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  1. non ci posso vedere piu alonso....
  2. Come gia detto il merito della criazione della Mv agusta 'e di tamburini , che a creato anche la 916, e lui il genio che porta avanti ai Castiglioni...
  3. "Stampa(CH) Maserati GT *****." Forse e per questo che hanno venduto tante :D
  4. Io stavo diventando fan di Alonso pero eé un testa di *#"¢%¬&!!!!! lui non si puo permetere di dire a massa che non e statto correcto , Alonso e il pilota piu scorreto di tutti 4 piloti che vogliono il titolo... E ron Dennis apena detto " una bella vitoria in pista come deve essere" mah va a quella parte pure lui...
  5. si vede un fumo bianco che esce della ruotta , come se la gomma tocava in qualche parte.
  6. Stepney warned Coughlan of Ferrari floor Thursday, July 19th 2007, 14:22 GMT Nigel Stepney emailed McLaren's chief designer Mike Coughlan on the eve of the season to tip him off about Ferrari's movable floor design, this week's Autosport magazine reveals. McLaren will face an extraordinary meeting of the FIA World Motor Sport Council next week to face charges of 'fraudulent conduct' over the possession of secret Ferrari documents from March to July this year. The matter was originally only thought to relate to a 780-page Ferrari technical dossier, which McLaren said Coughlan had in his possession only from the end of April. However, a reliable source has revealed to this week's Autosport magazine that the March date the FIA has referred to relates to early contact between Stepney and Coughlan. In particular, the source says it relates to a specific email that Stepney sent to Coughlan, revealing Ferrari's floor design and tipping the McLaren designer off about taking possible action about it. Although it is not known if Coughlan passed on this information to the team, McLaren did ask for a rule clarification about Ferrari's movable floor design at the season-opening Australian Grand Prix. That action resulted in the FIA changing its floor tests and outlawing the design Ferrari ran at the time - which is believed to have hindered their form. The background to McLaren's actions in Melbourne will likely play a key part in the FIA World Motor Sport Council hearing next week, as the sport's governing body faces the task of working out whether or not the team did anything wrong. Autosport also reveals that the Surrey copy shop that tipped off Ferrari about Coughlan having the 780-page dossier was asked to scan the information in order to transfer it into electronic format and in to a computer disc. It is understood that after the information had been put on disk, the actual Ferrari document was shredded and burned in Coughlan's back garden. Coughlan is understood to have been advised to destroy the document after showing a glimpse of it to McLaren managing director Jonathan Neale at a golf club. It is not known, however, when this incident took place.
  7. non sara un poco cara questa 5oo "spagnola" ??
  8. 4 videos
  9. .. un "brasileiro" mi sta a dire su un altro forum, che la linea e punto brasil usa il telaio della Idea brasilina ke e derivato della palio?? sara vero??
  10. Speriamo che bmw non si prende pure la MV agusta.
  11. nunoHGT

    MotoGP USA: Laguna Seca

    sara una bella gara
  12. A partire dalla fine del 2009 Fiat Group Automobiles offrira' radio satellitari WorldSpace su alcuni modelli Lancia, Alfa Romeo e Fiat. Inoltre Fiat Group Automobiles potra' offrire ai propri clienti attraverso il canale aftermarket ricevitori portatili di radio satellitare WorldSpace. Class E., attraverso NewSatelliteRadio, e' anche preferred content provider di WorldSpace e si occupa di produrre, direttamente o attraverso partnership, i 50 e piu' canali tematici di entertainment, sport, musica e servizi di pubblica utilita' del bouquet di WorldSpace Italia. "La firma del contratto con Fiat Group Automobiles, oggi leader nell'innovazione automobilistica, sia sul piano tecnico che del servizio al cliente, segna un momento molto importante per i media italiani, poiche' consente di introdurre per primi in Europa la radio satellitare, cioe' il mezzo di maggior successo del settore degli ultimi anni, con oltre 20 milioni di abbonati negli Stati Uniti", ha dichiarato Paolo Panerai, direttore ed editore di Class E.. "Se per Fiat e' un ulteriore tassello del suo sviluppo, per Class E., che ha fondato con WorldSpace Inc WorldSpace Italia, ora partecipata insieme a Telecom I., e' la conferma della vocazione a innovare il mondo dell'informazione e dell'intrattenimento prima degli altri, con i piu' moderni mezzi che la tecnologia offre". borsa italiana
  13. Si digitale via satelite
  14. Per me esteticamente 'e fenomenal, assere "pignoli" i cerchi hanno un design poco racing. ...dietro 'e brutal :shock: :cool:
  15. nunoHGT

