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  1. Non capisco come 'e che non riesono a trovare un sponsor se hanno un pilota come Vale ?? Se la Yamaha con Rossi non riesci a trovare un sponsor allora le altre squadre ??
  2. nunoHGT

    JC V8 simphony USA vs Europa
  3. nunoHGT

    JC testa la Fiat Coupe turbo 16v vicky
  4. Secondo me adesso va troppo forte !
  5. uuuuuoooooooaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwuwwww!!!!!!
  7. nunoHGT

    RS4 vs M3csl test molto interessante
  8. Addendum of 09/26/2006: During the last few days quite a few Gallardos burned down. For example the Gallardo of a German sportscar-rental burned down without even having an accident. Also this Gallado burned down in california, being accident-free. Well, the reason why I am stating those burned down Gallaros so explicitly on is that I now know, which constructional flaw is accountable for those burnings: The Gallardo got the CANBus technology from the Audi A4, which means it is full of control units, also for the engine. Now, if a Gallardo has a so called "missfiring" for some reason, which means that one or more spark plugs are not working then the computer recognizes this fault and stops firing the spark plugs on the whole cylinderbank. But NOT the fuel supply! The dashboard shows some warning lamps like Cat or Engine 1-6, which means nothing serious according to the manual. However the catalyzer has about 400°C temperature and if fuel is supplied for just a few minutes, which isn't burned in the engine, then the catalyzer starts burning and few minutes later the whole engine compartment is burning. In short: If a spark plug fails in the Gallardo, a short time after the whole engine compartment and the car is burning! ------------------------- On our way back home my buddy changes seats with one of the other two guys because he also wanted to be passenger in the Lambo. While driving home on the Autobahn something incomprehensible and to today unexplainable happened… The car suddenly turns right on the Autobahn which is straight, dry and in quite good condition with hardly any traffic, and after a very fast 90 degree turn goes through the guard rail and then lands with the top down in a forest about 150 meters from the place where the guard rail was broken through. The possiblity of a tire failure is being eliminated by experts, also the road was in good condition and no hindrance, like animals or anything like that, was no the road. With a very bad brain lesion i was put in intensive care and in artificial coma. A heavy and uncertain time follows in the hospital where in the beginning it is very uncertain whether I will carry permanent damage, whether I will recognize my family or whether I have to learn to walk and talk again. Fortunately everything went very well and only 5 weeks after the accident I was dismissed from the hospital. There are still many unanswered questions… Why did the accident happen? Who is guilty? Who can be in charge? According to experts tire failure didn't happen and the aftermarket wheels also didn't have anything to do with the accident. In fact they look like they were of very good quality because none of them broke, they were only deformed by the impact. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After looking at the accident under the following facts and criteria everybody may be his own judge on who is guilty that this accident happened. 1.) Too bad that I didn't take any photos of this, but the screws that held the carbon-engine-cover RUSTED. If a manufacturer of a 230.000 EUR car doesn't think its necessary to use high-grade-steel-screws in the car, especially at places where those bolts can be seen, which would have caused costs of about 30 EUR then I wouldn't even want to think of where else money was saved! 2.) Just as sad as this I find that some of the air hoses of a supersportscar which just came from service are loose and can be pulled off without great effort.
  9. vedo la ELise rimarchiata Audi... eh la Esprit 32 cilindri
  10. ...per essere preciso lo aveva detto nono di Peter Park .
  11. a qualcuno servono delle "porte" per la Panda si possono trovare a bon prezzo nella conc di questa marca
  12. sul sito Logitech ci stanno tanti profili per tanti giochi. @17mika, grazie dal link devo provare mah adesso si sente il motorino che gira a sinstra sensa fermarse...
  13. Fiat sells stake in Canadian unit for a loss Reuters / December 6, 2006 MILAN -- Italian automaker Fiat will sell its stake in components unit Meridian Technologies Inc. to a group of investors headed by Swiss holding company Estatia AG. The Turin-based company said in a statement today that it would post a consolidated loss of $26.6 million (20 million euros) on the sale and reduce its debt by $106.5 million (80 million euros). A Fiat unit owns 51 percent of Meridian Techonologies while Norsk Hydro owns the rest. The two will sell Meridian Technologies for $175.8 million (132 million euros).
  15. Prima cera un forum che aveva molte informazioni sui aditivi, per troppo il forum non esiste piú , non se hanno chiuso o hanno fatto un altro forum, tramite loro o comprato i prodotti della SLider, sono piú che soddisfatto e li consiglio a tutti. Pero sconsiglio il Ceramic Power Liquid !!
  16. Fiat revives the 2-cylinder car Automotive News Europe / November 13, 2006 TURIN - Fiat will revive the two-cylinder engine. But its new 900cc unit will produce up to 110hp, far more than the iconic 1957 Fiat 500’s 13hp from a tiny 479cc two-cylinder. The engine will be used in Fiat Auto’s smallest cars starting in 2010. Its 450cc-capacity cylinder module will be the basis for a new family of modular engines ranging up to a 3.6-liter V-8. Rinaldo Rinolfi, Fiat Powertrain Technologies’ chief engineer, said the new engine will be tiny but contain state-of-the-art technology. “Top versions will deliver output from 90hp to 110hp,” Rinolfi said. They will have turbo-charging, direct injection and a throttleless, hydraulic variable-valve timing system. The base 900cc engine will have 60hp, the same as the current Fiat Panda 1.2-liter engine. Fiat’s 500 minicar, due in 2007, will be the first model to get the engine when it arrives in 2010. The Panda gets the engine after the 500. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: Rinolfi said Fiat Powertrain could produce 1.8-liter I-4, 2.7-liter V-6 and 3.6-liter V-8 engines using the 450cc cylinder module. Only the two-cylinder engine is approved for production, insiders said. The larger versions are undergoing feasibility studies.
  17. nunoHGT

    videos anti-stress :)

    Rally ??? ping pong a la Matrix Art coffee simpsons the movie greg hits hollywood Darth Vader Being a Jackass Michael "air" Jordan
  18. nunoHGT

    Fiat's 10 point plan for higher profit

    Automotive news 'e gratis al momento aprofitiamo....
  19. How 2 fuel injectors work, differ Automotive News / December 4, 2006 Traditional diesel injectors use electromagnetic, or solenoid, controls. The electronic engine management system sends an electrical signal to activate the mechanical valve that controls fuel flow through the injector. The technology is well-known, reliable and cost-effective; and the unit is physically smaller than piezo units. But solenoid injectors tend to vibrate more than piezo units, creating more noise. In a piezo injector, the electronic engine management system also sends an electrical signal to the valve. But the unique property of a piezo crystal is that it changes shape when exposed to electric current. The actual movement is microscopic, but enough to make the piezo element act as the valve. Piezo injectors are quieter and more precise than solenoid units, a benefit in a microsecond environment. But they are more expensive. In both cases, the common-rail principle remains the core of diesel injection systems. A single (common) high-pressure fuel line is connected to individual injectors at each cylinder. The electronic engine management system controls the precise opening and closing of the fuel-flow valve in each injector. Increased injector pressure requires higher pressure in the common-rail system. ---------------------------------------------- Qua ci fanno capire che solo i francesi non usano i inietori electromagnetici , mah in verita mi sembra che solo i tedeschi usano questi inietori , o sbaglio ???
  20. Il mio momo rosso e "parquegiato" perche gratta quando si gira a sinistra , o paura di quanto costera ripararlo...
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