto i concorrenti ma se prende con Germania e senza Italia, poi la situazione e meno rosea
  5. Stellantis EVs are profitable in U.S., Europe, Tavares says Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares said the company is closing the gap on margins between EVs and internal combustion vehicles. Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares: "We try continuously to levelize the margins between BEVs and ICE ... and I would say we are achieving results." Stellantis is "in the black" on electric vehicles in the U.S. and Europe, CEO Carlos Tavares said. Tavares said automakers have to be "super sharp on cost" to achieve good profits on EVs. To attract middle-class consumers, Tavares said EVs will need affordable but profitable pricing at the core of the market. "This is an equation you can only solve if you reduce cost, and this is what we are reasonably good at," he said during a Goldman Sachs conference on Wednesday. Tavares said Stellantis is "fighting head-on" with Tesla for sales in Europe. CFO Natalie Knight said Stellantis has overtaken Tesla as Europe's No. 2 EV seller. Tavares pointed to the upcoming Citroen e-C3, priced at €23,300 ($25,100), saying it will be a profitable vehicle. The small EV is built on Stellantis' low-cost "smart car" platform. Stellantis aims to have more than 75 battery-electric models globally by 2030, including more than 25 in the U.S. The automaker's EV push in the U.S. begins with models such as the Ram ProMaster van, Ram 1500 REV and the Jeep Recon. "The fact that we try continuously to levelize the margins between BEVs and ICE is not new. We have been working on that for several years now, and I would say that we are achieving results," Tavares said. He added: "The first thing is that we are in the black, both in the U.S. and in Europe. Our margins on electrified vehicles are in the black. That's a good thing. We are closing the gap against ICE faster in Europe than in U.S. because we started sooner, but we are achieving results and we see that all of this is going to be exciting." Tavares said the deal it struck recently with Chinese EV maker Leapmotor will deliver profitable electric models to European consumers. Stellantis in October said it was investing $1.5 billion for a 20 percent stake in Leapmotor. The deal calls for the formation of Leapmotor International, a Stellantis-led joint venture that has exclusive rights for the sale of Leapmotor products outside China. "We are consolidating the Leapmotor business outside of China, which is starting with a sourcing point which is 30 percent more cost competitive than anything you can figure out in the Western world," Tavares said. "You start with the minus-30 percent and through an export company outside of China that we control and we consolidate, we are going to bring those Chinese cars to European markets in a profitable manner." Tavares said the outcomes of the 2024 elections for U.S. president and European Parliament could prompt an acceleration of EV demand or slow down adoption. Automakers will need to manage what could happen in either scenario, he said. If policy changes lead to a slowdown in the transition to electrification, Tavares said the industry could experience “bumps in the road.” But if pro-EV candidates win, pressure could build on automakers to make those vehicles profitably. If EV growth “is not bumpy, and it continues on the linear way, the guys who are not able to make money with EVs are going to be in trouble very, very soon,” Tavares said. “Because if it's purely linear, with the amount of capital that you need to fund for products, which structurally are less profitable than the ICEs, they are going to put themselves in trouble quite quickly.” (ANE)
  6. Milano-Torino non si adatta piu - dovrebbe diventare MiTy per Milano-Tychy.. 😂
  7. Nissan non compartecipa questa volta, dovrebbe essere Arpe in questa logica.. 😜
  8. ...oppure "Würstelstand".... 🤣🤣
  9. ......hanno l’obiettivo comune di creare le condizioni per sostenere la produzione di veicoli in Italia..... Bla bla bla........... :disp2
  10. Solo benzina, diesel non ci sara piu. ...e "made in UK" non "made in China" 😝
  11. sara la F66 fra poco.........
  12. Medio oriente non lo so, in Cina fino settembre non hanno venduto neanche una Tonale. in teoria esiste nel configuratore cinese la 2.0T
  13. vabbe' ... quella esiste solo in Canada...
  14. Non e vero. E configurabile e intorno Usa sono piu di 1200 disponibile in pronto consegna.
  15. Logico...secondo GSR24 la retrocamera diventera un must have legale.
  16. Brasile ha un volume di mercato simile UK, non conta niente per se sola. Speriamo 😝
  17. Non Stellantis, Jeep/Ram, il resto di Stellanis in questo scenario potresti chiudere anche globale.
  18. Fine carriera della Renegade sul mercato Usa.
  19. Tonale per carburante Europa e Italia (quante delle diesel sono private e quante aziendale non ti posso dire)
  20. esatto, ma questa sta per almeno 90% dei clienti in questa categoria.
  21. Boh, ci sono sicuramente charatteristiche di un prodott che sono molto piu importante per un cliente medio.
  22. Ma e davvero importante per una macchina dov'e posizionato la maniglia posteriore??
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