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  1. ritmo

    La nuova Almera (Notizie)

    E' un po' simile alla Megane, ma e' basata sulla Clio.
  2. La Punto è molto meglio.
  3. Taurus, is this 1.4 16V any different from the existing 1.4 16V Fire engine?
  4. Will the 169 be a regular sedan, or will they make it a crossover like the Croma?
  5. Based on what? The Premium platform? The Epsilon platform? Or something completely different?
  6. Cosa vuol dire "rinnovato"? E quanti cavalli avrà?
  7. It's not "stayer", but Magna-Steyr.
  8. Cristina Siletto.
  9. At the Wikipedia page for Fiat Punto it says that: And on the Wikipedia page for the GM Gamma platform it says that: Is the "new version of the Gamma platform" in any way related to the old GM Gamma platform which was supposedly based on the Opel Corsa? Or is it new from the ground-up, and for the most part constructed by Fiat? (Or are there perhaps errors in these Wikipedia articles?)
  10. Spero che gli interni della nuova Corsa non siano gli stessi.
  11. Bruttissima...
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