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  1. France says no new Renault-Fiat talks for now
  2. Why compare it to an abortion called C3 Aircross and to a bestsellers like 2008 and Captur?
  5. FCA reports strong second quarter 2019 results with Net profit from continuing operations at €0.8 billion, Adjusted net profit of €0.9 billion, Adjusted EBIT of €1.5 billion, margin at 5.7%. Full-year guidance is confirmed. “We continue to deliver strong performance in North America and LATAM. Robust demand for our new products, along with steps we've taken to exert discipline across all of our businesses, have generated the momentum to achieve our full-year 2019 guidance.” - Mike Manley, CEO While Group Adjusted EBIT was in line with prior year, North America achieved record Q2 results despite shipments being down 12%, largely attributable to dealer stock reductions of approximately 80 thousand units. The successful launch of the all-new Ram heavy-duty pickup, along with the continued success of the all-new and Classic Ram 1500, resulted in a U.S. large pickup market share of 27.9% in Q2, up 7 ppts from last year. In addition, the all-new Jeep Gladiator pickup launch is exceeding our expectations with production already achieving full run rate. Although new to the market, the Jeep Gladiator earned a 7.7% share of its U.S. segment in June. Solid financial results in LATAM were driven by strong commercial performance in Brazil where we retained the market leader position. Our Industrial free cash flows were strong as well at €0.8 billion, though this was down €0.7 billion from prior year due to higher capex and Q2 payments of €0.4 billion related to U.S. diesel emissions matters accrued for in 2018. We have also taken a number of steps to further strengthen our fundamental business performance. Our leadership team was complemented with the addition of two members to our Group Executive Council recruited from outside the company. In China, we overhauled the leadership and structure of our joint venture. We also continue to strengthen business disciplines around our management of costs, inventories, commercial initiatives and product planning processes. In addition, during the quarter we continued to lay the foundation for future competitiveness and regulatory compliance, including securing local community support for the new Mack Avenue assembly plant in Detroit (Michigan) that will produce the next generation Jeep Grand Cherokee and an all-new 3-row full-size Jeep SUV; confirming investment in the Mirafiori plant in Turin (Italy) to produce the all-new battery electric Fiat 500; and adding key agreements with Enel X and ENGIE to a growing network of technology partners. In the second half of the year, we will continue to focus on the underperforming areas of our business, including Maserati, where we’ve reinforced our leadership team; and EMEA, where we continue to target increased margins through the impact of restructuring actions, better management of channel mix, and targeted product strategies. Based on the strength of our second quarter results and the initiatives put in place to maintain this momentum, we remain confident in our ability to achieve our full-year 2019 guidance.
  6. Actually according to American standards Giulia is a small midsize sedan. It's bigger than BMW 3er which is a compact even in its newest generation. Giulia also offers more combined (front + rear) leg room.
  7. With model like Tonale they'll need both. I agree with you. And P2 MHEV FireFly should be just around the corner. Similar with 300+ HP GME. PHEV? That's interesting. In the near future we should not exclude even a 48 Volts plug in hybrids. We already know that in the very near future there will be 48 Volts P2 hybrids with an electric mode.
  8. It seems that battery price doesn't come down as was expected. The most expensive parts are of course batteries. Not to mention that most likely battery production will be allocated to non car applications.
  9. It's important to note that Ford 1 liter EcoBust have an issue with excessive NOx emission. I would not be surprised if a 3rd party RDE test for 1.0 TSI shows the same. In any case with 500x and Renegade aerodynamic is an issue. They are both very tall and Cx is not at today's standard. That's something they must work on for the next generation.
