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  1. Absolutely, they are full of sh**. I mean they even said that Tonale's ASOP is 1/2020. What a jerks.
  2. Are they? For example 2.2 aluminium diesel weighs around 30 kilos less than the old 2.0 diesel. Less weight, better performance, less fuel consumption. Why not use it? And speaking about torsional rigidity. It does help with a handling but also for a comfort.
  3. According to QR it's circa 4.5 meters long.
  4. Will you ever say anything positive about FCA? OK, I know that you can't got against the one who feeds you.
  7. What I've said to you? FWD platform opened a new possibilities.
  9. Exclusivo: SUV compacto da Fiat surgirá do Projeto 3630
  10. Fca, un nuovo piano di investimenti per lo stabilimento di casa nostra Cassino - E' terminata da poco l'audizione alla Camera con i vertici di Fca. Il piano da 5 miliardi di investimenti presentato per l'Italia a novembre non verrà ritirato 27/02/2019 19:15 E' terminata da poco l'audizione alla Camera con i vertici di Fca.Buone notizie per lo stabilimento di Cassino: non c'è stata nessuna comunicazione di ritiro degli investimenti a causa dell'ecotassa, così come paventato nei mesi scorsi. Anzi, Pietro De Biasi, responsabile della relazioni industriali, ha spiegato che il piano da 5 miliardi di investimenti presentato per l'Italia lo scorso mese di novembre non viene ritirato. Incalzato in merito allo stabilimento di Cassino, De Biasi ha detto che "a breve ci sarà il nuovo piano di investimenti aggiornato". Nel sito pedemontano a partire dal 2020 dovrebbe dunque partire la produzione del Suv ibrido della Maserati e le versioni ibride di Giulia e Stelvio. Il 2019 resta invece all'insegna della cassa integrazione. Ma già dal secondo semestre si inizierà a ragionare sui nuovi modelli. Da oggi, il futuro è un po' meno nebuloso. Mentre lo stabilimento di Cassino ancora attende conferme in merito al piano industriale di Fca per la produzione, a partire dal prossimo anno del Suv ibrido della Maserati e delle versioni ibride di Giulia e Stelvio - piano al momento "congelato" dai vertici Fca visto che da dopodomani in Italia sarà in vigore l'ecotassa - Mike Manley annuncia un investimento di 4 miliardi per Detroit con un nuovo stabilimento della Jeep che creerà 6.500 posti di lavoro. L'unica certezza sugli stabilimenti italiani è che il mini Suv dell'Alfa Romeo sarà prodotto a Pomigliano. A Cassino invece regna l'incertezza. L'unica cosa che le tute rosse del sito pedemontano stanno conoscendo bene è la cassa integrazione. Il territorio dunque torna a mobilitarsi e il sindaco di Pontecorvo Anselmo Rotondo tuona: "Una prospettiva che rinnova il dolore di una ferita non ancora sanata, quella inferta al nostro territorio da una misura scellerata del Governo a trazione Lega. Aspettiamo giugno per capire, realmente, cosa ne sarà dello stabilimento Fca di Cassino e quali saranno gli scenari produttivi e occupazionali ai quali almeno noi non siamo indifferenti perché consapevoli del numero elevatissimo di nostri concittadini, padri di famiglia, che lavorano nel sito cassinate. Il dramma della ecotassa ci consegna due verità. La prima è l'indifferenza del Governo Conte nei confronti del nostro territorio. La seconda, ancora più difficile da digerire, è la conclamata incapacità dei parlamentari locali di tutelare le loro comunità e difenderle da misure inique e penalizzanti. Ed è del tutto inutile oggi, quando i buoi sono ormai scappati dalla stalla, affannarsi nel tentativo di recuperare una credibilità che, appena otto mesi dopo l'elezione, risulta già pesantemente compromessa. L'unica consolazione ci arriva dai ritardi, o dalla incapacità, di questo esecutivo. Il Governo infatti non ha ancora emanato nemmeno una delle disposizioni che spiegano come applicare il bonus per l'acquisto di auto elettriche ed ibride e come deve essere invece pagata la tassa (che partirebbe da 1100 fino ad arrivare ai 2500 euro) che graverà sulle auto le cui emissioni di CO2 vanno oltre il limite dei 160 grammi per chilometro". E come se non bastassero le preoccupazioni sugli investimenti, si registrano rotture tra azienda e sindacati anche per il rinnovo del contratto. "Rimangono troppo ampie le distanze – dice Francesca Re David della Fiom – anche su elementi specifici a partire dalla struttura del salario". E la segretaria generale sottolinea che "il quadro in cui matura questa rottura del tavolo è tanto più importante" vista "la situazione produttiva e occupazionale in cui versa una parte consistente degli stabilimenti" e "su cui comunque la Fiom rivendica un ruolo per la tutela dei lavoratori". Lo stop alla trattativa arriva alla vigilia dell'audizione dei rappresentanti del gruppo Fca alla Camera. Oggi pomeriggio, infatti, i manager di Fca verranno ascoltati dalla commissione Lavoro nell'ambito della discussione congiunta delle risoluzioni sulla salvaguardia dell'occupazione nel settore dell'industria automobilistica, con particolare riguardo proprio della situazione del gruppo. La trattativa continua invece con le altre sigle sindacali, ma Uliano della Fim-Cisl mette in guardia: "Il 5 e 6 marzo l'affondo sul contratto, o si superano le distanze o si rischia la rottura".
