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  3. Date for Euro 6c is 9/2018. Date for Euro 6d TEMP is 9/2019. From what I heard the plan is to skip Euro 6c and go directly to Euro 6d TEMP for FCA diesel engines in Europe. That means that cars with diesels with SCR must go into production during this summer. We will see if FCA will deviate from that plan.
  4. Something else. FIRE will live in current generation 500 but for the next one. Also it is cheaper to homologate it directly to Euro 6d TEMP and to skip Euro 6c. They did just that. Son in other words new 500 will most likely come at the earliest in calendar 2020.
  5. Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 V6 Multijet Diesel 2987 140 Euro6d-TEMP Apr. 18 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 V6 Multijet Diesel 2987 184 Euro6d-TEMP Apr. 18
  6. Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 V6 Multijet Diesel 2987 140 Euro6d-TEMP Apr. 18 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 V6 Multijet Diesel 2987 184 Euro6d-TEMP Apr. 18
  7. That's just wrong for a big car and a North American market. IMO they will need a 6 cylinder petrol engine with slightly less than 400 HP for a North American market.
  9. I don't see it like that. FCA will have more capacity in Italy compared to the current situation. They will just leave a space for a products with higher margins and higher transaction price. We have saying. Barking dog does not bite.
  10. It's American way of doing things. AFAIK both FoMoCo are doing the same. Presenting 5 year plans for the Wall Street. Plans are unveiled every 4 year. And basically a real duration of the plans are 3 and a half years and half a year when they do nothing. AFAIK currently Wall Street is more than happy with Sergio.
  11. Thanks God. Just imagine Alfa 200 or Alfa Cherokee Made in the USA. They even got a body code. I think it was a UT for an Alfa 200 and a MA for an Alfa Cherokee. But I think that what will see projected in a first 2 or 3 years in the plan will eventually materialize.
  12. They will just play brìscula on 1st of June?
  13. Is there any Photoshop based on previous generation BMW X1?
  14. There is a plenty of space in Cassino. Especially when Giulietta production stops. But certainly there is a place for a compact crossover and E segment car.
  15. I do not believe it.
  16. Just look at the latest Autocar news. It's copy/paste... P.S. 5 door liftback and Sportwagon are basically the same models. So this "news" makes no sense for me.
  17. That's true. But question is how much could cost and upgrade to International standards. It's not free of charge. And also in Europe they would need a diesel engine. But Pacifica could be attractive in passenger versions against Mercedes. IMO, it has a very nice interior.
  18. About Fiat Scudo and Talento. At the time FCA had an option to Fiatize Pacifica and to offer it in Europe instead of Scudo or Talento. They have chosen Talento. But at that time there was no Free Trade Agreement in place. The one between Canada and EU which will bring zero tariffs for cars. For American market and their love for pick ups. For them it's a daily driver. Not a commercial vehicle. For commercial vehicles they have heavy duty models like RAM 2500 and bigger ones. We care about payload capacity while for them it's all about tow capacity.
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