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  1. nunoHGT

    ferrari new 360..

    grazie! molto interessanti...
  2. non interessa la velocita del safety car ... Schumi a frenato violentamente per riscaldare i freni (non le gome) ,come a detto Ross Brown i freni de la Ferrari sono molto instabili se non sono in temperatura,.... poi Montoya non a tamponato Schumi quando questo à frenato , andato a destra e poi quando Schumi faceva la curva Montoya se a lasciato tocare con Schumi. Ho visto la ruota blocata e il fumo de la machina di Schumi pero non o visto ne fumo ne ruote blocate ne la machina di Montoya.Normale che lo chiamano "El stupido"! Choulthard , é una sorella !... ok non vedi niente allora vai piano pero non ti fermare in mezzo a la strada! Ralf é un bastardo e andato via dal gas e poi quando Alonso lo stava passando a acerelaro di nuovo!
  3. Schumi era primo ,Montoya era al 10 posto con un giro in meno e voi me ditte che non a colpa ??? Poi perche non a frenato quando a visto che schumi lo stava chiudendo?... perche non a cervelo! Lo stesso per Ralf e per e Coultard
  4. gia tempo fa avevo cercato foto piu grandi di questa machina.... non li o travate ... qualcuno cia foto piu grandi ???
  5. clap clap clap , sono troppo avanti nel marketing la VW, sono troppo furbi come usano il marketing per conquistare mercato. Italia la patria de le Ferrari ..... quale è la machina piu spetacolare de la polizia di sicuro una una Lambo...clap clap clap!
  6. Clody23, adesso le vibrazione e il rumore dentro la machina quando vai in una strada diciamo non bona , sono di meno ? o a cambiato solo il comportamento ne le curve? ai la machina abassata?
  7. no, questa è un altra notizia qua se dice che che Montezemolo laciara il carico di presidente ....e Todt sará il numero 1.
  8. nunoHGT

    Jean Todt president de la Ferrari !?