  11. Compass offers class leading knee room. For luggage space rear McPherson and short rear overhang are the worst enemies. Replacing McPherson with a multilink will immediately offer more luggage space. Good thing with Small Wide architecture is a modest front overhang length. From 83 cm for 500L through 92 cm for Compass. Just for comparison Alfa Giulietta has a front overhang of 96 cm.
  12. Panda's paint shop? AFAIK there is no dedicated paint shop. It's always shared between different models which can share or have entirely separated body shops and assembly line. But surely added capacity in the paint shop is not for the Fiat Panda. Source?
  13. A segment is dead. Regulations will kill it.
  14. So happy about it... Nonetheless I'm expecting attack of the trolls.
  15. FCA to Expand Production Capacity in Michigan to Grow Core Brands, Electrify Jeep® Vehicles $4.5 Billion to Build New Assembly Plant in Detroit and Add Production at Five Existing Michigan Facilities, Creating Nearly 6,500 Jobs FCA total committed investments in the U.S. grow to nearly $14.5 billion since 2009, with nearly 30,000 jobs created to date Investment would be next step in Company’s U.S. industrialization plan, announced in 2016 to expand Jeep® and Ram brands Introduces two new Jeep-branded “white space” products in key market segments Enables electrification of new Jeep models $1.6 billion investment would convert Mack Avenue Engine Complex into manufacturing site for next-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee and an all-new three-row full-size Jeep SUV, creating 3,850 new jobs $900 million investment at Jefferson North to retool and modernize plant for continued production of Dodge Durango and next-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee with 1,100 new jobs expected Warren Truck 2017 investment increases to $1.5 billion for production of all-new Jeep Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer, as well as continued assembly of Ram 1500 Classic with addition of 1,400 new jobs All three assembly sites would also produce plug-in hybrid versions of their respective Jeep models with flexibility to build fully battery-electric models in the future Sterling Stamping and Warren Stamping plants to receive more than $400 million total investment to support additional production, potentially creating about 80 new jobs at Sterling $119 million investment to relocate Pentastar engine production currently at Mack I to the Dundee Engine Plant; production at Mack would end by Q3 2019 Projects contingent on land acquisition and the negotiation of development incentives with the cities of Detroit, Sterling Heights, Warren, Dundee and state of Michigan City of Detroit has 60 days to deliver on commitments outlined in Memorandum of Understanding related to Mack and Jefferson North projects February 26, 2019 , London - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. (NYSE: FCAU / MTA: FCA) confirmed today plans to invest a total of $4.5 billion in five of its existing Michigan plants, and to work with the city of Detroit and state of Michigan on building a new assembly plant within city limits. The move would increase capacity to meet growing demand for its Jeep® and Ram brands, including production of two new Jeep-branded white space products, as well as electrified models. The proposed projects would create nearly 6,500 new jobs. The plant actions detailed in today’s announcement represent the next steps in a U.S. manufacturing realignment that FCA began in 2016. In response to a shift in consumer demand toward SUVs and trucks, the Company discontinued compact car production and retooled plants in Illinois, Ohio and Michigan to make full use of available capacity to expand the Jeep and Ram brands. Those actions have resulted in the recent launches of the award-winning all-new Jeep Wrangler and all-new Ram 1500, and the introduction of the newest member of the Jeep family, the all-new Jeep Gladiator, at the 2018 Los Angeles Auto Show. “Three years ago, FCA set a course to grow our profitability based on the strength of the Jeep and Ram brands by realigning our U.S. manufacturing operations,” said Mike Manley, Chief Executive Officer, FCA N.V. “Today’s announcement represents the next step in that strategy. It allows Jeep to enter two white space segments that offer significant margin opportunities and will enable new electrified Jeep products, including at least four plug-in hybrid vehicles and the flexibility to produce fully battery-electric vehicles.” The city of Detroit has 60 days to meet the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding, which requires the acquisition of property critical to the execution of the Mack project. The additional investments are subject to the successful negotiation and final approval of development packages with the state and other local