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  1. 4200blu

    Gruppo BYD

    BYD sold 3.02 million vehicles in 2023, up 61.9%
  2. Il tempo casa-casa normalmente non e meno (ecetto la tua casa e anche l'arrivo e a fianco dei aeroporti), i costi devo dire non mi interessano tanto e un volo e molto piu scomodo (stretto, bagaglio limitato che devi portare, mezzo pubblico con tanta altre gente, orario fisso) che la mia macchina privata che parte e ferma quando vorrei io.
  3. 4200blu

    Gruppo BYD

    BYD set to dethrone Tesla as top global EV seller China’s BYD Co. bills itself as the biggest car brand you’ve never heard of. It might need a different tagline soon. The automaker is poised to surpass Tesla Inc. as the new worldwide leader in fully electric vehicle sales. When it does — likely in the fourth quarter — it will be both a symbolic turning point for the EV market and further confirmation of China’s growing clout in the global automotive industry. In an industry still dominated by more familiar names such as Toyota Motor Corp., Volkswagen and General Motors Co., Chinese manufacturers including BYD and SAIC Motor Corp. are making serious inroads. After leapfrogging the U.S., South Korea and Germany over the past few years, China now rivals Japan for the global lead in passenger car exports. Some 1.3 million of the 3.6 million vehicles shipped from the mainland as of October this year were electric. “The competitive landscape of the auto industry has changed,” said Bridget McCarthy, head of China operations for Shenzhen-based hedge fund Snow Bull Capital, which has invested in both BYD and Tesla. “It’s no longer about the size and legacy of auto companies; it’s about the speed at which they can innovate and iterate. BYD began preparing long ago to be able to do this faster than anyone thought possible, and now the rest of the industry has to race to catch up.” Crown passed The passing of the EV sales crown also reflects the shift in competitive dynamics between Tesla’s Elon Musk, the world’s richest executive, and BYD’s billionaire founder, Wang Chuanfu. Whereas Musk has been warning that not enough consumers can afford Tesla EVs with such high interest rates, Wang is firmly on the offensive. BYD offers half a dozen higher-volume models that cost much less than what Tesla charges for its cheapest Model 3 sedan in China. When a Tesla owners’ club shared a clip in May of Musk snickering at BYD’s cars during a 2011 appearance on Bloomberg Television, Musk wrote back that BYD’s vehicles are “highly competitive these days.” The likely change in the global EV pecking order marks the realization of a goal that Wang, 57, set back when China was just starting to foster its now world-beating electric vehicle industry. While BYD continues to pull away from Tesla and all other auto brands at home, replicating its runaway success abroad is proving tricky. U.S. off limits Europe looks poised to join the U.S. in slapping Chinese car imports with higher tariffs to shield thousands of manufacturing jobs. Other countries’ EV markets are still in their infancy and aren’t nearly as lucrative. BYD management views the U.S. as virtually off-limits due to the escalating trade tensions between Washington and Beijing. Wang is no Musk — he eschews social media and largely steers clear of the limelight. But in an uncharacteristically brash address delivered weeks before the European Union opened an investigation into how China has subsidized its EV industry, Wang declared the time had come for Chinese brands to “demolish the old legends” of the auto world. While many car buyers outside of China are still only dimly aware of BYD, Warren Buffett surely isn’t. In 2008, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. invested about $230 million for an almost 10 percent stake in the Chinese automaker. When Berkshire started paring its holding last year — BYD shares were trading near their all-time high — the value of its stake had soared roughly 35-fold to around $8 billion. The late Berkshire Vice Chairman Charlie Munger saw BYD primarily as a battery play. On Bloomberg TV in May 2009, he said the company was working on “one of the most important subjects affecting the technological future of man.” Munger’s family had invested in the company years ahead of Berkshire, and he told an interviewer weeks before his death in November that he had tried to dissuade Wang from getting into the car business. BYD acquired a failing state-owned automaker in 2003 and introduced its first plug-in hybrid — called the F3DM — in 2008. A New York Times reviewer panned its exterior design, calling the compact “about as trendy as a Y2K-era Toyota Corolla.” The company sold all of 48 units in the first year. Around that time, China started subsidizing plug-in car purchases. Support from the government extended from cities and provinces to the national level, spanning