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  1. June 17, 2007 Special FXX Welcome to a piece of history. You're about to witness the ultimate lap in the ultimate car driven by one of the world's greatest drivers. It's a hot Friday in May, and the Ferrari FXX has just rolled into the pit garage at the famous Fiorano circuit. Only 30 of these incredible cars exist, 29 of them owned by some of Ferrari's most passionate customers, the final one by some bloke called Michael Schumacher. Today, legendary Ferrari test driver Dario Benuzzi is going to set a new lap record around Fiorano in an FXX. Watch video Ferrari describes the FXX as a mobile laboratory. It's not road legal, and you can't race it either. What it is, though, is a rolling test bed for top-secret new Ferrari technology, the stuff that's going to appear on the Enzo's successor in 2010. Performance, handling, aerodynamics, braking: this is where Ferrari takes its F1 expertise and figures out how to apply it to a road car. This FXX is currently producing more than 850bhp, and its gearbox is about as fast at changing gear as Kimi or Felipe's Sunday drives. Want to know how that feels? Want to see a master at work? You'd better watch the video. Read the full story behind this incredible lap in the upcoming issue of Top Gear magazine, the Ferrari special out on June 7 with 60 collectible covers.
  2. nunoHGT

    MotoGP Olanda: Assen

    Stoner aveva le gomme medium /medium e Rossi Hard/medium...
  4. nunoHGT

    MotoGP Olanda: Assen

    ...che sarebe la prima della Honda in piu di 12 mesi... ... curiosamente la ultima gara che honda a vinto 'e statto con Hayden.
  5. nunoHGT

    MotoGP Olanda: Assen

    Bravo a Vale si puo solo aplaudere...bravo a stoner guida davero bene molto preciso come un veterano, bravo Hayden grande rimonta e un buon pliota, la honda non se lo merita , e bravo al marketing Fiat !!!
  6. i don't know, but maybe is just the brake dust.
  7. credo che sicnifica che la Ferrari non usera il uniair nei suoi motori.
  8. ->>>>>>
  9. Calma non lo detto io mah.. BMW Group Australia managing director Guenther Seemann “When you look at the statistics, we have here two competitors in Australia – one comes from Stuttgart and the other comes from Japan,” Mr Seemann boldly told GoAuto last week. “It is not up to me to decide who our competitor is, the customer decides. We are saying that in the premium segment, where we are and two others … premium cars have rear-wheel drive because of comfort and design. “The front-wheel drive you cannot design like a rear-wheel drive. Most premium cars, like a Rolls-Royce, they have rear-wheel drive. The most sportiest cars, like a Formula One, they all have rear-wheel drive. The drivers like our cars. e la risposta della Audi...
  11. Spero che hanno pensato a portare qualche 500 a la festa dei 60anni della Ferrari ....
  12. cosi si vede meglio
  13. Fiat might be able to sell as many as 200,000 new 500s a year, 67 percent more than the planned production, Pazzaglia said. The model could earn a profit margin of as much as 5 percent, compared with 2 percent to 3 percent for most small cars, according to Michelis. ``This is going to have a really big impact on Fiat,'' Michelis said. ``We are going to see pretty high margins on a small car.''
  14. .. altro che senna... eh Villeneuve figlo il tuo idolo.
  15. si si , ah anche vinto qualche gara nella Nascar non ti dimenticare .
  16. nunoHGT

    FXX @silverstone fotos
  17. FIAT RENONCERAIT À COOPÉRER AVEC PSA DANS LES MONOSPACES AUTO PLUS (12/6/07) croit savoir que Fiat, qui produit son monospace Ulysse en collaboration avec PSA Peugeot Citroën, aurait décidé de ne pas renouveler sa coopération avec le constructeur français. Celui-ci renoncerait de ce fait à remplacer ses grands monospaces (Citroën C8 et Peugeot 807) tant qu'un nouveau partenaire n'aura pas été trouvé.
  18. Basta che lui non va a sbattere .... per fortuna hanno anche Lamy come pilota.
  19. Io lo penso a lo stesso modo , forza Peugeot.
  20. Alfa vince nella classe S2 con un 147 2,4jtd
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