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Risposte pubblicato da bad_Q

  1. Fiat Fullback would be available in Single Cab, Extended Cab, Double Cab and Chassis Cab versions. Three equipment levels, 4x2 and 4x4 versions. Mitsubishi sourced 2.4 diesel in two grades 150hp and 180hp, manual 6-speed and automatic 5-speed transmissions.

    More detailes will come tommorow during the presentation at Dubai International Motorshow.

  2. Abarth Punto is dead... But wait, Fiat India is trying to resurrect model recent glory and bring first ''truly hot'' hatch to Indian car market... So here it is)












    Though official figures haven’t been revealed yet, the Linea-sourced, 1.4-litre T-Jet engine is believed to have been stoked up to produce 145 bhp, while torque is likely to be over 196 Nm. The suspension has also been stiffened up, and the ride height has been lowered by 20mm. With added power comes added responsibilities, so Fiat has equipped the Abarth Punto with disc brakes all around and beefier 195/55 R16 Apollo tyres. The interior retains the all-black theme from the Punto Evo 90HP but uses different seat fabrics and gets red and yellow contrast stitching.

    145HP don't sounds impressive, but the most 'hottest' model in India right now VW Polo GT has just 105HP. :|

  3. Messaggio Aggiornato al 01/12/2015








    Press Release:

    Prestazioni estreme ed emozioni di guida a cielo aperto: è la nuova Ferrari 488 Spider. L’ultima nata della gamma unisce le straordinarie qualità dell’8 cilindri posteriore centrale già presente sulla versione coupé, la 488GTB, al piacere di mettersi al volante su strade sinuose e probanti, immersi nei colori e nei profumi della natura, circondati dall’inconfondibile sound del motore Ferrari.

    La 488 Spider è dotata del tetto rigido ripiegabile con il più alto livello di innovazione tecnologica. E’ stata infatti Ferrari la prima al mondo a introdurre su un’architettura di questo genere l’RHT (Retractable Hard Top), che garantisce minor peso (- 25 kg) e maggior comfort acustico e climatico rispetto alle tradizionali coperture in tela. Una soluzione proposta anche su questa nuova vettura, che diventa la spider Ferrari più prestazionale e tecnologica di sempre. Qui la vedete nel nuovo colore Blu Corsa.

    Il motore

    Sotto il cofano pulsa il V8 Turbo da 3902 cm3 che ha debuttato qualche mese fa sulla 488 GTB. Le sue sono prestazioni eccezionali grazie ai 670 cv di potenza e coppia massima di 760 Nm a 3000 giri, che portano la 488 Spider da 0 a 100 km/h in 3 secondi e da 0 a 200 km/h in 8,7. Inoltre, rispetto al precedente V8 aspirato guadagna 100 cv a fronte di una diminuzione della CO2.

    Ha un carattere unico, è infatti capace di erogare la potenza in modo sempre crescente, annullando il ritardo tipico dei turbo tradizionali, con una risposta al comando acceleratore di soli 0,8 secondi.

    Come nella tradizione Ferrari anche questo modello ha un proprio suono unico e distintivo. Un sound coinvolgente ma non invadente a tetto aperto, che cresce per volume e brillantezza a mano a mano che salgono accelerazione e regime, sottolineando le performance.


    E’ la spider Ferrari più efficiente di sempre per quanto riguarda l’aerodinamica. Gli ingegneri di Maranello sono riusciti a coniugare due esigenze in antitesi, ovvero ottenere un carico ottimale riducendo la resistenza, introducendo dispositivi innovativi tra cui lo spoiler soffiato e il fondo aerodinamico con generatori di vortici.

    Ma questo non ha influito sulla vivibilità a bordo, che beneficia di un lunotto posteriore in vetro regolabile elettricamente in tre posizioni, per il massimo comfortin abitacolo nell’utilizzo en plein air. Abbassando completamente il lunotto è possibile godersi la musica del motore anche a tetto chiuso in qualsiasi condizioni di guida.