tax breaks for consumers, production incentives for manufacturers, help with research and development, and cheap land and loans. As a rare automaker that also made its own batteries, BYD was uniquely positioned to benefit. Before entering the car business, it was the first Chinese lithium ion supplier to Motorola and Nokia in the early 2000s. To scale up output before consumers were embracing EVs, the company targeted automotive segments that would need lots of cells. Its first electric bus launched soon after the F3DM. “BYD was a miracle,” Munger told the podcast Acquired in an episode that aired in October. He called Wang a genius, saying he kept the company from going broke by working 70-hour weeks, and described him as a fanatical engineer. “The guy at BYD is better at actually making things than Elon is,” he said. Roughly a decade and a half into making cars, BYD had mustered the smarts to bring plug-in car prices down to levels comparable with combustion engine vehicles. But its lineup still lacked good looks. In 2016, the company hired Wolfgang Egger as design chief, a role he previously played for Audi and Alfa Romeo. It also lured away other international executives, including Ferrari’s head of exterior design and a top interior designer for Mercedes-Benz. By the time China invited Tesla to build the country’s first car plant fully owned by a foreign entity, BYD was no longer resigned to making no-frills econoboxes. Now, its most expensive model — the Yangwang U8 crossover — costs 1.09 million yuan ($152,600). While the level of government subsidies has played a role in China’s tremendous EV growth, Paul Gong, UBS Group AG’s head of China autos research, believes the bigger factor is the level of competition that the support spawned. “They have to work on the innovation, they have to try and find what consumers really want, and they have to optimize their costs to make sure their EVs are competitive in this highly competitive market,” Gong said. After tearing down a BYD Seal sedan and finding a 25 percent cost advantage over legacy competitors, his team concluded that Chinese manufacturers are likely to own a third of the global car market by the end of the decade. For now, Tesla still has BYD beat on key metrics including revenue, income and market capitalization. Analysts at Bernstein expect some of those gaps to close considerably in 2024 — they’re projecting Tesla will generate $114 billion in sales to BYD’s $112 billion. Anhui province roots Wang grew up the second youngest of eight children in the impoverished village of Wuwei in eastern China’s Anhui province. His parents died when he was a teenager, and his older siblings supported him through his high school and university education. Through the early years of his working life, Wang was based in Beijing, working as a mid-level government researcher on rare-earth metals critical to batteries and consumer electronics. He founded BYD in 1995 in Shenzhen with the help of an almost $300,000 loan from a friend. He’s now worth $14.8 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Wang has racked up the air miles in 2023, crisscrossing the globe between auto shows, new market launches and meetings with heads of states. He’s touched down in countries including Japan, Germany, Vietnam, Brazil, Mexico and Chile — a travel schedule befitting the leader of a company that’s set up shop in some 60 countries and territories in just the last two years. Analysts expect BYD to launch its third-generation EVs next year offering more technology, such as automated-driving capabilities. That’s one area where BYD falls short with its more affordable products versus upstarts like Nio Inc. and Xpeng Inc. Even as the number of auto rivals in China has shrunk from over 500 to around 100, new entrants continue to emerge, including well-funded tech giant Huawei Technologies Co. When Bloomberg News asked Wang in March whether BYD had aspirations to be as big as Toyota, which in 2023 will be the world’s top-selling overall carmaker for a fourth straight year, he said the development of the EV industry will lead to an industry reshuffle. “How a car company performs will depend on its tech and response,” he said. “BYD in China’s electrification is the winner for now, but how it will go tomorrow, we can’t say for sure. But we will lean into our advantages and keep making good products.” But staying at the top will require a different mindset than getting there, said HSBC Qianhai Securities head of China autos Yuqian Ding. “When you become the No. 1, the mandate suddenly changes,” she said. “You’re going to redefine yourself — you’re going to have to find a way to beat yourself.” (ANE)
  4. Hai mai fatto 800-900km in autostrada con velocita sempre tra 160-200km/h (ecetto i settori com limite) con una Fhev e hai paragonato il consumo per un viaggio cosi con quello di una diesel di grande cilindrata?
