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Tutti i contenuti di crabble

  1. solito genio (del male) Elon Musk Cancels Blogger's Model X Order Because He Bitched About Event Owning your own car company has a lot of little-considered benefits: all the slightly-damaged car seats you want for napping, easy access to stacks of tires to build forts, and the ability to cancel any customer’s order just because you don’t like them. Guess which one Elon Musk just took advantage of? While I’m sure he builds plenty of tire forts, Musk just used his power as the Fromageus Maximus at Tesla to cancel venture capitalist Stewart Alsop’s order of a Model X. Alsop, the former editor-in-chief of Infoworld, now seems to spend a fair amount of time blogging. It was this post titled Dear @ElonMusk: You should be ashamed of yourself that seems to have been what prompted Musk to cancel Alsop’s $5000 deposit on a Model X. The post Alsop wrote was a pretty scathing recap of the Model X launch event this past September. The event was supposed to give people who had deposits on the bigger, falcon-door’d Model X a chance to see the cars up close, and, ideally, drive one for a bit. The actual result Alsop describes does sound a bit like a clusterfuck: So, yeah, that does sound like a pretty awful mess on Tesla’s part. Of course, it’s also hard to ignore the privileged, monacle-popping tone of the post as well. Anyone who uses the phrase “simply unacceptable” and equates not having “real food” with being “mistreated” in an event to look at the $130,000 car you’re waiting to buy is also someone who, I can’t lie, would probably be pretty satisfying to deny selling a car to. I’m not saying what Elon Musk did here is right, by any standard – the event does sound like a mess, the Model X is at least two years behind schedule, and getting frustrated and upset is absolutely understandable. But I can also appreciate how someone who has total control of their own car company might just think “fuck that guy” and tear up his deposit check because, well, it’s your own damn company. Alsop seems to have been informed that he wasn’t allowed to have a Model X via phone by Musk himself, an experience recounted in another post, Banned By Tesla! In a weird, Bizzaro World way, that is sort of incredible customer service, where the head of a car company calls you personally and tells you that he thinks you’re too big a dick to have one of their cars. I’m a colossal idiot, and Volkswagen has never called me and asked me to stop driving my Beetle. Maybe they’d refuse me if I tried to buy something new, though. I haven’t checked. Is Musk being petty? Oh hell yes. Is it unprofessional? Incredibly so. Do I weirdly envy the nuclear-grade notgiveafuckery Musk possesses to do this? Kind of. Fundamentally, this is pretty stupid. I kind of roll my eyes at Alsop’s posts, but the man has valid points. I think his best bet here would be to place a new deposit in his dog’s name or something and then use his Model X to do donuts on Elon Musk’s lawn once he gets it. In 2020, probably.
  2. Mi piace molto di più rispetto prima!
  3. Volevo dire che la nuova non ha un suono da Boxtser come la precedente, il video della Spyder si sente bene...
  4. Se la incroci per strada vai in overdose Janis Joplin’s 1968 Porsche 356 SC Cabriolet
  5. Behind the Scenes at Aston Martin’s Frankenstein Lab for Special Projects
  6. Meglio di no... Le vendite dei Lumia sono in caduta libera, e tutti gli indizi lasciano pensare che anche il destino di Windows Phone sia appeso ad un filo. Serve un miracolo per convincere Nadella a non praticare l'eutanasia.
  7. Sound da WRC (quasi eh ? )
  8. Parli di amazon o Tesla? Comunque uno vede che il trend è quello dell'auto elettrica e investe (non io), ma i grandi capitali in tesla non lo fanno di sicuro con quell'ottica, c'è chi lo farà per speculare, chi (l'80%) su calcoli matematici, chi ha azioni di produttori di batterie e mille altri motivi. Ad ogni modo, chiusa la parentesi, non mi riferivo agli investitori adesso ma prima dell'IPO, quelli sono gli angel investors! l'IPO è il punto di arrivo, come è per Space X, per Hyperloop, e come è stato per Ebay, Paypal ecc..
  9. Credo che frasi come queste denotino l'arretratezza dell'italico pensiero... professional angel investors seek investments that have the potential to return at least ten or more times their original investment within 5 years, through a defined exit strategy, such as plans for an initial public offering or an acquisition ...ce ne fossero in Italia di ricconi che ""bruciano"" soldi in aziende per divertimento (una volta cerano, mooolti lustri fa purtroppo )
  10. On the road in Miami
  11. Due...una è questa e l'altra una comptetior della Bolt e i3?
  12. Alcuni gingilli tech degli interni:
  13. Ma non ti danno neanche i tappetini di serie sulla S...
  14. Design generale e forma bello, ma detesto i colori e tutto il resto!
  15. Bellina...aspetto Cayman. (ma qua mancano le viti o che? )
  16. crabble

    BMW M2 2016

    Sembra altina nei passaruota?!
  17. This is the most luxurious car in the world
  18. Potrebbero fare le DS direttamente tutte cromate... che disastro!
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