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  1. qualcosa mi dice che i topic del Alfa dove si parla della "inominata" prenderano fuoco .... :D
  2. giusto o scambiato la Gpunto con la Bravo
  3. Forse lo chiamano un kit mah a la fine sara un altro motore, sarebe il 1.4 portanto a 180cv, a me cmq 180 mi sembrano troppi ... il 1,4tjet 120cv sulla Bravo fa 8.9s nel 0-100...
  4. Al di la del modelo "hibrido" come co-pilota ,... esteticamente 'e proprio bella.
  5. .. vede cosa dice la tua pala di cristalo... se domani piove o fa la neve e gia che ci sai mi servono i numeri delle Euromiglions...
  6. Allora sarebe oggi il "fine " per Il 3.2 ALfa?!!
  7. Per me é fenomenale é una comedia , mah e molto interessante.
  8. Io o portato un articolo con ragionamenti che a me sembrano molto interessante e che fanno senso, tu come al solito ai smerdato il autore .
  9. vorebe sapere quanto do questo soldi arriva al artista ... Sono dei bastardi. Usi Emule ???
  10. according to Amedeo Felisa General Managing Director of Ferrari in an interview with R&T magazine. He also said they will never manufactuer a 4-door Ferrari nor will they build a "cheap" small Ferrari. When asked whether there will be a new Dino he smiled and shook his head. He indicated that Ferrari build about 5800 cars last year-all pre-sold by order-with a 2 1/2 year waiting list list of buyers standing in the wings. "We build cars with more than 400 horsepower with prices starting at about 130,000 Euros. That is our market." Also, it appears that future performance of the engines will be predicated on turbocharging and direct injection. He said "In the past our goal was always higher power, higher speed. Now we go after efficiency as well, not more power at any cost." (rennteam forum) (tradotto malamente) Amedeo Felisa in intervista avrà detto che il futuro porterà i turbo e la iniezione diretta anche a la Ferrari Assistiremo allora a un "downsizing" dei motori?? o ridurano simplicimente le cilindrata dei v8 ,v12?
  11. Non cambiare il tema, non centra il metano, o la Fiat, si parla della Prius che fa piu danni al ambiente che il Hummer , solo questo per me 'e garvíssimo, in piu i consumi reali sono piú alti che quelli dichiarati della Toyota , e il ibrido Honda e molto piu efficiente . A questo punto capisco il perchedi marche come BMw hanno rinunciato a la macchina con motore elettrico/benzina. A la fine, per me, il Prius e un prodotto del marketing ,che capitaliza la voglie delle persone di conprare macchine "verde" ... "...Building a Toyota Prius causes more environmental damage than a Hummer that is on the road for three times longer than a Prius. As already noted, the Prius is partly driven by a battery which contains nickel. The nickel is mined and smelted at a plant in Sudbury, Ontario. This plant has caused so much environmental damage to the surrounding environment that NASA has used the ‘dead zone’ around the plant to test moon rovers. The area around the plant is devoid of any life for miles..." "...The nickel produced by this disastrous plant is shipped via massive container ship to the largest nickel refinery in Europe. From there, the nickel hops over to China to produce ‘nickel foam.’ From there, it goes to Japan. Finally, the completed batteries are shipped to the United States, finalizing the around-the-world trip required to produce a single Prius battery. Are these not sounding less and less like environmentally sound cars and more like a farce?..."
  13. Un articolo da legere varie volte... "...We got quite inspired by the Italian ladies," says Christopher Reitz, head designer for the Fiat brand..." Qui e questo Reitz ?, uno nuovo??
  14. Yes, a car company can be fixed. Look at Fiat, says Fortune's Stephan Faris.
  15. How to Slow Down a Ferrari: Buy It More Sales in China Mean A Longer Wait in the U.S. For a New Trophy Car By GABRIEL KAHN May 8, 2007 MARANELLO, ITALY -- How long should the world's super-rich have to wait before they can buy a Ferrari? The answer has as much to do with how luxury-goods companies create an aura of exclusivity as it does with the global economy's shifting winds minting more millionaires in places like China, Russia and the Middle East. For years, Ferrari SpA, a division of Italy's Fiat SpA, had a standard 12-month waiting list for a new car. That was long enough to make prospective Ferrari owners drool with anticipation, but not too long to drive them toward competitors such as Porsche AG or Volkswagen AG's Lamborghini, where waiting times are usually shorter. [Photo] Ferraris at the Shanghai auto show The year-long waiting period also allowed Ferrari to achieve a rare feat in the automobile industry: the resale value of its cars, pushed up by loyal collectors and dealers, rarely depreciated. So confident was Ferrari Chairman Luca Cordero di Montezemolo of this system that in 1999 he boasted the company would never make more than 5,000 cars a year. At the time it was making slightly more than 4,000, and most of its customers were in three markets: North America, Italy and Germany. Since then, however, the math and the market logic underlying Ferrari's approach have been thrown out the window. The escalating desire to own a Ferrari among the newly rich of Asia, the Middle East and Russia has yanked the company's clubby ways out of whack. Ferrari made 5,700 cars last year, and the number this year will crest above 6,000. Even so, average waiting times in Hong Kong, the United States, Australia and England have soared to around 24 months or more. In