  10. Comunicato Stampa Dichiarazione del Segretario generale Fim Cisl Marco Bentivogli Fca: Bentivogli (Fim Cisl), bene elettrico con 500 Bev a Mirafiori accelerare investimenti anche su altri stabilimenti Oggi presso lo stabilimento Fca di Mirafiori, storica fabbrica della Fiat che compie 80 anni, è stata inaugurata l’installazione del primo robot per la nuova linea della Fiat 500 full-electric Bev, battery electric veichle. Un momento di straordinaria importanza perché segna definitivamente lo spartiacque verso produzioni di auto più sostenibili. La 500 full-elettric sarà la prima vettura elettrica del gruppo Fca progettata, industrializzata e prodotta in Italia che fa parte del piano di investimenti da 5.5 miliardi già illustrato dal Gruppo. Oggi, di fatto, avviene l’inaugurazione della linea di produzione, con installazione dei primi robot cooperativi Comau: 700 milioni di investimenti, 1.200 lavoratori coinvolti, che avrà il suo avvio produttivo nel secondo trimestre 2020 e produrrà 80.000 vetture all’anno. L’annuncio di oggi avviene dopo quelli della Jeep Compass a Melfi e l’Alfa Romeo Tonale a Pomigliano. Il debutto ufficiale della 500 elettrica dovrebbe avvenire in occasione del Salone dell’auto di Ginevra che si terrà nel mese di marzo del 2020. La sua produzione, accanto a quella della Maserati Levante, è una risposta importante alle nostre richieste sindacali per consentire il ritorno al lavoro di migliaia di lavoratori che sono ancora nel guado degli ammortizzatori sociali. È necessario accelerare gli investimenti anche sugli altri stabilimenti, come quelli di Cassino, Grugliasco e della stessa Pomigliano, per consentire il pieno rilancio del settore automotive in Italia, settore che da lavoro, nel nostro paese, a circa 250 mila lavoratori. Su ibrido ed elettrico Fca è in ritardo, ma la giornata di oggi è un importante segno della volontà di recuperare questo gap. Importante inoltre, la comunicazione di Fca su nuovi modelli di Maserati, a cominciare dal rinnovo della Levante e di altri prodotti. Tra il 2019 e il 2021, i 5,5 miliardi di investimenti porteranno, in totale, 13 nuovi modelli, insieme all’elettrificazione di tutta la gamma con 12 versioni, nonostante un contesto difficile, e un mercato ancora debole. Roma, 11 luglio 2019 Ufficio Stampa nazionale Fim Cis
  11. The system consists of a new 30 kW, water-cooled electric motor positioned between the combustion engine and the transmission, and power electronics that Continental says have been optimized to handle higher currents and are more efficient. Even though the system is 48 volts rather than high-voltage, as in a conventional hybrid, Continental says it does not consider it to be a "mild" hybrid because of its ability to operate in electric-only mode. Executives would not provide range figures, but say they expect CO2 emissions reductions of around 20 percent, compared with 10 percent for a current 48-volt mild hybrid system. Lower CO2 emissions means the drive will also improve fuel economy. Top speed in electric-only mode is 80 kph (50 mph) to 90 kph (56 mph).
  12. Never heard about P2 MHEV? Your comment is related to a BSG MHEV. AFAIK for 500X P2 MHEV is in development. Actually P2 MHEV is in calibration phase. You know, a MHEV with electric motor on transmission input.
  13. FCA should offer RWD based PHEV this year starting with Wrangler. This PR is about 4th generation ZF which will be sourced by ZF. There is no word about current ZF transmissions and about transmissions made by FCA US under ZF licence.
  14. Actually no. Grand Wagoneer (WS) was initially planned as a unibody SUV on Giorgio platform. That has changed in early 2017 when they switched to a new Ram 1500 BOF platform. There will be a 3 row version of Grand Cherokee which has taken over old Grand Wagoneer's plans.
  15. Have you counted it for VW AG? They have even more. Of course some will be retired while some are not UConnect like ones from Brazil. BTW, this papers are at least 2 years old if not more. Are they credible?
  16. This should be an old document. Back at the time when plan was to have a Grand Wagoneer as a 3 row unibody sibling of Grand Cherokee. Although I would not exclude that a Wagoneer name may still be in use for it.
  17. 961 was basically finished. Only industrialisation phase has left. Its production was planned around 6 to 12 months after the Stelvio. The same can not be said for 964. In any case this topic will go on fire.
  18. Wrangler But it was also planned for Alfa 964. I don't know what's ongoing behind the scenes with Project 964.
  19. EDIT: Bare, controlla la formattazione del testo quando fai copia-incolla degli articoli! Il più delle volte hanno un carattere troppo grande, il che rende il post eccessivamente lungo, soprattutto per chi guarda il forum dallo smartphone. I prossimi post con una formattazione non adeguata saranno oscurati!
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