    Il telaio

    Progettato intorno al concept del tetto rigido ripiegabile, la 488 Spider ha uno space frame costituito da undici diverse leghe di alluminio combinate con altri materiali nobili, come ad esempio il magnesio, ciascuna utilizzata in modo specifico. Grazie a queste soluzioni garantisce valori di rigidità torsionale e flessionale uguali a quello della versione coupé, migliorando del 23% le prestazioni del telaio precedente.

    Il tetto, che si ripiega in due parti alloggiate sopra il motore con conseguente notevole risparmio di ingombro, si muove armonicamente e impiega solo 14 secondi per abbassarsi o alzarsi.

    Ogni dettaglio è trattato in modo scultoreo, così da esprimere attraverso la sua bellezza l’eccellenza tecnica del progetto. Dalle pinne disegnate per ottimizzare il flusso d’aria verso il cofano motore, alle nervature sul cofano fino alle prese d’aria motore con griglie “tridimensionali” che conferiscono grande dinamicità a questa zona, che ovviamente ha richiesto un nuovo design rispetto alla 488 GTB, da parte del Centro Stile Ferrari.

    La dinamica

    Con l’introduzione di un sofisticato simulatore simile a quello che usa la Scuderia in F1 tecnici e collaudatori hanno potuto confrontarsi ancora prima di costruire fisicamente il primo prototipo della 488.

    I sistemi elettronici sono totalmente integrati tra loro nel controllo dell’angolo di assetto evoluto (SSC2) che consente livelli di accelerazione in uscita dalle curve superiori del 12% rispetto alla 458 Spider.

    Complessivamente il tempo di risposta è del 9% in meno rispetto alla Spider precedente, senza compromessi in termini di comfort. La vettura vanta una messa a punto specifica, che risponde al meglio alle modalità tipiche di utilizzo di una spider. Offre un comportamento ideale sulle strade più impegnative e si distingue per la facilità del raggiungimento del proprio limite.



    3.9 V8 Bi-Turbo DCT (670 CV):

    488 Spider: 235.700€

    488 Spider HELE: 236.920€


    Topic Spies: freccina19rossaiy0.gif Ferrari 488 Spider (Spy)


    Topic Coupé: freccina19rossaiy0.gif Ferrari 488 GTB 2015

    Modello Precedente: freccina19rossaiy0.gif Ferrari 458 Spider 2011

  4. Seven surprises on new Alfa Romeo Giulia revealed by chief engineer

    ► Chief engineer on new Alfa Romeo Giulia

    Zero to launch in just 2.5 years

    Technical insight, strategy revealed

    Judging by the reaction online, it’s difficult not to conclude that Alfa Romeo has wowed the world with its new Giulia saloon. While not everybody was smitten with its looks, unveiled to the world at an event in Milan on 24 June 2015, the whole motoring fraternity certainly sat up and took notice.

    Alfa is continuing to fettle the new compact exec ahead of sales starting in spring 2016. Hence our spies caught still-disguised Giulias on test near the Nurburgring in Germany this week, as the development programme moves into the final validation testing phase.

    Before more details are announced at the Frankfurt motor show, CAR magazine caught up with the programme’s chief engineer Philippe Krief for an exclusive one-to-one interview to hear the Giulia’s full technical background. We asked him what the knock-out features on the new car are. Read on for seven pearls of insight we learned.

    1) The Alfa Romeo Giulia was developed in just two-and-a-half years

    This 159 successor has been a long-time coming after numerous delays: the earlier front-wheel drive programme was canned in its entirety, deemed untrue to the brand after Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne ordered a more radical replacement. ‘You ask every car maker: doing a car in two years, everyone will tell you it’s not possible,’ says Krief. ‘The industry standard says four, the longest say five years, everywhere in the world. We had to do it in two and a half years. Marchionne said – and he’s right – the only way to achieve that is to be different.’ Click here to read Sergio Marchionne on the Giulia.

    2) The skunkworks mentality and the team of 10

    Marchionne authorised a crack skunkworks team to lead the Giulia project. Krief remembers the call-up well. ‘It was 29 April 2013. I was working at Ferrari and received a phone call saying “You have to come and do the new Alfa, we have to do something totally different. So please take a bunch of guys, go somewhere and think about that. You have two years and two months!”’ He appointed a team of 10 specialists in different departments to set the parameters for the programme and they installed themselves away from the usual R&D centre. ‘We were together always, so we had a huge amount of ideas and a quick decision-making process that you can’t have in a big company.’

