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Risposte pubblicato da AleMcGir

  1. Alfa Romeo sponsor of Eintracht Frankfurt next season

    28 March 2013 6:59 No comments


    ‘Alfa Romeo’ will be printed on the shirts of the Bundesliga-team Eintracht Frankfurt from next season onwards. It seems to be a clever signal towards the people in Wolfsburg, Stuttgart and Munich; the brand from Milan (Eintracht Frankfurt has the same team colors as AC Milan) will be coming back in the next few years, and every football-enthusiast will notice.

    Alfa Romeo signed a contract for three years with one of the most popular teams in Germany. The glorious Italian car manufacturer will be replacing the beer brand which is now still printed on the shirts. Both the football team as well as FGA Germany are very pleased with this deal. FGA Germany-CEO Martin Rada said that Alfa Romeo is looking to the future. No one knows exactly how big this deal was, but it is said that 20 million euros (25,5 million dollars or 16,9 million pounds) over three years should be about right.


  2. Fonte: Does the future of Fiat-Chrysler include Dodge? - Autoblog

    Wards Auto reports the future of Dodge is looking uncertain. Fiat has more or less laid out it's game plan for the next few years, and while the Chrysler, Fiat and Jeep lines are set to receive plenty of love, Dodge isn't so lucky. Fiat has already hobbled Dodge significantly by splitting off the brand's trucks into a separate Ram line.

    Wards says that after the Avenger rides off into the sunset early next year, Fiat-Chrysler won't replace the model, leaving a gaping midsize hole in the Dodge lineup. The report also cites unnamed sources as saying that at least two other current Dodge products will move to the Chrysler line.

    One of those could very well be the Grand Caravan. Chrysler has already made it clear that it plans to trim redundancy between its minivan offerings, but it has yet to clarify which other vehicle could sail under the Chrysler banner moving forward. Either way, such changes to the product line would theoretically leave Dodge with just four models.

  3. Giuro, non l'ho capita...:pen:

    Aguzzate la vista, è il gioco "in" su AP, in particolare nei topic Alfa, dopo le foto in stabilimento.

    • Magliette “Maserati” per il montaggio di un’Alfa Romeo (e si aprono le danze);
    • La mancanza di un punto di saldatura su un sottotelaio reggi parafango (e via con due giri di valzer);
    • Le raccomandazioni, lungo la linea di montaggio, presentate con un “ho visto cose che voi …” (e vai con una mazurka con l’orchestra di Raul Casadei)
    • Analisi del video frame per frame alla ricerca di nuovi carry-over

    Calcolando che sono state diramate circa una ventina di foto, e fino ad ora sono state analizzate solo 3 foto e un video… :afraid:

    Spero che il gioco finisca il prima possibile :prega:


    Ah dimenticavo, da tutto questo è emerso che le segretarie di Loric sono Debbora Conduebi, Samantha Conlacca e una ex igienista dentale (figura professionale che non deve mancare in un moderno team di lavoro) :lol:

  4. 001-porsche-lmp1.jpg



    Fonte:Porsche Gives Its 2014 Le Mans Prototype the Maiden Test - Carscoops

    The new Porsche LMP1 sports prototype, which will compete in the sports car World Endurance Championship (WEC) and in the 24 Hours of Le Mans from 2014, successfully completed its first rollout today on the Porsche test track in Weissach. Porsche works driver Timo Bernhard took the new car through its initial function check before the eyes of the entire Board of Porsche AG, as the LMP1 racer debuted on the track several weeks earlier than originally planned.

    “We are well on schedule. Our newly formed team has worked with utmost concentration on getting this highly complex vehicle on the track as soon as possible. This allows us a few additional weeks for more testing and further development,” said Fritz Enzinger, Head of Porsche’s LMP1 program.

    Since Porsche decided to return to top motorsport with the LMP1 racer in 2011 as a works effort, the Motorsport Centre at Weissach has grown significantly. A workshop and an administration building were built, accommodating around 200 employees who are responsible for the design, assembly and deployment of the LMP1 car. From the 2014 season, the racer will be fielded by a Weissach-based works squad.

    “I’m very proud that I was the one to take our baby through its first paces today. Already now the car feels great. I look forward to testing the vehicle in the coming weeks and months with my friend and colleague Romain Dumas,” said Porsche works driver Timo Bernhard. Bernhard (32) and Dumas (35) are the first two regular drivers in the LMP1 project and will carry out the majority of testing on various international circuits.

    Porsche hasn’t yet announced the name of the racecar or its technical details. The only known thing is that it will be powered by a gasoline engine.

    By Dan Mihalascu

  5. Richiesta per i Mod.

    Si può realizzare uno spin-off degli ultimi 50/60 post es. dalla saldatura in avanti, creando il topic Assemblaggio/realizzazione Alfa Romeo 4C (Foto Ufficiali) inserendo nel primo post tutte le foto in fabbrica e i video.

    Lasciando a codesto topic le news.


  6. Beh consolati. Almeno farà la prova del porte aperte con bambini urlanti con il gelato e pasticcini in mano che entrano nell'auto e sbrodolano il tutto, papà che devono provare che i sedili scorrono ripetendo la prova 2000 volte al giorno, mamme ansiose che devono verificare che i pulsanti del cruscotto sono a portata di mano e quindi 10000 toccate, schiacciamenti di tasti, e poi quelli che devono sentire che rumore fanno le porte quando si chiudono (elemento fondamentale per l'acquisto) e quindi almeno 1000000 di aperture/chiusure porte. Se dopo tutto questo, quando te la consegnano, tutto è ancora a posto ed assemblato bene, vuol dire che è fatta bene :lol: (si scherza ehhhh)

    Hai dimenticato quelli che smanettano con il cambio :lol:

  7. Fonte: 2013 Dodge Dart faces recall over stalling issue - Autoblog

    Statement: Recalibration

    June 10, 2013 , Auburn Hills, Mich. -

    Chrysler Group will recall approximately 14,800 cars to recalibrate their powertrain control modules.

    Internal testing discovered a car that stalled moments after startup. The incident occurred when the vehicle was brought to a stop after driving a short distance.

    It had been parked for eight hours in a 20F climate chamber.

    Further investigation revealed reports of similar incidents recorded by dealers.

    Chrysler Group is unaware of any related injuries or accidents.

    The recall affects only 2013 Dodge Dart models equipped with a 1.4-liter engine and dual-clutch transmission.

    Approximately 12,900 are in the U.S., including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; 1,900 are in Canada, five are in Mexico and 16 are outside the NAFTA region.

    Recalibrations will be performed at no cost to customers, who will be contacted directly.

    Customers who have questions or concerns can call 1-800-853-1403.


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