    Todt to become Ferrari President? 09/05/2004 We hear that Jean Todt is to be announced as Ferrari President in the not too distant future. This of course would tie-in with the recent story in which we revealed that Luca di Montezemolo is to retire from the company. The latest we hear is that having taken over the Presidency of the Confindustria, the equivalent of the Confederation of British Industries in Britain, di Montezemolo will have to limit his involvement with the Ferrari Maserati Group. It's thought that di Montezemolo aims to spend three days a week in Rome, where the Confindustria is based, and two back in Maranello. Todt joined Ferrari in July 1993 as team principal, but has taken more and more responsibility, within the company, including the production of road cars last week. It is uncertain whether he will remain as Ferrari team principal. Although Todt refused to make any comment, we understand that several team bosses congratulated him on the appointment at last week's meeting in Monaco. ....non lo so..... e poi chi va al posto di numero uno de la Gestione Sportiva???
  9. Non o mai sentito questo, penso che non sara vero , è pero una bella idea!
  10. StS: What about the permanent rumour in the paddock which hints that Ferrari are being ? shall we say ? overly creative in their interpretation of the regulations? Charlie Whiting: I?m afraid I try to deal with facts and specific information. Ron [Dennis] came to me in Malaysia in 1999 and said: ?Schumacher has got traction control ? he must have. It?s impossible for a driver to be a second quicker than the rest of them.? Well, it?s not impossible. We?ve always been convinced that we were 100 per cent on top of the traction-control thing with our checking methods. And I think, rather than listening to Ron, you should sit down with someone like Paddy Lowe, one of Ron?s senior engineers, and say, ?Paddy, explain to me how you think Ferrari are getting around this checking method.? He couldn?t do it. I?m not trying to single Ron out here, by any means, but Ron?s often said, ?Well, our engineers know how to get around it ? in theory.? Ron, please explain it to us. We really need to know. He?s offered to do this, but has never done so. StS:Do you receive a lot of phone calls and faxes, saying, ?You should look at this car ? it?s illegal?? CW: All the time. Usually unfounded. For example we had that big business with the [allegedly movable] Ferrari bargeboards at Imola [in 2002]. Again, that?s probably an example of what people would say about us favouring Ferrari. Patrick Head came to me and said, ?Look at this picture [of a Ferrari bouncing over the Imola kerbs, allegedly showing illegal movement of aerodynamic devices].? I said, those parts are only getting some sort of oscillation. And then I showed him some on-board camera footage from one of his cars. The big fairings around the rear wheels were moving much more than the Ferrari bargeboards. You know, you have to be rational and sensible about these things. But you?ve got to let guys like Patrick calm down a bit and then you can talk them through it. Patrick, if he?s in that sort of state, goes off and talks to a journalist ? it?s hopeless. So I think those are the sorts of things that make some people believe there?s some sort of special relationship. StS: ?Michelin-gate? was harder to understand ? CW: Try to draw a parallel with someone using a 4.0-litre engine: ?Oh well, we?ve been using it since the beginning of last year, so why can?t we carry on?? Well, of course you can?t: we?ve found it now. What Michelin did was send us some pictures, at 1:1 scale, of their tyres, and they said, ?Will this be okay?? We said at the time, ?Yes, it would be?, not knowing what the effects of a worn tyre would be. If they had explained to us that as the tyre becomes worn down it could become wider, we would probably have said ?No?. They really did withhold a bit of information, which is not a particularly sensible thing to do, in my opinion. Imagine you?re Ferrari and the FIA say, ?Yes, Michelin can continue to use these tyres at Monza, and they?ll get it fixed for next year.? They would immediately protest and my guess is they?d win. Common sense dictates that if it?s been used and then measured across and it?s more than 270mm, then it must be illegal. That was the view I took. StS: Nowadays the paddock is full of talk about the Sauber situation. Is the C23 last year?s Ferrari ? honestly? CW: No. The Concorde Agreement says that each team must own the intellectual property rights of the car concerned. Sauber do. They have their own drawings. They?ve manufactured all the parts. It?s as simple as that. I don?t think anyone doubts that there?s an exchange of technology between the two teams. It?s inevitable if they?re using the same engines and gearboxes. But I think they fulfil the requirements of the Concorde Agreement in their entirety. That?s pretty much all I can say. I?ve certainly not been made aware of any large-scale team dissatisfaction on this.
  11. Sono moltissimo contente con queste notizie ! Ma che funzione(cosa deve fare?) cia il carico di directore generale Ferrari?
  12. No one is out-and-out saying 'no' when we ask and even we have to admit that all the signs are pointing to an eventual majority sale of Maserati to Volkswagen Group. It's no secret VW wants the Quattroporte platform for future Phaeton-size vehicles. Nor that the 2006 Maserati Coupe and Spyder will have several Audi components on them, particularly when it comes to all on-board electronics and a version of quattro all-wheel drive. Maserati is also sharing Audi dealers in certain markets and benefiting from Audi client services and financing structures. Ferrari-Maserati boss Luca Cordero di Montezemolo is now head of the ultra-powerful Italian union Confindustria -- a full-time job that keeps him away from Modena and Maranello. Between this and the fact that Maserati sales are falling well behind forcasts in all markets may signal a move to divest from Maserati in favor of VW leading the show. A Modena source says, ?This is not a surprise to hear and it?s something that has definitely been talked about since we [VW and Maserati] started our technology swap.? A Maranello contact adds, ?It?s feeling like it could happen at any time now. Nothing sure yet, but the signs are everywhere.? spero che questo non è vero, povera Maserati.
  13. un altro F40 questo senza cat e qui sono piu videos 8) 8) 8) 8)
  14. perche deve fare causa? ... se e giap le piaciano la 500 non vedo problema.
  15. nessuno sa niente???? Former Ford boss helps create concept for new car company The car company of the future will not sell any cars. Instead, it will lease them throughout the vehicle's life cycle. The company will delight shareholders by achieving margins of 21.7 percent, compared with today's average of 5.9 percent for volume players. If this sounds like a dream, well it is, at least for now.
  16. mi sai dire dove posso trovare piu info técnica di questa machina?
  17. un amico se a conprato una 75 america questo sabato scorso é vero che questo modelo cia il pezo 50%avanti 50% dietro? pesa 1700klg! un puo troppo no?
  18. un altro video de un 355
  19. Leach to head Maserati Former Ford boss set to go to Italian sports car maker Martin Leach could head Maserati as soon as early May, sources told Automotive News Europe
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