    3) Why the Giulia uses plenty of aluminium and carbonfibre

    ‘We had two targets: first, weight-to-power ratio,’ says Krief, who’s internally dubbed head skunk (now that’s a business card!). ‘We knew that we wanted to have a car around 1500kg for the Cloverleaf. Then we needed to do the optimisation, to decide where we wanted to save weight, where we could afford to have normal steel. We also decided on the cost criteria: you have to save weight where it’s efficient, but to save weight you always have to pay. On the door it’s efficient, if I pay X I can save a lot of weight; in other areas it’s not that efficient because you only save a little weight and you pay a lot. Suspension arms are mostly aluminium, front and rear, the engines are aluminium, the doors and fenders are all in aluminium, the boot on this one [the Cloverleaf] is carbonfibre, the roof also, we have also the propshaft in carbonfibre and structure of the seats.’

    4) There’s a little bit of Ferrari sparkle in the handling

    Krief was a senior engineer at Ferrari and promises there’s a little bit of Maranello magic in the new Giulia’s chassis dynamics. ‘I worked on the 458, the Speciale especially,’ he tells CAR. ‘Ferrari had a big advantage of having rear-wheel drive, so it’s exactly the same kind of stuff we wanted to put on the Giulia, this kind of feeling… It has to be precise, very quick, very agile, very stable. It drives fantastically really.’

    5) The Cloverleaf can send all its torque to a single rear wheel

    Over to the chief engineer to explain the torque vectoring available on the new Giulia. ‘You have a differential, two clutches, there’s always torque coming, even if you’re not on the throttle. Thanks to the torque vectoring, this torque can be split front and rear, left and right. It can create whatever you want: to start stable, have oversteer, then stable, understeer, you can do what you want because this clutch is very fast, the control is very fast… Today the limit of the car is given by the tyres but here you have to think that once you are at the tyre’s limit, it’s like you have a hand above that can add an extra element. You can send 100% to one wheel, it can send everything to one wheel, or another.’

    6) The V6 engine is an Alfa classic

    ‘The V6 is a ground-up build,’ Krief vows. ‘Twin turbos, 90 degree bank, what was important for us was the feeling, it’s not necessarily the amount of torque. When you drive the car, when you accelerate, you can have all the torque suddenly then nothing, or you can have torque which is increasing, increasing, increasing: we use the amount of torque and we tune it to always have this situation, this feeling. Torque is dependent on gear choice: on first and second gear, you can have a huge amount of torque, here we are very progressive, on third and fourth, we are still progressive, but on fifth and sixth gear you have less torque because here you are looking for power. So we give more torque on the lower revs. Yet even in sixth gear, you accelerate and then vooom! There will be other engines of course. We will show these engines in Frankfurt.’ Will there be a four-cylinder Giulia? ‘Probably. And we are package-protected for V6 diesel, we can install it in the car and after we can decide whether to put it in or not.’

    7) The Giulia’s active aero changes shape as you drive

    ‘We wanted the maximum of everything, best engine, weight, suspension, tyres and torque vectoring, and best possible aerodynamics,' says Krief. 'You have to create downforce, it increases the performance of your tyres. So we’ve developed this device to increase downforce in corners. We start from the basis where the car has natural downforce, but then we increase it in a bend: so in curves, the splitter is working to give you more downforce; go back to a straight line and we want low Cx, low drag. The Giulia has two electric actuators linked to the ECU that understands if you’re in a corner or a straight line, whether you’re in an understeer or oversteer situation, and in respect of that decides how to move the splitter.’

    © Car Magazine

  5. I have press-info and pictures... No new generation tommorow. I even can't call it facelift... Maybe MY))

    1. new engines

    2. headlights with LED

    3. new wheels and colours

    4. revisted interior with new dashboard

    you will see differences only when you is owner of current model :)

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