Italy and Germany, the wait hovers around 18 months. (Ferraris currently retail from $190,000 for a F430 to $280,000 for a 599 GTB Fiorano.) "We realized a few years ago that we needed to rethink this," says Andrea Bozzoli, Ferrari's commercial and marketing director. "We started to consider 18 months ideal, but now we can't even keep up with that." What changed, Ferrari executives say, was a surge in demand in emerging markets. The company now sells more than 100 cars annually in the United Arab Emirates and more than 150 in China -- two markets where sales were virtually nonexistent only a decade ago. Ferrari will ship 60 cars to Russia this year, only three years after opening its first dealership there. Michael Mastrangelo, a Ferrari dealer in Spring Valley, N.Y., since the 1970s, says that in the New York area in recent years, the wait has averaged three years for a new Ferrari. Last year, when Wall Street bankers were earning record piles of cash, Mr. Mastrangelo couldn't reap the benefits. Since Ferrari's headquarters imposes strict limits on how many cars it ships to each dealer, Mr. Mastrangelo's suburban New York City dealership couldn't sate the demand -- especially as repeat customers always come first. [Global Gears] "It's very hard to come into a dealership right now and put in a new order if you are not already a customer," he says. "When I get a young person, what I say is, 'Let's start with a used car' . . . It's kind of like getting into a club." Satisfying the desires of these wealthy new consumers goes beyond a hot set of wheels. High-end fashion and jewelry brands, such as Gucci Group NV and watchmaker Patek Philippe SA, are also retooling product lines and rethinking marketing. While in mature markets, the target consumers are women, men are heavier-spenders in many emerging markets, so fashion brands have adjusted their message. Ferrari has always been skittish about making too many cars, afraid that even a modest boost in volume could damage its refined image and aspirational appeal. Even this year's increase of 10% above last year's 5,700 cars will strain its one factory. All of its cars are customized, and its specialized work force spends years in training before joining the assembly line. Porsche, by contrast, makes around 100,000 cars a year. For a customized car, customers must wait between three and six months, according to Ferrari. Now, coping with the sudden demand from new quarters is proving awkward. "If you go to some Arab countries, where customers want a car, or more than one, immediately, it can get sticky," says Ferrari's Mr. Bozzoli. Ferrari, he says, tries to make special accommodations for members of royal families and tries to get used cars to tide over important customers until they can get a new one. Still, there is a "feeling of mistrust about the waiting list," says Mostyn Heard, the president of the Ferrari owners club of the United Arab Emirates "People think that you might get moved up or down on the list depending on whether you are a V-VIP [Very-Very Important Person] or merely a successful manager," says Mr. Heard, who manages properties for the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and expects to wait three years before his new 599 model will be delivered. Ferrari admits that there was at least one such case of waiting-list tampering but that this no longer occurs. There is another problem with multiyear waiting lists, though: They can foster a gray market in which a person who takes delivery of a new Ferrari immediately flips it to an even hungrier buyer for sometimes double the price. That weakens Ferrari's ability to control its pricing and resale value, and keep track of its coveted customers. It's a similar problem that has plagued high-end fashion labels for years: Designs that hit stores in Paris or Milan first would be snapped up by dealers who resold them in boutiques in Asia. Big luxury-goods conglomerates from Gucci to LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA have since tightened their supply chains to ensure new lines hit their global store network at the same time and, when possible, at the same price. Of the roughly 20 Ferrari F430s circulating in the UAE, only about three were sold through the local dealership, estimates Mr. Heard. The rest were bought off mostly Europeans for what is often a substantial premium. Ferrari is trying to stem the problem by policing waiting lists from dealers world-wide. Getting on the list usually requires fronting a portion of the car's sales price and providing proof of sufficient funds to cover the rest. Moreover, Ferrari tries to weed out duplicate names or people it thinks might be posing as a front for another buyer, says Amedeo Felisa, Ferrari's general manager. Meanwhile, Ferrari is trying to keep up with the demands of its new consumers. At the Shanghai auto show in April, Ferrari served cocktails to a select group of prospective buyers atop a podium surrounded by a high glass wall while gawkers snapped photographs. Among the potential clients was Mr. Liu, a 35-year-old financial entrepreneur who declined to provide his full name. Mr. Liu, who already owns a BMW 750 and a Land Rover, said he was willing to pay 4 million yuan ($520,000) for a Ferrari 612 Scaglietti, but he didn't want to be put on any waiting list. When salespeople tried to steer him toward a lower-priced car that would be more readily available, Mr. Liu insisted on waiting for the 612 , snapping: "I want it as soon as possible." Wall street journal
  16. nunoHGT