governments. Plant Investment Details FCA would invest $1.6 billion to convert the two plants that comprise the Mack Avenue Engine Complex into the future assembly site for the next-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee, as well as an all-new three-row full-size Jeep SUV and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) models, adding 3,850 new jobs to support production. The Company intends to start construction of the new Detroit facility by the end of Q2 2019 with the first three-row vehicles expected to roll off the line by the end of 2020, followed by the all-new Grand Cherokee in the first half of 2021. Also as part of this announcement, the Jefferson North Assembly Plant would receive an investment of $900 million to retool and modernize the facility to build the Dodge Durango and next-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee. FCA expects to create 1,100 new jobs at Jefferson North. The reborn Mack facility would be the first new assembly plant to be built in the city of Detroit in nearly three decades. In 1991, Jefferson North was the last new assembly plant built in the city. When complete, Mack would join Jefferson North as the only automotive assembly plants to be located completely within the city limits of Detroit. The Pentastar engines – the 3.6-, 3.2- and 3.0-liter – currently built at Mack I would be relocated to the Dundee Engine Plant as part of a $119 million investment. Pentastar production at Mack I would end by Q3 2019. Mack II has been idle since it ceased production of the 3.7-liter V-6 in September 2012. FCA also confirms the investment at Warren Truck to retool for production of the all-new Jeep Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer, announced in 2017, along with their electrified counterparts, would increase to $1.5 billion. Production is expected to launch in early 2021. In addition to the new Jeep models, the plant would continue building the Ram 1500 Classic, which is being extended to meet market demand. It is expected that 1,400 new jobs would be added. As a result of this investment announcement, production of the all-new Ram Heavy Duty will continue at its current location in Saltillo, Mexico. To support the additional production, the Company’s Warren Stamping (Warren, Michigan) and Sterling Stamping (Sterling Heights, Michigan) plants would receive investments of $245 million and $160 million, respectively, with Sterling Stamping expected to add more than 80 new jobs. This investment is part of the Company's capital spending plan presented in June 2018. Realignment of FCA U.S. Manufacturing Operations Over the past two years, FCA has realigned production at four plants in Illinois, Ohio and Michigan to increase capacity for the Jeep Cherokee, Jeep Wrangler and Ram 1500 light-duty truck, and created additional manufacturing capacity for the Jeep Gladiator in Ohio. The investments included: $350 million in the Belvidere Assembly Plant (Illinois) to produce the Jeep Cherokee, which moved from Toledo, Ohio, in 2017. More than 300 new jobs were added to support production, which launched in June 2017. $700 million in the Toledo Assembly Complex (Ohio) to retool the North plant to produce the next-generation Jeep Wrangler. Approximately 700 new jobs were added to support production, which began in December 2017. $1.48 billion in the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant (Michigan) to build the next-generation Ram 1500 truck, adding more than 700 new jobs. Production of the new truck began in March 2018. Production of the Ram 1500 Classic continues at Warren Truck (Michigan). $273 million in the south plant of the Toledo Assembly Complex to prepare the facility to produce the all-new Jeep Gladiator. The new truck is scheduled to launch in the first half of 2019. In total, FCA has committed to invest nearly $14.5 billion in its U.S. manufacturing operations, creating nearly 30,000 new jobs since June 2009.
  16. LOL
  17. So a one forum member made the post on the other site and now he comes to proclaim it as his win because he has seen fake news which was denied by Alfa's representatives. ? For those who want to see his source, I mean what he said:
  18. You told so... There is nothing official. And Alfa's representatives have issued a denial of a news reported by Autoline Daily. Why would they do so? But keep ignoring the official denial just as is @AlexMi doing.
  19. You are a troll. No doubt it. Alfa made a denial the day before yesterday "news".
  20. Just LOL Yesterday we said that a report from Auto Forecast Solutions that Alfa Romeo had cancelled several upcoming models. Well that prompted Alfa to contact Autoline Daily and deny the report. In fact Alfa told us to keep an eye on the Geneva Auto Show where it's going to unveil the new model.
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