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Su Franky...

  • Compleanno 12/02/1968

Informazioni Profilo

  • Marca e Modello Auto
    Boxster S 987 FL 3,4 PDK
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Reputazione Forum

  1. No, it is end of petrol in Germany
  2. can someone please take a photo of the car from behind ?
  3. I think the one at the front is really crisp
  4. I recently saw an Avanger live and I have to say that I like the 600e better, especially inside. The LaPrima looks significantly more attractive inside than the Jeep.
  5. does anyone have a photo of the 160PS Speciale? I would like to see the other 20" rims
  6. Der neue Alfa Romeo Tonale | Alfa Romeo
  7. it was after Easter, at the end of April at the beginning of May
  8. In Germany, the 130 PS Speciale is between 40.000 - 43.900 depending on the Colour and Version 1 or 2
  9. there is a white one at the top right, you can see the complete one on another photo
  10. Will the 160PS Version also be available as a Veloce ?
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