    MotoGP Cina - Shanghai

    clap clap clap ----------- Se non era statto per Rossi ieri ,la gara sarebe statto noiosa perche nessuno altro avrebe arrivato a Stoner.
  17. nunoHGT

    MotoGP Cina - Shanghai

    La Ducati era la piu veloce e forse la piu potente da quando e cominciato il MotoGp, il problema e che adesso arrivano prima degli altri.
  18. Gumball crash driver tried to flee in private jet By Bojan Pancevski in Vienna and Colin Freeman, Sunday Telegraph Last Updated: 10:59pm BST 05/05/2007 The British Gumball Rally 3000 driver arrested in Macedonia over a fatal car crash was caught trying to flee the country in a private jet, police have revealed. Nick Morley, 30, who is facing possible criminal action after a high-speed collision that killed a local couple, was detained at Skopje Airport on Friday just hours after a judge had granted him bail. He is said to have called the jet in from London on a mobile. Morley has been transferred back to the remand prison where he was held after being arrested and interviewed following the accident on Wednesday. advertisement Interior Ministry spokesman Ivo Kotevski told the The Sunday Telegraph yesterday: "The court revoked its original decision and granted Mr Nick Morley bail late yesterday. He was even given his passport back as a sign of good will. But within hours, Mr Morley ordered a private jet to pick him up from Skopje. "While trying to board at 10pm on Friday, Mr Morley was recognised by the border officer. It is astonishing that Mr Morley attempted to leave the country. He has got competent legal representation and the authorities have made sure his rights were guaranteed." The brother of a wealthy property developer, Morley was behind the wheel of a Porsche 911 when it collided with a Volkswagen Golf near Struga close to the Macedonian border with Albania, killing the driver Vladimir Chepunjoski, 67, and his wife Margarita. Morley, from Bowden, Cheshire, and co-driver Matthew McConville, 36, from Prestwich, Greater Manchester, are alleged to have left the scene, although their lawyers say they waited for ambulance crews and reported the crash to police. Border guards stopped them shortly afterwards, however, as they tried to cross into Albania in another contestant's car. Mr Chepunjoski died on the way to hospital from severe head injuries, while his wife died on Friday night in Skopje. The rally was called off after the incident.
  19. nunoHGT

    MotoGP Cina - Shanghai

    Rossi e un estraterrestre . punto. Se la Michelin farebe le gomme per Rossi sarebero stati piu inteligenti cosi rischiano di perdere meritatamente il mondiale per la Bridgestone . La HOnda merita da perdere, un piloto come Melandri farebe di sicuro meglio di Pedrosa. INcredibile da vedere la Ducati, un ditta che fa 30.000motos al ano, tecnicamente superiore ai giganti jap. Come dicevano su Eurosport questa vitoria della Ducati, potra portare altre marche a entrare nel moto gp... (KTM,BMW)
  20. eh il ultimo paragrafo dice che la diferenza tra Ferrari e Maclaren sarebe cresciuta a 1secondo... e la fonte sarebe Sportbild...
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