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Risposte pubblicato da mlpplm

  1. Ripeto, perchè complicarsi la vita andando a creare uno strano ibrido prodotto in Italia, quando c'è già il pianale pronto, la meccanica da fuoristrada rodata e un impianto dove si fanno già, su quel pianale, sia un 4x4 serio, sia un Crossover 7 posti. :pen:

    credo che l'unica cosa che manchi ora alla Jeep sia una fabbrica libera, in USA intendo :mrgreen:

    visto che gli impianti stanno al 108% di capacità produttiva

  2. Grossomodo ha detto che hanno ridimensionato le loro ambizioni per la Lancia, che dirà cose dolorose per gli appassionati del marchio, che il mercato si è evoluto, che non possono accontentare tutti e che hanno bisogno di fare utili.

    Che vogliano vendere la Lancia alla Volkswagen?


    No, per favore non ri-iniziamo la solita storia fatta con Alfa Romeo. :asp:

    Sicuramente ora staranno aprendo un nuovo sito internet chiamato "DasLancia" :mrgreen:

  3. Prezzi fuori da ogni grazia di Dio, IMO. Se l'obiettivo era prezzarla in modo che nessuno la volesse più comprare, per non mettere in difficoltà la linea di produzione, allora era più facile semplicemente non proporla in Europa. Mica sono obbligati.

    A parte che Toledo non è nemmeno lontanamente a pieno regime, e avrebbe anche un'altro turno disponibile volendo, se proprio le cose si facessero dure...

    non saprei, però c'è da dire che sta viaggiando bene a 11,795 unità a Febbraio verso il Gran Cherokee 12,691


    Best Selling Cars ? Matt's blog » USA February 2014: Nissan Altima shoots up to third place

  4. Ragazzi ma se la Jeep Renegade sarà prodotta anche nello stabilimento brasiliano di Pernambuco a partire dal 2015, cosa faranno?

    Inizialmente negli USA arriverà il modello italiano e poi sarà sostituito da quello brasiliano oppure no?

  5. The future of the Lancia brand and its integration with Chrysler will become clear on 6 May, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles chief Sergio Marchionne has revealed at the Geneva motor show.

    When Fiat and Chrysler first got together, Marchionne saw close synergies between Lancia and Chrysler, and launched a glut of badge-engineered Chryslers as Lancias in Europe.

    In the UK, the reverse happened, with Chrysler models joined by badge-engineered versions of the Ypsilon and Delta.

    The plan has not been a success, with Marchionne confirming earlier this year that all the Lancia-badged Chryslers were to be axed, along with the Delta, meaning Lancia would have just one model, the Ypsilon, which would only be sold in Italy.

    This is set to be rubber-stamped in May when Marchionne reveals the future model plans for all brands in the newly created Fiat Chrysler Automobiles empire. The plan is also set to reveal whether or not the Ypsilon will be replaced after its current generation.

    “I will shed more light on Chrysler in Europe in May,” said Marchionne. “We have curtailed our ambitions for Lancia. I’m going to be saying things that will hurt old Lancia people. The market has moved on and not every opportunity can be realised, we can’t cede to every demand.

    “There will be some reshaping of activities and we need to make money.”

    Lancia and Chrysler future unclear in Europe | Autocar

    Come per Alfa Romeo si saprà tutto meglio il 6 maggio

  6. (ANSA) - POTENZA, 7 MAR - L'amministratore delegato di Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Sergio Marchionne, è giunto poco fa nello stabilimento di Melfi (Potenza) della Fiat, dove gli operai stanno svolgendo la formazione in vista della produzione della nuova Jeep Renegade, appena presentata al Salone di Ginevra (poi anche della 500 X). Marchionne è giunto in elicottero nella fabbrica - che occupa oltre cinquemila addetti - e vi incontrerà i dirigenti ma quasi certamente anche gli operai, fra le linee di produzione.

    Fiat: Melfi, visita di Sergio Marchionne - Economia -

  7. Building the Jeep Renegade in Italy will not deter fans of the iconic American brand from buying the model, Jeep brand head Mike Manley said.

    The Renegade, the brand's new entry model, will be the first Jeep built exclusively outside of the United States.

    Manley said he has heard “nothing so far” from Jeep aficionados complaining that the most iconic of U.S. vehicles is being built in Italy. Jeep customers are concerned mainly about off-road performance, he said.

    “We needed to be able to trail-rate it,” Manley said in an interview this week at the Geneva auto show. “So the launch of the [trail rated] Trailhawk is very important,” he said.

    The Renegade, which was unveiled on Tuesday in Geneva, shares a platform with the upcoming Fiat 500X. Both models will be built in a Fiat plant in Melfi, Italy. The Renegade will also be produced in Brazil from the first half of 2015, said Fiat Chrysler Automobiles CEO Sergio Marchionne.

    The Renegade is scheduled to go on sale in Europe by year end and in the United States in early 2015.

    Manley declined to release sales targets. Supplier sources have told Automotive News Europe that Fiat and Jeep plan annual production of up to 280,000 units of the two models. Jeep's volume will be about 150,000, while Fiat's version will account for 130,000 units.

    Jeep will announce U.S. pricing in the fourth quarter, Manley said, and during the second quarter in Europe.

    The Jeep’s American DNA is also evident in the Renegade's design cues, which are dyed-in-the-wool Stars and Stripes.

    “The Renegade’s footprint is similar to one of the CJs,” Manley said, referring to the civilian versions of the military vehicles which helped bring the Allied forces to victory in World War II. “It’s much more Wrangler. We’re very pleased, and I think it will work well in the United States.”

