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  1. I have placed a refundable deposit on the Aston AMV8 because I have gotten tired of waiting for the new Maserati spyder with the folding hard-top!!! Any news on what is happening with it? The Aston will be delivered in approx 1 year so I still have time to cancel it if the Maserati is unveiled. Should I stick with the Aston regardless? Opinions. Puoi rispondere in Italiano perche lo leggo bene ma non lo scrive bene.
  2. Yes, that is the one. Thank goodness it is a photoshop.
  3. Is this the new Maserati coupe?
  4. Sono stato oggi al "dealership" Ferrari-Maserati qui a Montreal e mi hanno parlato soltanto della futura entry-level Maserati che sara messo in vendita per il prezzo della Boxster S. They had no info on the SL type spyder due to be released next year. If the dealerships are not aware, how can we be sure that the SL type will actually be introduced? I find this all very frustrating!!!
  5. When will it be introduced? When will we be able to see a photo?
  6. Per Taurus: Grazie Taurus per l'informazione. Sono Canadese ma amo le macchine Italiane, specialmente quelle sportive. Non so se devo aspettare per la nuova maserati stile SL o comprare la Ferrari 430. . I know that the 430 is the epitome of sports car technology at this time, but i like the idea of a convertible hard top. I am willing to sacrifice a hard- edged pure sportscar for something with more beauty and grace. I know that you have seen the new Maserati spyder, is it more beautiful than the 430? What engine will it have (ie how many horsepower). Is it worth waiting for or should I order the 430. Per piacere rispondere in Italiano perche lo so leggere abbastanza bene. grazie
  7. I haven't heard much about the new SL style Maserati spyder recently. When will it be introduced? grazie
  8. Any other news on the SL Type Maserati spyder replacement?
  9. Taurus, do you know if the new maserati spyder will have uniair given that it is directly in the Fiat group, will ferrari also get it? Grazie
  10. Grazie Taurus per l'informazioni. Per okkioss lui deve capire che ci sono molti nel mondo che non parlano Italiano perfettamente (come me che sono Canadese), ma trovano che Autopareri e uno dei migliori website del suo genere nel mondo e non vogliamo essere esclusi. Non ho trovato un sito in Inglese della stessa qualita.
  11. Dear Taurus, I'm still confused after your post. When will the new spyder be presented and will it still have a folding hardtop and a 470 hp engine. Respond in Italian if you wish since I can read it perfectly I just can't write it properly. Thanks
  12. I have never heard so many rumors and half-truths about a potential model as for the replacement Maserati spyder. The maserati dealership in Montreal says it will be available next September(06). Maybe Taurus can shed some light on what is really happening.
  13. According to Automobile magazine (July2005, p20) the new maserati spider/coupe will be on a Brera platform, AWD, and use a Fiat/Alfa V6. The spider will be available in 2006. Is this true? I certainly hope not! Maserati needs to keep its image improving by going upscale and not downscale. Look at the success of the Gransport and Quattroporte. Maserati needs to position itself as an entry-level luxurious Ferrari and not an expensive Alfa. Taurus any ideas or info on this? Saluti da un Italo-Canadese di Montreal PS I will be attending the Grand Prix in montreal today and tomorrow and hopefully Ferrari will restore to Italy its rightful place as the world's most technologically advanced sports car company
  14. Ciao Ax Thanks for the info on the Maserati Spyder, I certainly hope to see the new model soon. There are just too many rumors circulating. Grazie un altra volta.
  15. grazie Taurus per la risposta. La nuova Maserati Spyder e l'auto che sto aspetando e spero che se realizza. saluti da montreal
  16. This message is for Taurus: How do you know for sure that the new Maserati Spyder has not been cancelled? I have heard this rumor from several sources. Sarebbe un peccato se succede perche e tempo per cambiare il modello per qualcosa piu distintivo. Saluti da un Italo-Canadese di Montreal
  17. Grazie per l'informazioni. Spero che Maserati fara successo con il nuovo modello.
  18. Mi dovete scusare se il mio Italiano non e perfetto ma sono un Canadese di origine Italiana. La nuova Maserati Spyder quando uscira? Adesso che Maserati fa parte di Fiat (con Alfa), ci sara qualche cambiamento? Saluti
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