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Risposte pubblicato da bad_Q

  1. 2 ore fa, MotorPassion scrive:


    l'Azzurro Cangiante alla fine è il Celestial Blue che è in gamma fin dal lancio commerciale di 500E oppure è un colore che alla fine non verrà introdotto in gamma?


    It is different color, launch one was tri-coat metallic and a bit lighter, this one is regular mettalic


    I don't have colors codes to compare, but the decision to keep previous color name a bit confusing.

  2. On 11/11/2023 at 14:56, MotorPassion scrive:

    Scusate ma a Novembre non doveva debuttare la nuova gamma colori per 500e?


    so... "Amalfi YELLOW" (Abarth anyone?), "Celestial BLUE" (but it looks bit different from previous colour with the same name), and "RED" (now available at every trim, not only at (RED))







    • Grazie! 4
  3. 13 minuti fa, bad_Q scrive:











    and btw, this car is clearly prototype: huge gaps between body parts, not all interior details are set up, initially painted white then wrapped in silver


    so, probably interior quality will be better than in first OFs snippets











    • Mi Piace 2
  4. 1 ora fa, j scrive:

    iconic-fiat-brand запускает-в-алжире.thumb.jpg.c928babedbf36e0dfcf2a59c6cb60875.jpg



    Так что в Алжире будут производить 500, Doblò и новую модель, которая еще не объявлена. 


    so, 500 line from Poland where it was to be dead till the end of this year will be removed to Algeria


    but will it be updated to still sold them in EU? as for me, old but still glamorous 500 is not the most suitable car for Africa region, I'm not expecting much demand for local market only.

  5. they will show a cgi-render (or a scale model) of concept. Very futuristic and unreal, even no wheels, kind of Stratos Zero from space :) or a giant bottle opener...


    and a new logo, which is not a dramatic change from current one. it will retain the shape and colour, and get back some detailng lost in last redisign. i would rather say, this logo is overdetailed for nowadays simplification trends.

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