  5. ..almeno i naftoni made in Baviera saranno...
  6. ..mah..insieme con Zeekr, Polestar e Lotus sarebbe la possibilita per pianali, batterie e soluzioni software premium di volumi adeguati, invece in Stellantis, complesso low cost / generalista, una marca di lusso rimanera sempre un outsider senza nessun effetto delle sinergie utilizzabili.
  7. ...di serie le scritte erano sempre senza colore.
  8. ...non e GT e basata sulla stessa piattaforma come Phaeton.
  9. ....a due litri biturbo..250CV / 450Nm .... con ZF8HP ...
  10. Tu hai in mente casi di poveri cosi...... Unico problema di loro per ricevere gli incentivi full - la Euro 0 da rottamare purtroppo e una 512BB a carburatore o simile....
  11. Si ma Opel non e parte di Geely, Smart invece si.
  12. ...solo la "vecchia" (attuale) che e quasi fine serie....😉 ...per una bev e un bene...
  13. questa linea del tetto al posteriore mi sembra piu Smart che Zeekr.
  14. gia alla Stratos questo pezzo con un look di un tuner terza classe, sopratutto in colore nero, ha rovinato la linea originale bellissima del posteriore
  15. questa fa niente perche tutta la macchina come concetto per un Alfa e gia un disastro, quindi anche questo dettaglio non peggiora piu niente..
  16. Questo coso nero posteriore mi ricordo fortemente a questa violentazione
  17. ....costa troppo per Tavares! ...ehhh???
  18. ..perche? Il teaser frontale e di 13.dic
  19. Perche cambiare la Z3 in una utilitaria noiosa? Non sarebbe meglio di cambiarla in un cabrio piu moderna e piu pratica/spaziosa (che anche la moglie potrebbe usare), ma anche una che edivertemtissimo di guidarla? Prendi una 440i cabrio come sostituzione.
  20. Hanno avuto tutte, anche le stradale, ma qui i bucchi erano sotto la targa.
  21. si, ma con 600kW potenza di ricarica non e necessario.
  22. ET9 is 5.3 meters long, over 2,016 mm wide, and 1,620 mm in height. Leading in executive flagship segment 23″ wheels Jet-inspired active spoiler Wide-angle side lidar enhancing side-facing sensing capabilities 4-seater 19:50 Li Introduce Nio’s in-house developed AD chip NX9031. It is Nio’s first 5nm AD chip and the “First automotive big LITTLE 32-core CPU, dedicated AD chip.” 20:02 Li: “NX9031 will strengthen our competitive edge in ADAS and automotive driving. 20:05 Nio’s SkyOS and NX9031 chip will go live on ET9 20:05 ET9 will run on 900V architecture 925V HV architecture 600 kW Peark charging power 765 peak charging current All values are highest in the world, Li says 20:18 ET9 will feature in-house developed 1,200 SiC module ET9 340 kW permanent magnet motor 180 kW induction motor, 2.6 kW/kg, best in the world in-house development of large cylindrical 46105 cell 292 Wh/kg energy density, 5C charging (max C rate) 120 kWh battery ultra-fast charging 255 km in 5 minutes the full battery in 3 minutes (laugh in the room – a reference to swapping) 20:15 Sky Ride, Nio intelligent chassis system introduced Drive-by-wire Chassis Full Active Suspension Rear Wheel Steering 20:16 William explains drive-by-wire chassis system 8.3 degree maximum rear-wheel steering angle Full active suspension is the first integrated hydraulic full active suspension. 20:20 Li: Porsche Panamera adopts non-integrated active suspensions. In comparison, Sky Drive Full Active Suspension is a generation more advanced. It is integrated with an active suspension actuator, resulting in a faster response. 20:23: Full Active Suspension supports regenerative braking with a peak regen power of 5 kW 20:24 Li introduces Independent wheel control 20:27 Super Sensing System Aquila 2.0 introduced 20:29 ET9 has 17 world-first technologies, 52 class-leading tech, and 525 applied patents ET9 will start deliveries in Q1 2025 Preorders start now in Nio App for 800,000 yuan (112,800 USD)
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