    MotoGP Germania: Sachsenring

    Io sono pro Rossi, e pro Ducati, detto questo , Rossi a caduto perché la sua Yamaha sara la peggior moto della motogp, Rossi sorpassa in frenata o in curva per troppo aveva un Kawa che frenava anche bene , se a visto come e stato a lungo indietro ala Kawa ... e caduto perche era cosi di lato che forse avra finito la gomma e "camminava" sul cerchio, per quanto era piegato.. Stoner e un fenomeno... non sara il prossimo Rossi pero e un fenomeno! Grande Hayden... avrebbe partito nelle 2 prime file e potrebbe avere fatto di piu...era incredibile la trazione in piu che aveva quando a passato melandri , e stoner, la michelin e stato superiore .
  16. sembra quasi che Benuzzi e entrato con la adrenalina al maximo dal primo momento ... , ci stano questi tempi nella pagina del youtube... Time laps depends from tyres. This is time list 0'55"9 F1 (F2004, Febr. 2004, MS) 1'15"0 Fxx (Slicks, Bertolini) 1'18"0 Fxx (Slicks for client, Benuzzi) 1'22"3 Enzo (P-Zero Corsa, Benuzzi) 1'24"9 Enzo (Bridgestone RE050A, Benuzzi) .. e che sound questa FXX!
  17. Credo che sia di Automotive news . Non sapevo che il gruppo VW aveva dei profiti nel mercato americano anni fa , avevo pensato che perdevano soldi da sempre... Non credo che VW sia uscita della crise , le vendite di pollo per ex. sono spiegabile solo dal imagini della marca vw, anche per questo sono numeri veramenti buoni... Vw non potra mai sfidare la Toyota .
  18. si e proprio come la ai descritta ! com pele marrone nel interiore..
  19. Ci sta una Tjet nella conc delle mie parte (Fallanden per i Svizzeri ) , nelle porte ce un gran stema Tjet italian motor stile...
  20. One version not enough for Fiat 500 Cabriolet, sporty Abarth are already approved; wagon, SUV under study Fiat wants to capitalize on its sales leadership in European minicars by turning the new 500 into a full model range. Beyond the known variations -- a three-door hatchback now, an Abarth performance model later this year and a convertible next summer -- Fiat is considering a three-door station wagon and a four-wheel-drive SUV based on the wagon. automotive news
  21. And so the scandals roll on... The British Grand Prix weekend has seen the espionage scandal roll on with huge amounts of rumour and gossip, making it very difficult to figure out what is truth and what is speculation. The story moved forward on Friday afternoon when Honda put out a statement saying that Nick Fry, the team's chief executive officer, met Nigel Stepney and McLaren chief designer Mike Coughlan "with a view to investigating job opportunities within the Honda Racing F1 Team". It is the first time that anyone has officially used the name Coughlan in relation to the current scandals, although the name has been widely reported in the media. The company went on to say that "at no point during this meeting was any confidential information offered or received". Nick Fry has since informed Jean Todt and Ron Dennis of the meeting and has offered to provide any information required by Ferrari and McLaren. As we suggested yesterday, the motivation of Stepney was to take a team of top engineers to Honda. It is not clear who all the other engineers involved may have been, but we hear that there was at least one other engineer from McLaren and probably three from Ferrari. There has been speculation that one of them may have been a top aerodynamicist. There have also been allegations in the Italian press that Coughlan may have shown the 700 pages of Ferrari information to another member of the McLaren staff. The team has not said that Coughlan was the only one to see the data but has continually stated that "no intellectual property of another Grand Prix team" is on the cars. It is fairly clear that if Coughlan is left on his on by the team he has no reason to protect them - and McLaren knows that so denying that others have seen the data would leave the team open to accusations of lying and anyone who knows McLaren well understands that this is not a position in which Ron Dennis is going to put himself. The story is going to run for a few days more but the major elements now seem to be in place. The legal action in Italy will go ahead. If the Italians want to talk to Coughlan it seems that the allegations are sufficiently serious to qualify for the issuing of a European Arrest Warrant. The civil action in Britain will be pursued if necessary but Ferrari obviously does not want one lawsuit delaying another - as has happened in the recent case involving Toyota. There will be an FIA investigation and it must be remembered that teams have a collective responsibility to abide by the rules and thus can be punished even if the problem relates to a rogue member of staff. Keeping the scandal going for the British GP weekend will do the viewing figures in F1 no harm at all, but keeping the scandal going for too long will do no good for the sport.
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