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  1. This is not an all new model. It's just heavy revision of the current one. New model is planned to 2020 with a shift of production from Mexico to Detroit. Not a good news about start of sales. 1st Gear: FCA CEO Says Government Shutdown Could Put Trucks on Pause Bloomberg reports that the partial federal shutdown has "idled the EPA" and its Office of Transportation and Air Quality. The office tests vehicles and confirms that they comply with federal emissions regulations, which they have to do before automakers can sell them. Launching delays are looming. With trucks , you know how to out in torque numbers , who knows how to out with 1,001 lb-ft during the delay.
  2. And there is a eco subsidize. No FCA vehicle will receive it. And for example at the end of 2020 FCA could produce 2 BEV and 6 PHEV vehicles which could receive such a subsidize. Eve more at the end of 2021. In my opinion it would be a convenient form Italian Government to postpone eco tax and eco subsidize until FCA has cars which can receive a subsidize. Also in my opinion. This can mean end of FCA's 48V P2 MHEV plans for GSE which was slated for 2021. Such a cars would not receive a subsidize. Although such a cars would help with average fleet CO2 emission. But who would buy it? FCA could switch to a even more BEV and PHEV cars. But for example if new or next Government yet again changes eco tax FCA could be in deep shit. Any such a tax or subsidize must be a long term one.
  3. How Fiat Chrysler Sped From Laggard to Leader in Detroit
  4. It's interesting how a UConnect is a very well regarded in US as the best of the of the best infotainment systems while in Europe not a single word about it. For example 8.4" UConnect as in Wrangler, Renegade, Compass, Cherokee... In its latest iteration has a very good voice controls and is fast and is intuitive for use. That unit is produced by Panasonic. Previous less advanced unit was made by Harman. And lets not forget 12" UConnect 4 which is a state of the art. I would like to see it on more FCA products and not just on Ram. But then... Alfa is using a completely different infotainment system. A system which will see a lot of updated this year.
  5. China? I haven't seen much investment from FCA in China. At least we can agree that China is yet unexploited area by FCA. On the other hand EU is a market where regulations are changing to fast and where FCA doesn't have any input on European Commision, European Parliament or Italian Government decision. IMO that can't be said for French and German car makers. German car makers like BMW were well known for financing Merkel's campaign. No doubt that Merkel has returned a favor. On top of that add that French, Swede or German people are much more patriotic when it comes to a car purchase and you got the current situation. Maybe @4200blu can give us Volvo sales in Sweden together with % of total market share and maybe comparison of Volvo XC60 sales with direct competitors. For employment lets don't forget that FCA + CNHI + Ferrari have more workers in Italy compared to a pre Marchionne era. Any new worker would just be added on top of that.
  6. Actually all models are affected. Why? There is no subsidies on any of them. I found this move from Italian Government as a highly incompetent. Moves like this are usually made by countries without car industry like the Netherlands, Denmark or Norway. No way that Sweden, France or Germany will pull such a move. And not only that. Each of mentioned governments would consult with car makers before of any such a decision.
  8. I waited a lot for a proper response. But I'm hoping that you realize that in Europe for FCA there is no much hope for higher volume and margins. In a best case they can reach 6-7% margin. Also European market is a highly complicated ones and Italians are the nations which are the least patriotic when it comes to a car choice. For example just imagine a market where every Alfa Romeo model can outgun combined sales of German trio 2:1. You must admit that with a Italian state of mind it's impossible. Right? Back in early 2010's FCA had 20% profit margin in South America. Actually FCA is strong only in Brazil and Argentina. FCA is on the way to hit 10% margin in the very near future. They are very confident about that. They will also shift to a more expensive products, Also it's very likely that GM will pull out from there markets. At least it can be concluded from their Investor Event. In that case FCA has a free hands to grew even larger in Brazil and Argentina and to stop price war which was impeded by a GM.
  9. Snout side view I'm not a fan of A3 sedan but it has a much better sideline than this.
  10. Just keep in mind that R&D center in Torino was responsible for every Small Wide based car. So they have developed Jeeps. Is this a comeback of Alfiat? BTW calls have been made a long time ago. It's not just MMM's idea.
  11. Quite the contrary.
  12. P2 MHEV, ISG, eBooster?
  13. The only truly viable solution for engine with eBooster is P2 electric motor. FCA will not have such mild hybrid before 2021.
  14. But if you look carefully I to his posts than you will find doom&gloom message. According to him almost everything was cancelled in the last 7 months since the last official plan came out. FCA is doomed. Better be prepared to drive impeccable VAG machine. LOL BTW. I'm still wondering where he got that a 350 HP GME T4 was cancelled. He has "the source". It's important to mention that this particular engine was a part of the last plan. So it also had vanished in the last 7 months according to Mister VAG.
  15. The major issue with FCA in Europe is related to Italian buyers habits. Buy cheap or buy foreign car. That's not the recipe for investment.
  16. Before the end of the year? If someone have said so than it was a pure journalist's imagination.
  17. Most FCA PHEV offerings will be performance oriented. Performance is equal to a higher transaction price. In my opinion FCA's approach does make sense.
  18. In my opinion when that criteria changes all cars should be retested. Or they should be removed from a Euro NCAP web site.
  19. Lets not forget that retests of Punto and Panda was proposed and conducted by an Italian arm of EuroNCAP. Second. It's obvious had FCA and EuroNCAP are not in love with each other. For example Giulia was not proclaimed as a safest car in its class by EuroNCAP. What to say about it? IMO it's outrageous.
  20. Margins in Mercosur are higher in comparison to EU. And in the near future FCA is expecting to break 10% margin there.
  21. IMO. For the rest of Europe A+ segment size is a major drawback for Ypsilon. Not to mention weird instrument cluster positioning.
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