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Risposte pubblicato da dalila

  1. l'iva la devi aggiungere...

    No l'iva è inclusa al 19% la devi togliere ed aggiungere al 20. Per avere informazioni sulla vettura devi:

    1) Conoscere bene l'inglese;

    2) Chiamare i numeri riportati negli annunci e chiedere se vendono ai privati ed al netto, in Germania il prezzo con l'iva al 19% viene definito brutto, se la loro risposta è affermativa ti verrà comunicato un prezzo di molto inferiore a quello pubblicato, non dimenticare di trattare, il prezzo in alcuni casi scende parecchio!!

    3) quando fai la ricerca seleziona "solo rivenditori";

    4) L'iva la ricarichi una volta importata la vettura in Italia;

    5) Molti sono concessionari, preferiscili ad altri.

  2. La Focus RS non si farà più!!!

    According to our sources, the firm will not use the famous RS badge on the current or imminent facelifted MkII machine - due late in 2008 - because of concerns over CO2 emissions.

    One potential RS customer, who had placed a deposit for the car at his local dealership, said: "I'd handed over the cash 18 months ago, not wanting to miss out. But I was told staff had to return it, as the project has been abandoned on environmental grounds."

    A Ford spokesperson revealed: "Our commitment to performance cars meant that we did build a number of Focus engineering mules to test and develop high-performance parts for future products. Sadly, we never got to the point where we were ready to begin developing a business case for an RS-badged Focus."

    Auto Express last scooped these cars in Issue 933. It's believed that prototypes offered around 300bhp and four-wheel drive. But the spokesperson was keen to dismiss the claim that the decision was eco-based.

    "It's worth bearing in mind that it's not the green issue which is driving this decision - cars have to be profitable. While Britain is the home of RS, there's not enough interest across other markets for us to earn the kind of money that's going to give the vehicle a green light," said the spokesperson.

    However, there is still hope for fast Ford fans. Potential RS versions of the MkIII Focus, due in 2010, are possible.

  3. Su la indicano come la nuova Vectra anche se in realtà sembra la versione stradale del prototipo presentato a Ginevra, quindi la sua versione coupé, o, se preferite, GTC.

    Edit: ho detto una c.....a, è la versione 4p, si vede il profilo delle porte posteriori. Sembra avere una linea molto filante, non sembra una grossa berlina!! Promette davvero bene!!!

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