Hi Saki,
Having read & seen the press arround europe (French, British, German) I must say that I'll never trust a journalist's word EVER. The French will trash any other car than their own, so will the Germans and the Brits. It's human nature...
When I read a comparison in a magazine I'm always amazed by the pros & cons section: the floormats are not soft enough, the interior lighting is not bright enough and other bullshit like that. You very rarely see "cons: NONE" in that section.
What I'm trying to say is that sometimes journalists tend to use the know it all (or academic) approach where the perfect solution is nonexistent. Journalists will always come with a critisism on a particular car.
Stratis (??????? ???????????????) the journalist in question is in my opinion definetly one of those "perfectionists". OK he's taken parts in some courses so he knows how to handle a car, but this does not mean that HE can evaluate the car that I will drive; the only judge for that is me.
Finally, I would tend to put this journalist's words into perspective for one more reason: if the 159 is not yet ready he can only have driven a pre-production one, so it can be that the version he's driven is not fully tuned yet. As a journalist he must have known that, so he sould have put his words into perspective instead of going: ha, ha, ha, I've driven the 159 before anyone else, but it's no good.