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Tutti i contenuti di Bare

  1. The main problem. It's overweight. If I got it right. Compared to Evoque they replaced read McPherson with multilink?
  2. Torque vectoring will be offered on some Giulias bellow Quadrifoglio.
  3. Compass 2.0 diesel is short living. They will be replaced in the near future with Euro 6d diesel engines.
  4. SCR is the key. We'll see which system will FCA use. I believe that it's a Faurecia's as in recent PSA engines. And in the future IMO we'll see 1.6 and 2.2 Euro 6d diesel from FCA.
  5. S 560 and S 560 4MATIC new V8 (M176) with cylinder shut-off: 345 kW (469 hp) and 700 Nm S 450 and S 450 4MATIC newly developed 6-cylinder Inline gasoline engine (M256): 270 kW + 15 kW EQ Boost (367 hp + 20 hp) and 500 Nm S 500 for the first time with 6-cylinder Inline engine(M256): 320 kW + 15 kW EQ Boost (435 hp + 20 hp) and 520 Nm S 350 d, S 350 d 4MATIC newly developed 6-cylinder Inline diesel engine (OM656): 210 kW (286 hp) and 600 Nm S 400 d and S 400 d 4MATIC 250 kW (340 hp) and 700 Nm
  6. AFAIK it's a Koni FSD. It's even an option on a new Jeep Compass but I don't know if they offered it already.
  7. In Kragujevac there is a strike for a 3rd consecutive day.
  8. They changed maps with one software updated. I don't know why but they got a lot of unsatisfied customers.
  9. No AWD, no multilink... So it's a MQB-A0, unrelated to Audi Q2. And false stitching on plastic. lol
  10. Bare

    BMW X3 2017

    AFAIK he is 195 cm tall.
  11. Bare

    BMW X3 2017

    And exact dimensions are?
  13. They should call this award German Engine of the Year. This is ridiculous. What should Alfa do to win an award?
  14. It's in America! He said they will be in the dealerships next week.
  15. Used Punto II is more expenive than competitors. At least here in Croatia. What's old Golf in compact segment that's Punto in subcompact.
  16. No V6. Engines are 2.0 turbo and 1.5 turbo. There will be a 10 speed automatic.
  17. Mirafiori was empty, was ancient, and even now it's pretty much empty. On the other hand Pomigliano is new and modern and with some tooling very similar as in Melfi. I really believe that cost of converting Pomigliano to Small Wide is much smaller compared to converting it for Giorgio. Also using small platform could allow some other possibilities like a Q2 competitor.
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