    The Renegade is joining the Jeep brand as it targets selling 1 million vehicles worldwide annually, up 37 percent from a record 731,565 last year.

    Prodotta anche in Brasile a partire dalla prima metà del 2015

    Prezzi europei a partire dal secondo trimestre e quelli americani a partire dal quarto trimestre

  8. Il Cherokee parte da 35000 euro .. questo vuol dire che il Renegade full Optional costerà più o meno sui 35 ;)

    Però qui in Italia abbiamo il Compass che parte da 28.000€ (o il Renegade lo andrà a sostituire?)

    Quindi secondo me il range di prezzo sarà tra i 20k - 28k

  9. ragazzi il telaio della Mazda Mx-5 sarà svelato il 29 marzo al Salone di New York

    The all-new Mazda MX-5 could be revealed - in part - at the New York motor show next month,

    Sources reported that a stripped down chassis of the eagerly awaited new two-seater will make an appearance on Mazda’s stand at the New York, timed around Easter.

    However, the exact launch date of the new MX-5 is still to be decided.

    Last year a plan emerged to reveal it at the Chicago show – where the original was unveiled 25 years ago.

    But sources now report that the timing of Chicago doesn’t fit with Mazda’s launch programme and that plan has been scrapped.

    But the original plan for the development of the new MX-5 to be a joint venture between Mazda and Alfa Romeo may take an unexpected turn. Speaking at the Geneva motor show, Fiat boss Sergio Marchionne suggested a two seat sports car fits better with the group’s Abarth brand than it does with Alfa Romeo.

    Mazda MX-5 'reveal' at New York show | Autocar

  10. Imho la 2WD 1.6 benza partirà dai 18k€ con su il minimo sindacale.

    Una TH 2.0 Mj 170 auto costerà una fucilata... :mrgreen:

    non credo, se il 1.4 95Cv della 500L Trekking viene € 20.010

    per l'appunto ricitandomi

    ragazzi secondo me il prezzo partirà da poco sopra i 20.000€ per raggiungere i 28.000€ della Trailhawk
  11. A production version of the Maserati Alfieri would be based on the same platform as the new Ghibli and Quattroporte and would use the company's new 325bhp and 404bhp V6 petrol engines making development far more straightforward. However bosses are keen to point out that the car has not been signed off for production.

    The 2+2, which attracted much favourable attention at the Geneva motor show, would be pitched to sit beneath the Maserati Granurismo fastback. The concept is based on a cut down Granurimso platform with a 4.7-litre V8.

    The Alfieri is named after the most prominent among the six brothers of Officine Alfieri Maserati, which was founded in Bologna 100 years ago. The concept is the work of a young team of designers lead by Marco Tencone, was overseen by Fiat Group design boss Lorenzo Ramaciotti and is significant not only for signalling the probable arrival of a less expensive Maserati coupe, but also debuting a new design language.

    Key design elements of the Alfieri include a passenger cell pushed well to the rear of the car, a truncated tail and an unusual kick in the window line, these features distinguishing this coupe as effectively as its long bonnet, tautly billowing wings and a particularly striking set of tail-lights. The interior is themed around simplicity and minimalism says Maserati, its cleanly curvaceous two-tone dashboard dominated by twin TFT instruments and a central infotainment screen.

    Maserati cites back-catalogue influences including the 1957 3500 GT, the 1959 5000 GT and the 1969 Indy, although this car is more about Maserati’s future according to Ramaciotti: "We wanted the Alfieri to test future design paths. The car is very aggressive yet subtle in style, forceful but understated. The Alfieri is a transition point between 100 glorious years of history and the future that is opening up before us. I can’t honestly say that we’ll see this car in production in the next two years, but I’m certain we’ll see something very similar."

    Some insiders suggest a slightly more distant introduction date of around 2016-17, not least because Maserati will first launch its new Levante SUV.

    The Alfieri is intended as a successor to the Maserati Gran Sport, the most dynamic version of the 4200 that the significantly more expensive Granturismo replaced. The price slot vacated with the Grantursimo’s push upmarket Maserati aims to recapture with the Alfieri, whose prices should start at around £60,000, pitching it firmly into Jaguar F-Type coupe and Porsche 911 territory.

    Production Maserati Alfieri to get V6 engine | Autocar

    Importante l'ultimo passo: io lo interpreto così: distinzione tra Maserati Alfieri (vera erede della Maserati GranSport e rivolta verso il basso da 70mila) e la futura Maserati GranTurismo (rivolta verso l'alto di gamma, mantenendo gli stessi target di prezzo e clientela


    Piattaforma e motori per concept Alfieri ci sono (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Ginevra , 05 mar - "L'investimento a Mirafiori e' partito. Stiamo industrializzando l'impianto adesso. Dobbiamo organizzare lo stabilimento per ripartire. Vedremo le prime scocche nel 2015". Cosi' l'a.d. di Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, che non ha voluto precisare se a Mirafiori sara' prodotto il concept Alfieri della Maserati in vetrina a Ginevra. "La piattaforma e i motori ci sono. Teoricamente si potrebbe fare in 24-28 mesi. La macchina e' di una bellezza straordinaria. Il polo e' chiaro: Mirafiori e Grugliasco ormai sono abbinati. Alfieri e' una delle cose che completerebbe la linea di Maserati", ha rilevato Marchionne.

    Notizie Radiocor - Prima Pagina - Borsa Italiana

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