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Risposte pubblicato da reckoner00

  1. Alfa Romeo’s future: crossovers, estates, hatchbacks - but no new exec



    Alfa Romeo: the future

    ► Alfa Romeo prepares eight new cars
    ► Two crossovers, two estates…
    ► … plus sports cars and new hatches


    Alfa Romeo is at a crucial juncture in its comeback plan. The new Giulia is launching now, to a generally warm reception. But behind the scenes the chiefs in Turin are working around the clock to prepare the next batch of eight new Alfas to keep up the pressure on the established - mainly Germanic - competition.


    There’s a brace of crossovers, a Giulia estate and not one, but two new Giuliettas on the drawing board. If they get it right, might this product onslaught be enough to propel Alfa back to the good times? We’re about to find out. Read our scoop dossier for the full story.


    Two new Alfa Romeo crossovers

    Putting even more pressure on the team is the smaller of two crossovers, which is due to go into production later in 2016 after an expected world debut at the Paris motor show. Two major new products within six months? That's a logistical and production challenge for any car maker, let alone smaller Alfa.


    The Alfa Romeo crossover


    The compact crossover, potentially badged Stelvio or Kamal and codenamed Tipo 949, is in the mould of the Merc GLC and BMW X4. No boxy 4x4 ugliness here, promise Alfisti types. A range of four- and six-cylinder engines is expected.

    Then in 2018 its big brother, a full-size Alfa SUV, is due. The company simply cannot ignore the market’s insatiable appetite for crossovers.


    The Giulia station wagon

    Following this year’s launch of the Giulia saloon, we’ll see the 3-series-rivalling station wagon in 2017.

    It will add a sleek, sporting estate car rump to the four-door’s silhouette. We hear it’ll have better load-lugging ability than the yesteryear 159 shooting brake, which famously had less boot space than its saloon counterpart!


    A new Alfa Romeo Giulietta too

    If you needed proof that Alfa is serious about its comeback, check out the plans for the Golf-baiting Giulietta. The successor will have two versions: in addition to the Giulietta hatchback, product planning has signed off a compact sportwagon - a risky decision in view of the proximity to the potentially more popular and profitable Giulia estate.


    The marque apparently needs the volume generated in Europe’s hottest segment which is also growing in the US and China. The so-called C-segment continues to provide a growing share of profits and sales. 


    The existing Alfa Romeo Giulietta


    Cost remains a Damocles sword that hovers over every strategic decision. Should Alfa go down the cheap route and replace the Giulietta with fresh bodystyles crafted onto an evolutionary front-wheel drive platform? Or should the entry-level models also be based on the more advanced, but more expensive, RWD/AWD Giorgio construction kit? 


    Although time is running out, a decision - likely to be in favour of Giorgio - will have to wait until summer 2017, according to CAR’s sources.


    Sports cars: a distant dream on the wishlist


    A definite must-have for Alfa Romeo is a new sports car. Since the proposed Mazda MX-5 spin-off was diverted to Fiat and Abarth, the stage is wide open for a standalone Alfa coupe and a spider competing in the same size and price bracket as the overweight and underpowered Brera. 


    This promising pair of fun cars is expected to become available in late 2020 or early 2021. And, yes, they’re likely to feature the same rear-wheel drive platform as the rest of the Alfa range. Let’s just hope they sizzle in the looks and dynamics departments as much as an Alfa sports car should… 


    Farewell Alfetta: the 166 successor is dumped 

    No longer part of the future Alfa line-up is the full-size saloon known as Alfetta. Although notchbacks do well in many markets, the volumes are claimed not to add up, and the brand probably does not need a three-box model in the highly competitive A6/5series/E-class mould. 


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  2. On 18/02/2016 at 0:58 PM, Bare said:

    I don't know if someone posted it already but I got some info about 500L restyling.


    There is not so much changes on the outside. Slightly different front and back lights to be more in line with 500X and some other minor details.


    Exterior is almost completely different, much closer to 500X. New instruments panel, central part for multimedia is much nicer and some talk about bigger screen as an option. The space between driver and co-driver is completely different. Seats are improved.


    No news about the 500L restyling? Maybe debut at Paris auto show (October)?


    google trans

    Nessuna notizia circa il restyling 500L? Forse debutterà al salone dell'auto di Parigi (ottobre)?

    • Mi Piace 2
  3. FCA Offers Voluntary Exit Package to Serbian Workers



    VIENNA – FCA Srbija, the joint venture owned 67% by FiatChrysler Automobiles and 33% by the Serbian state, is inviting employees at its Kragujevac plant to apply for a voluntary separation package in conjunction with plans to end a third shift after the August holidays.

    The package includes severance benefits as prescribed by law, which is a sum equal to a third of the employee's earnings in the past 12 months for each year of service at FCA, plus other payments.

    Zoran Markovic, head of FCA Srbija’s trade unions, says a worker with three years of service will receive up to €4,800 ($6,061). Those who worked at the company’s predecessor Zastava car plant and later transferred to FCA will be offered €300 ($379) per year of service.

    About 3,200 people are employed at the Kragujevac facility. About 2,500 have three to five years of service and only about 500 have been at the plant for 11 to 38 years.

    The automaker is expected to idle nearly 30% of its workers.

    Fiat is pleased with Serbia, and Fiat will not leave Serbia because it would leave a billion (euros in investment),” Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic tells local media at a press conference. “They feel they have to produce between 75,000 and 90,000 (cars per year), and it takes two, rather than three shifts, so allow us to solve problems and we will deal with them.”

    Vucic earlier traveled to Turin, Italy, for a crisis meeting with Alfredo Altavilla, FCA’s chief operating officer for Europe, Middle East and Africa.

    FCA Srbija launched volume production of the Fiat 500L, a model also exported to the U.S., in July 2012. It added the 500L Living, a stretched 7-seat version with an additional third row of seats, in 2013. FCA is expected to launch a facelifted version of the 500L next year.

    Some 100,000 cars were manufactured in Kragujevac in 2015.

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