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  1. P0 MHEV. Most likely FCA is working on P2 MHEV for some products.
  2. They will kill current GDI engines and diesels without SCR. So they are aimed at them. We will get diesels with SCR and GDI engines with GPF.
  3. FIRE is not a GDI. So it can live after Euro 6c. Upcoming emission regulations are aimed at GDI engines and diesel engines without SCR.
  4. @RiRino FCA has patents with MAir + VVT. It will be nice to see. Regarding rpm limit. GME T4 with dual VVT as on Jeep has lower rpm limit compared to Alfa's GME T4 with MAir. But FCA also has some other nice technologies which can be used. For example turbo engine with dual Valve Lift mode on intake mode together with dual VVT.
  5. The "source",, is stating that 20i and 20d are three cylinder. Which I presume is wrong.
  6. Carlos The Overrated Ghosn was at the time interested in buying part of Chrysler Group. But he was interested in a very specific part of it. It's called Ram. Chinese were interested in Jeep. All other was dead without Fiat. FCA did not take money from Obama. They borrowed and returned all of it with huge interests. USA made money on it.
  7. 2er GC has 5 doors or not?
  8. FoMoCo will build V6-V8 for JLR at least through the end of 2019. They have contract in place. Similar for V6 diesel. I don't know exact dates.
  9. If they really want complete range at any cost than they've had their chance. Just make Alfa 500X, Alfa Compass, Alfa Ghibli and Alfa Levante. In addition to current models. Why not? But...
  11. Fiat issues arises from Italian market. If your average Grande Punto was 1.2 8v with base trim level... Where is a business case to bring out a new model? Money is made when you opt for optional engines and equipment.
  12. If you look at A and B pillars than materials are very similar to Small Wide. Webcast say that they reused what they learnt on Small Wide. Similar structure for crash protection. Also MP1 is very space efficient. It would be hard to achieve with Small Wide without heavy revision. AFAIK they are using new production line for Argo. But maybe reused some tools.
  13. 2018 Jeep Commander and Jeep Grand Commander’s configurations leaked
  14. GSE T4 Hybrid 350v > white paper to start of production 2018 GSE N3 Mild Hybrid 12v > white paper to start of production 2019
  15. AFAIK FCA will have high voltage hybrid with one upcoming engine. I don't know where they will put it. In which car or cars. Start of production will be this year. IMO likely candidates are 500x/Renegade. But maybe they will put it inside of Alfa. I don't know. For example micro hybrid in Suzuki style will come next year. Maybe they are waiting next generation Panda/500.
  16. Who said that? Is it a full or mild or plug in hybrid? I'm sure we'll see mild hybrid Giulia this year. US Veloce with 350 HP. AFAIK FCA Italy will put high voltage hybrid into production this year.
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